Sunday, March 20, 2011

Surprise Package and Spring Arrives

I  found a surprise in my mailbox!
Inside was a beautifully embossed card with added bling and a figure.
See the goodies inside the card? An ATC, a ribbon with metallic leaves, a large, lush ribbon festooned with sequins, beads and metallic thread, and 3 blinged leaf motifs.            Beautiful!
The ATC has glass beads, threads, a metallic stamped leaf on a background fabric that shimmers and changes colour
Another shot, showing the colour variation. So pretty and well done for a first ATC!
The smaller motifs are embroidered, multi-leaf stems.  Each is outlined with gold thread, and has a gold trimmed, tiny mirror.
Aren't they pretty?
Deepa sent all these lovely embellishments to me!  Such a wonderful surprise!  Thank you so much Deepa! 
I am blessed with a lovely and generous friend.
How have you been blessed today?

Spring arrives tonight. It's not soon enough for me! Now, if the snow would just melt, and the temperatures warm up, I'd be happy.
A little note:  I'll be taking a 2 week break from blogging.  A few things going on right now will be claiming most of my time, so, although I may be able to blog hop now and again, I probably won't be posting. Have a great 2 weeks!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Hi sweet,
    Such a lovely gift-Suz
    and all in bright wonderfull colors.
    I hope that ,what will keep you away from blogging ,is some good things-and wish you wonderfull 2 weeks, till we meet again.

  2. whatever it is that will keep you away I hope it's fun!!

  3. Thanks Dorthe. It's not fun, but it may be good. We'll have to see. It involves some major changes. Hugs

  4. I wish it was fun, Karen, but it's not....just a lot of work and possible changes. If,.....
    I'll tell when I can. Have a good 2 weeks. Hugs

  5. Lovely gifts, I feel like stitching a leaf shape.....!

    hope all goes well, see you!

  6. Glad you like it dear Suz. Hope all's well and make good use of your break.

  7. What a lovely gift to receive. Hope all is well with you - will miss your posts, so come back soon!

  8. enjoy your awesome cards and goodies, Suz.

  9. What a wonderful surprise package Suz, I'm sure you'll make something nice with the pretty ribbons and leaves.

  10. Congratulations Suz, you have won a stylish blogger award from Shirley. For details go to


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