Sunday, April 10, 2011

Feeling Better

Thank you, everyone, for leaving all the wonderful get well messages on my last post. It's so nice to know that you're sending good wishes my way! And look! They worked!
The fevers are gone, and although I'm still hacking away, I'm not as wiped out as I was. Happily, I'm feeling better.
So, I thought I'd post about a package I received.
I won Jillayne's giveaway of a handmade tissue holder.

 I tucked a package of tissues into the holder as soon as I opened the package. Isn't it pretty? And I love the decorative silver button.
But Jillayne tucked in a few extra goodies.

 a horseshoe charm, a wing charm and a heart button were hidden in a small fabric bag with a set of calendar cards
a lovely card with a nice note

Tissue paper wrapped and tied with a 'peace' button revealed a fantastic surprise!

Now, all you tatters, no drooling on your keyboards! See this lovely tatted doily?  According to Jillayne, this piece came from Dawson City, and it is believed to date back as far as, or close to, the Gold Rush!!
Wow! A Tatting Piece of History!
I can only imagine who made such a fine piece, how it was used, and by whom. The tatting is very delicate, and looks to be made from thread comparable to size 80.
It's gorgeous, and I shall treasure this doily. Thank you, Jillayne, for entrusting it to my care.

You can see in the picture that each tatted circle is the size of a quarter!

This package certainly brightened my day!

I hope you are all well and enjoying some sunshine.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. What a great old piece!

    Glad you are feeling better!
    Fox : )

    **the security word? achin!!

  2. Great package! I'm glad you're feeling better now.

  3. Suz,
    I'm so thrilled to see that you are feeling so much better! You was blessed with a very good gift! I'm so happy that you won it!!! Yes, it's great to know it brighten your day too.

  4. Hope you are all well by now! A good mail day really makes one's day!

  5. Somehow, a pretty tissue holder makes the need for tissues less irritating. What a great, timely gift! I love the doily. Now I feel the need to dig into my super fine thread stash and tat something tiny!

  6. Thank you everyone! I'm still taking it easy while I get rid of all the chest congestion, but I'm so happy to be on the mend. Hugs

  7. I'm so glad you showed the doily in relation to other objects so we have a better idea of the size. Oh,lucky you! No wonder you are feeling better!

  8. Glad to hear you're feeling better Suz and hope you stay that way!
    And I am also glad to know you like the gifts - the tissue holder sure came in handy at just the right time!

  9. Hi Suz, congratulation ,it is a wonderful gift packet you won from sweet Jillayne -and I´`m happy you are feeling better,dear -hope your sunday is a good one.

  10. I am glad you are feeling better. WOW what a treasure in the tatted doily. Your pressie are wonderful. Hugs Judy

  11. What a dear that Jillayne is! Such lovely gifts and something that she knew you would love, the tatted doily.

  12. Suz glad to read that you are feeling better, what a wonderful gift the tatted doily is very beautiful.

  13. So glad you are feeling better and what a lovely " Get Well " parcel ---- x

  14. Thank you, everyone, for your lovely comments! Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday! Hugs

  15. Hi Suz
    So sorry to hear that you have been wiped out lately - really hope you are coming good again -
    a little sunshine could really help.
    Hugs, Suzy

  16. Keep getting better, lovely win! (hope the keys i used survive ;)


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