Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, it's supposed to be a tatted heart:
'Modern Heart Motif' by Mark Myers
I think I tatted it too tightly, as the heart shape isn't quite right. I'll tat it again.

Wishing you a very
Happy Valentine's Day!
May your heart be happy!
I'm off to play crib with DH, and nibble on a bit of chili dark chocolate. Yum!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your first try at Tatman's Modern Heart Motif is very good! I'm sure your second try will be an even more pleasant tat.

  2. This is great, have a lovely Valentines day

  3. Hi dear Suz-
    and a very happy Valentines day to you too-

  4. Thank you for your encouragement, Isdihara! I hope it works out better the second time.
    Thanks Jill & Dorthe for the Valentine wishes. Hugs

  5. Do I detect a heart shape in the snow in your header photo? How did that occur?

    I've wanted to do that same tatted heart. Pretty colors! What thread did you use?

  6. Happy Valentine's too Suz. I noticed that heart shape on the lake earlier - tis lovely. Would the gorgeous tatted heart still work if you folded it out the other way (or are the picots fixed together?) Would look very pretty with a picot edging ....

  7. These are lovely but the snow heart on the lake is as good a Valentine as any!

  8. Hi Kathy, yes, DH can be a romantic, and has created a heart, tramped through the snow, on the lake for me each year since we moved here. The first year he used up all my red food colouring! He's done it twice so far this year because it was snowed out.
    I used a crochet cotton varigated pink for the tatted heart. It's rather thick, so it must be a 10. I haven't used such a thick thread for quite a while. Hugs

  9. And a Happy Valentine's to you, too, Valerie! Hugs

  10. hope you had a great valentines day!! You certainly were surrounded by lots of hearts!!

  11. I did, thanks, Karen. Hope you did, too! Hugs

  12. I'm full of admiration for your tatting skills - I once had a go and I can vouch for the fact that its not easy!
    Thanks for visiting me...hope you had a perfect Valentine's day with your lovely DH.

  13. Linda, thanks so much for your comments. I needle tat and many bi-tatters have said that the needle is much easier to learn, so, if you've only tried shuttle-tatting, maybe you'd like to try it with the needle. I had a great Valentine's and hope you did, too! Hugs


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