Monday, October 18, 2010

Last Canoe Ride

Last weekend,  DH and I went on a canoe ride around the lake. It may be the last time this season since fall is in full swing, and colder temperatures have arrived. It's time to pack away the summer furniture, and the canoe.
Here's what we saw:
The neighbour's canoe was already beached for the winter. Shortly after I took the picture, it was packed away.

Looking onto the lake to capture the last rays of sunshine

 fall colours

The last canoe ride of the season. sigh.
Hope you enjoyed the scenery.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. DEAR SUZ,

    looks so wonderfull a nature ,- what a special canoe tour- compared with my wiev of the ocean, this is so quiet,romantic,and silent....
    wonderfull photoes.

  2. It is usually very peaceful and silent on the lake once the cottagers have returned home,Dorthe, and I do enjoy a paddle around. Where I may have quiet for solitude, your ocean view delivers raw power with the energy of the surf. Do you find its rhythm invigorating? Hugs

  3. hello
    Magnificent landscape I come at once if I could?


  4. Hi Corinne,
    Mais oui! You would be most welcome! We could tat at the lake.

  5. I enjoyed the scenery a lot, beautiful. My brother in Sweden is bringing his little boat in from the lake now too, winter creeping in!

  6. It's kind of sad, Karen, storing the boat for the winter and saying good-bye to the warmer weather. Knowing that white stuff will be flying about and settling like a cloak over the ground and rocks, makes me shiver. Not yet, I hope. Ah, well, the joys of living with changing seasons; I think I'd miss it if I lived in a warmer climate. Hugs


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