Friday, November 5, 2010


Friday afternoon the snow was still falling, and it looked like this:

It was so dull and grey, it looks as though these are black and white photos.

DH came back from town, and brought the mail! Two big envelopes. I couldn't wait to rip into them and discover what treasures were hiding within.
 This wonderful package of goodies came to me from Bsotf! Fabrics, wired ribbons, satin ribbons, and  2 Workbasket Magazines!! I've never seen a Workbasket before, and now I have two! And they each have tatting patterns!! How neat is that? Thanks so much, Bsotf, I love it all!

"Tatted Flurries" is Sharon Briggs' new book, and my copy arrived today. Yay!
I love snowflakes!
I see lots of tatting in my'll be hard to choose which one to try first!

Aren't they gorgeous?

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your postman sure is busy ;)


  2. Ohhh, nice delivery!!! I am not so excited about the fact that your photo has moved indoors and there is a definite chill in the snowy environment...

    Enjoy your new reading material! That snowflake book is very enticing!
    Fox : )

  3. Your snow photos look Magical to me! I guess if you have to live through cold Winters snow would lose its appeal...but gee it's pretty!!

    Love those Goodies to brighten your day.

  4. Suztats,
    I'm so thrilled that you like your package. I knew that you would be able to make magic with anything I sent you. Wow, more snowflakes...better watch it cause you know snowflakes lead to making snow people..LOL! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Yes, Deepa, I like to have a very busy postman....itmeans goodies in the mail! And who doesn't like goodies? Hugs

  6. I'm with you, Fox! I could wait until Christmas Eve for the snowy white stuff, and then have it all melted on Boxing Day.......if only.....but that's not weather in Ontario, is it? sigh.
    I'm looking forward to tatting through my new book! That's the kind of snow I like best! Hugs

  7. Ah, Judy, it does look magical, I agree, and when the sun shines just right, it sparkles like glitter. But the cold, wet feet, and the shovelling, and shovelling....and shovelling....I tell you, 3 years ago when we had over 10 feet of snow....I thought the shovelling was going to do me in.....
    The goodies make up for the snow........Hugs

  8. Oh, yeah, Bsotf! Snowflakes can lead to snowpeople for sure! I might just build one or two! You've got my head whirling with possibilities from all those goodies you sent me! I'll have to have a good think on just what to make. Thanks again! Hugs

  9. How lucky you are to have your snow already, I love snow and the photos are great. What a lovely parcel to get

  10. Hi Jill! I admit to liking snow all glittery on the trees, and to crunching underfoot, even to making a snowman, or the whoosh beneath a toboggan rushing down a hill, but shovelling the stuff? Well, that's another matter all together. So, shall I send you my snow?
    It is a lovely parcel, and I look forward to having fun playing with the components. Hugs

  11. Well it's several days later, and all the snow has melted. We're having a warm spell of 5C! But it's cold out west, and it's coming our way! :-( Ah, well, that's winter for,...I mean fall. yikes.


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