Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Card Swap

Doreen liked one of my cards from Painting Experiment #1, and so I sent it to her. She sent me this card in exchange:

Machine stitched layers of paper with a wonderful picture of this sassy lady decorate the front of this card. I just adore that hat!

Thank you, Doreen, for sending me this lovely card. It makes me grin!

Hope you'll be smiling today!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. That is a lovely card, love the hat on her too :)
    Sounds like a great swap!

  2. Suztats,
    That's really neat one classy lady sent a classy lady on a post card to another classy lady! So cool!

  3. Lovely to get nice surprises in the mail. Love the card.It must be getting pretty chilly where you are!!When does the snow usually begin?

  4. Thanks, Whytefeather, I do like it! It was an unexpected, but delightful swap! Hugs

  5. I do, Doreen,I do! Thank you so much! Hugs

  6. Bsotf, you are sweet and kind. I've never been called classy before, so thank you! Hugs

  7. It is, Judy! It is getting chilly, and the snow we had melted, but 'they' say more is soon on the way with colder temperatures. Brrr! Hugs


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