Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rusty Bits Sachet

The sachet is finished, and filled with fragrant lavender buds. Looking like a small purse, it has layers of rusted lace and tulle, muslin, a 'hidden' embroidered flower, french knots, tatting and beads. Not including the strap, it measures  a tiny 2 1/2" x 4 1/2", just the perfect size for hanging under a special blouse, or for fitting into a drawer  to scent the contents.
There's an oval of  tatting along one edge in brown button and carpet thread. It seems to echo the dark tones of the rust on the laces and fabric, and repeats the thread used to make the 'hidden' flower.
Then I added diagonal lines of  topaz bicone crystals following the pattern in the lace for a warm touch of bling. My friend loves bling! In the pic, it looks as though there is colour behind the lace, but there's only the rusted fabric underneath. It must be from blowing up the picture. I do, though, love the rust lines on the lace!
Here's the back--layers of tulle and two kinds of laces, and a 'V' stitched with cotton perle #5 in colour 436, a nice shade of rust. My friend arrives soon, and she'll find this little sachet wrapped and tied with a ribbon, sitting on her bedside table just waiting to be discovered. I sure hope she likes it!
I've had so much fun making this sachet, and have enjoyed using the rusted bits so much, that there is now another small bundle of laces and fabrics and tulle percolating outside in the yard, sitting on a rusty piece of old tin roofing. Can't wait to see what developes!

My friend will be staying for several days, and, although I have one or two posts ready for my blog, I may not be able to reply to your comments because we'll be busy visiting and creating and knitting and catching up. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Susan, it is so very beautifull, I love the rustet matarial, and all the tulle,and laces you have used for this unusual,and wonderfull laven sachet.
    I wish you a wonderfull week, with your friend-with happy houers.
    xo Dorthe

  2. wow..she's gonna love it :)
    "Creativity,thy name is Susan"!!! ;))

  3. Suztats,
    That purse is so cute! Even if it is to make things smell sweet. YOu could make one & not put anything in it so you could use it for your mad money too. LOL! Then you know you have money to buy supplies with to make more stuff for everyone to enjoy. I do love it!

  4. Thanks Bsotf! I think it's cute, too. Luckily, so did my friend. And, you know, life is kind of funny...when my friend arrived, she brought me a gift of lilac sachet! Crazy weird!

  5. Thanks, Deepa, she did! But I can't take credit for the idea......I've seen rusty fabrics and sachets on other blogs and I was just trying it out for myself since other people made some lovely ones.....


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