Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's Not The Tatting!

I know, there's nothing special about this tatted bit.  Or is there? It's just a simple ring and chain repeat.
It's not the tatting, it's the thread!    A thread discovery!  And I just had to share this with you.
I was working on a little gift for a friend, and pulled out some brown thread from my sewing basket. But the thread seemed a little too heavy for using in the sewing machine. I put it aside.        Later, when I wanted to tat a decoration to sew onto the gift, a little light bulb went off in my brain. Hmmmm, would it work? Gotta try it! Yes, that lovely brown thread tatted up very well. It's a firm thread, and probably won't need any blocking. About the size of Perle 12 thread, it feels nice on the hands.
I remember several tatters were having problems finding brown thread to tat little critters. What is it?     
It's Button and Carpet Thread, a cotton-polyester blend, on a spool of 75 yards! That's a lot of little critters!
So check your sewing section for different threads for tatting. Who knows what you might find!!
Hoping you make wonderful thread discoveries!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    I know I have several types of thread in my sewing box. From darning to tatting thread. Plus I have some leather cord too. I do love your tatting & it's brown thread, how cool is that!

  2. I've found the button & upholstery thread good for jewelry too. I've also used top-stitch thread which is a bit heavier than regular thread but not as heavy as button/upholstery thread. Colors ARE limited though. :-)

  3. Hi Bsotf, I hadn't looked for 'other' threads to use in my tatting, before. Guess I hadn't thought of it. I wonder if thin leather cord would work. Is it thin enough to thread the needle or be wound on the shuttle?

  4. I'll have to try it for jewelry, Gina. Thanks for the tip! Any other thread I've used tends to str-et-ch when I make bracelets. I haven't checked the colour variety--I just found it by accident in my sewing basket. But I'm hoping there's quite a range, and I'll be checking next time I'm in town. Hugs

  5. Suztats,
    It depends on how big the cord is & what shuttle you use. Leather is one of the things I know about. Dang are you in my head? LOL! Cause things are getting mixed well if you are. LOL!


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