Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Tats

I'm still working on my white piece, and creating tatting embellishments.
 I joined together 3 'ribbons' of fancy picot stitch to create this seam adornment. You can see the coloured thread running down the middle between two 'ribbons' of white.
 It's thick and stands up 1" above the fabric.
 In the centre, the 'ribbon' is created with the varigated thread I've used elsewhere. On each side, I used three threads to create a white 'ribbon':1 strand of DMC size 30, and two strands of super-glossy white embroidery thread.

It sure is shiny! And frilly! Ooops, and it looks as though I need to do some ironing!

It's joined to a line of tatted rick-rack or node stitch. I have a bit more of the white 'ribbon' to add.

This is where I placed the fancy picot 'ribbon'.

And in the lower left corner is a stem with a small flower opening, and one in full bloom. ( fancy picot stitch)
 I like the 3-d effect of the fancy picot flower. There are beads in the flower centres, but it's difficult to see them in this pic.

I've added some embroidery to the hanky

and to the wedding lace. Embroidered hearts seemed fitting. There are more hearts and more embroidery on the hanky piece to do.

I'm not quite finished my white piece yet. I'm having lots of fun embellishing, and I haven't even begun to use beads, or SRE. Choices, choices.

Hope your stitching or tatting is bringing you a whole lot of pleasure!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suz,
    it is going to be so beautifull,
    you have worked so much beauty inside this piece, it will be a fantatsic art piece, dear.
    Happy tuesday to you.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  2. What a soft, sweet piece of work.

  3. That is certainly a labor of love... beautiful!

  4. Dorthe, I hope you're right! I've been taking it slowly, and examining the piece each day to see what it needs, and trying not to rush in without thought. I'm hoping to create something I'll love. Hugs

    Judy, I think part of the allure is that it's a very subdued and quiet colour for this piece. Working within a small colour frame is a challenge for me, but I'm surprised just how much I'm enjoying it. Hugs

    Thanks Diane! I am finding that the more I work on this piece, the more I enjoy it, and the more I love the result. I'm relatively new to CQing, so I wonder if this is the addiction getting a hold on me? lol Hugs

  5. Hi Suz,

    What a lovely piece you are working on!
    The patience and care you are taking with it will produce an heirloom for many years to come!

    Enjoy Your Day!!

    Hugs and smiles,

  6. Thank you, Susan, for such a nice comment! I have been taking my time working on it and deciding what comes next. Maybe I'm a little afraid of ruining what's there. Or making it too busy. I've learned a few new stitches, though, and I'm enjoying every minute of stitching. Hugs

  7. Susan, this is just gorgeous you should be very proud of this beautiful piece of work.

  8. Thank you so much, Shirley! I am pleased with it so far. (oops hope that doesn't jinx it!) Hugs

  9. Suz what a fantastic piece you are making, love the white embroidery and tatting embellishments.

  10. Thanks Anni! It's coming together bit by bit, and I'm just loving it! Hugs

  11. Oh damn everyone has said what I am thinking, you are onto a winner here, also had a look through your blog and you have some fabulous work in there. Glad to see everyone is working so hard.

  12. Thank you, Karen! That means a lot coming from the Embroidery Queen!!! Hugs

  13. You say such nice things, Jill! I am having so much fun playing.Thanks, and hugs


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