Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last Week

My good friend Shirley came for a visit, and we had a wonderful 5 days of catching up, painting, stitching, and a wee bit of shopping while out for lunch. Thanks Shirl!  It was so much fun!
On StitchMap, we had a challenge tute for a card holder, and this is what I made:

 I found a cute package in the mailbox .

Thread and goodies from Fox!
Thank you!

I've been tatting with the perle, but can't show any pics just yet.

It was so hot this past week, even the blue heron was trying to chill!
I took this pic on Thursday when it reached 39C!!

This was a blog giveaway from Angela   .

 Lucky me to win these fibers and goodies.

Thank you, Angela! I have a few projects in mind, and these fibers will be perfect!

I treated myself to a few new books to help with my CQing and knitting, and they finally arrived.  I'll be doing lots of reading.

Some garden pics

  ground-covering rose

pink and purple clematis

These ferns grow on the edge of the forest. I love the effect of mottled sunlight flickering across their surface.

My thoughts and prayers are with those families affected by the recent violence in Norway.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh, that poor hot heron! Lovely capture!
    Fox ; ))

  2. Thanks Fox, it was a lucky shot taken from the livingroom window. Thank goodness for picasa, or else the heron would only be a grey dot.
    Poor thing suffering in the heat. Hope you're cooler today. Hugs

  3. Oh I love crochet, but I don't know a thing about tatting! I love it though....maybe someday I'll look into the art of it all!

    looks like you've got plenty of books to browse through and some delicious new supplies to play with! the fun never ends when you're a creative soul, am I right?!!!!
    Have a great Day!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  4. Hi Suz, your weather has been amazing- unheard of. We often get belting hot Summers here, but that's normal.Glad you had a lovely time with your friend.Love your Goodies too!Poor heron.
    Great books! Don't you just LOVE books!!

  5. You are so right, Carmelita! It's always fun to play, but new and unusual supplies add that extra spark!
    There are lots of tutes and blogs about tatting now. I've learned so much from them!

    Ah, Judy, we've been melting in the heat. But at least I have some new books to read when it's too hot to be outside!

  6. Dear Suz wonderful new books you have bought, there is nothing better than new books, also some wonderful gifts you have recieved.
    Have a nice week.
    Hugs Anni

  7. I like your photo and the StitchMap very nice!

  8. Hope you're cooling down soon, Suz! Your poor heron should move into the shade, or dive into the water! Reading is sometimes better than crafting in the heat - not so sticky! Nice little card holder, by the way.

  9. Thanks everyone for your comments. ;-)

  10. Hi dear Suz,
    I don`t know if I will say you are lucky..but here it is so cold-that I envy you :)
    Also love your books-it it alwayes so great to buy books, I love going to bed with a new book ...
    Hugs, Dorthe

  11. Well, Dorthe, I look at it this way...I can always put on more layers of clothes, but there's only so Much I can take off......... Hope it warms up for you, soon.
    I love books, too! Hugs

  12. Norway......there are no words.
    I hope your heat has subsided.

  13. The heat has eased a bit these past few days, but we're told the heat and humidity will return in the next day or so, and continue into the following week.
    Norway....there is bewilderment and sorrow.

  14. I am catching up from having company for a week. Looks like you have been busy. May your heat turn to cooler temps. Yes, prayers for Norway...

  15. Love the little card holders. You're so lucky with your wins! Guess what, yours fom me is finally in the post!!! Sorry it took so long ;)about 5 days from yesterday, hope there won't be a strike this end!

  16. Createology, I hope you enjoyed your company as much as I enjoyed mine! It's cooler today, but I'm told it won't last.....sigh
    Hope your day is sunny.

    Emma, I truly have been very lucky with wins! Hugs

  17. Nice card holder. I never could manage tatting-yours is wonderful. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  18. Thanks so much, Sandy.Hope you're having a lovely Sunday.


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