Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday Tats

Happy March!
Fox shared her wonderful pattern 'Maeve' with The Online Tatting Class. I wanted to try out a thread from Yarnplayer-- "Teeny Bopper' on this pattern to see how the colours flowed.


Aren't the colours pretty?
(a little blurry around the edges, sorry)

But,.....you'll notice the motif isn't finished.  Looking over the whole pattern .......what?.... No!!

I'd missed part of the repeat in the 3rd row!  Arrgh!!

I'd already tonked several times, because I wasn't paying attention, but this error would require major tonking or surgery. gulp!

 Although I like the thread, I think it's too busy for this pattern. Because I'm distracted by the colours, the pattern isn't visible.  Or is it just me?   What do you think?                                            

What about tatting it in white? And  how about
adding some subtle seed beads?  ( Hmm, they don't show up in this pic very well)    

So this is my progress, so far. I love the pattern!

I could stop here and have a lovely mini-motif and be quite happy. I think, though, I'll add the third row with a few more beads and see how it looks with the full pattern in white.

Thanks so much, Fox, for sharing your pattern!
Have you been tatting today?
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I kind of like Maeve in Teeny Bobber. It looks like a cluster of flowers!

  2. It does look like flower clusters, and the thread is very pretty, but I can't see the pattern as clearly with the colours. It's probably just me. Hugs

  3. Well they both look really pretty to me, but as you know, I'm not a tatter (yet)! But I can fully agree with you that sometimes too much colour distracts from an intricate pattern - for instance, you'd never knit a fancy aran pattern using varigated yarn, would you?

  4. That's true, Janet, but I'm sure you'll be a tatter in time! Hugs

  5. Agree with you suz, too many colors in the first one.White is much better.

  6. Your tatting is wonderful Suz, love them both.

  7. Well, not being a tatter I don't notice the missing repeat- looks pretty clever to me!

    Been catching up, you have been busy. I'll follow with interest this card prompt thing your doing with painting - & I found out what a triad is, thanks! I only knew the kind of triad from my councelling skills class last year, working with 3 people listening, talking observing. Good to know i use triads in the studio without realising ;)

  8. Hi Emma. It's a nice pattern, and I think the error would be more easily seen in one colour, but I'll try not to make it when I finish the white one. lol Glad you are enjoying my painting challenge. it really gets me thinking, and experimenting. Hugs

  9. Sometimes errors are good , they help us realise where we want to go and what to do in future. Just had a look at your previous posts and love the variety in your posts

  10. That's true Jill. And thanks, I like to putter in a lot of different media. I have fun playing. Hugs

  11. beautiful!! but where is the white piece????

  12. Hey Karen, check back later today for a little update on the white piece. Hugs


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