Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friend with Gardens

Friends with gardens share the abundance

giant zucchini
makes delicious zini zingers.....tasty squares with onion, garlic, cheeses, almost like a quiche. Would anyone like the recipe?

And more delicious zini bread, this time with dried cranberries and raisins, and walnuts.....


I love my generous friends! I took them a loaf, too. But there's still more zucchini left. Back to more baking!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Hi Suz,
    uhhmmmm ,this looks so tasty and good,-this year I don`t have zucchinies in my garten, but also after opening my shop (14 years) I don`t find much time for baking.
    Enjoy,the great dinner.

  2. Thank you, Dorthe. The zingers disappeared very quickly. Do you miss not baking? I didn't bake for a while, and I found I missed it a lot. Hugs

  3. They look yummy, can you tell me what are zingers...must be an age or cultural thing.

    But i would love the recipe yes please

  4. What are zingers? They look really yummy. I would love to have the recipe

  5. The zingers are zucchini squares that taste rather like a spicy quiche square that can be eaten hot, warm or at room temperature. I prefer them warm, but that's just me.
    This recipe came to me from my good friend Shirley G.
    Zucchini Zingers 350F
    1 c flour
    1tsp baking powder
    1/2 c grated parmesan
    1/2 tsp oregano
    2tbsp parsley
    1/2 tsp salt
    4 lg eggs
    1 clove garlic, chopped
    1 1/2 c mushrooms
    1/2 c veg oil
    1/2 c chopped onion
    cayenne pepper
    1 1/2 c grated zucchini
    8 oz shredded mozzarella

    Combine all but the last 4 ingredients. Fold in the zucchini then place the batter into a greased and floured 9x13x2 pan. Sprinkle with cayenne and tarragon, then add the grated mozzarella, and bake in 350F oven for 30-40 minutes. Test with a toothpick. Cool 5 minutes and cut into squares. Adjust the cayenne and tarragon as to your preference. Enjoy

  6. ooops, the mushrooms should be chopped, too

  7. Ooh YUM!!Suz, these both look great.I have copied the recipe and I think they'd make a great breakfst(Sunday morning!).

  8. Suztats,
    They all look tasty! You are teasing us all to come visit your home so we can test them for you..right? LOL!

  9. Hi Suz
    I can't wait to pick our next lot of zucchinis = (although will be a while yet!) to make that beautiful dish Zucchini Zingers. That was lovely of you to share these with us.
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Bsotf, you know you're welcome anytime to taste-test my zingers, or zini bread, or just for a cup of tea! Hugs

  11. Thank you, Suziqu! I sure hope you enjoy the recipe once your zucchinis grow! Hugs


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