Sunday, August 21, 2011

In The Meantime

I've been working on some projects, but I can't show just yet.  My satellite connection has been disturbed by all the rain and thunderstorms of late, and I have been unable to post. So, here's what's been happening......

 Across the ocean came this lovely journal from Emma with laces, FME, hand embroidery, and applique. It's gorgeous.

The pages are of heavy weight watercolor,
 so I am free to paint, sketch, or add photos.

front and back view. As you can see, the entire cover is decorated, and beautiful. Thank you, Emma! I love it!

My 'mother-in-law's tongue' has bloomed yet again.
The flowers are quite delicate looking, but have an unusual antiseptic aroma, and exude sticky drops. I was told it was unusual for this plant to flower (is it?) but mine has been doing so twice a year for a couple of years now.

On the back deck, one of my potato vine plants is also flowering. I've had several varieties of this plant each year, but this is the first time I've had any flower.

They have a bell shape to them, and the hummingbirds enjoy the nectar.

Dorthe sent me this beautiful card. I love the layers of fabric, laces, and papers, stamping and buttons. Thank you, Dorthe!

I'm in a CQ Round Robin on Stitchinfingers, and received this block from Kim.
The pic is Kim's Mom, and the lace and fabric below the pic came from Kim's wedding veil.
I hope to build on the flowers Kim has started, bring more attention to the lovely picture, and repeat all the delicate colors of the block to create a soft and romantic feeling.

I've already begun stitching, and I'll share pics later once it's in the post to the next participant.

In the package, Kim included two cute finger pin cushions, and metallic thread in a wonderful variegated colorway. Thank you Kim!

Out in the garden, Chipper sits on a low stump and keeps watch for Cody-dog.

Some of the plants are already changing color! Oh, no!
It's too early!!

Rock-Man watches the seasons change, unconcerned.

On the lake, the waterlillies bloom in the morning

floating on the waves

I think I'll take my mug of coffee down to the lake, and sit and watch the fish jump. There's room for one more. Join me?

I hope you're enjoying a wonderful Sunday.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. My mom had a mother-in-law's tongue for years and years and years. You couldn't kill it! But I never saw it bloom.

    Lots of lovelies in your post!

  2. I'll join you...get the kettle on!

  3. So many wonderful pictures you are showing Suz, beautiful journal Emma sent you and the RR so lovely, have a nice week.
    Hugs Anni

  4. Breathtaking beauty! And such a cute little Chipper.

  5. I worked in an office where there was a MIL tongue plant. It grew so well it had to be replanted a couple of times. I never saw it bloom. You must have yours in just the right place!

  6. Thanks for letting me know about your Mom's plant. I can't kill mine, either. lol
    Have a great week.

  7. Thanks, Anni! I just love that journal! I'm almost afraid to use it! Hugs

  8. Thank you Isdihara, it's a beautiful spot. Chipper is cute, but a little shy. I haven't trained him, yet. Hugs

  9. Deb, it must like the window seat area. It gets light from both a south and west window. I guess I'd better not move it! Have a great week. Hugs

  10. Hi Suz, I have never seen the flower of a mother in law's tongue plant before. Funnily my mother in law had this plant all around, but I am sure I never saw it flower. It is quite beautiful for (dare I say it) quite an ordinary plant! Reserve a space for me by the lake and I will join you telepathically for a cuppa. Looks good. A lovely journal you have received. Nice that it has watercolour pages.

  11. The coffee's all made, Dianne, and waiting for you. Thanks for letting me know about your MIL's MIL's-tongue. I think the flower is delicate and pretty, but DH just sees a sticky mess! Hugs

  12. So funny! My mom and Gram both had one of those plants which were kept in the dark, never watered, covered with dust, or so it seemed to my younger self. The plant in my memory is covered with cobwebs and neglect. But it lived f-o-r-e-v-e-r! And NEVER blossomed!
    Fox : ))

  13. Your lake looks SO serene - I'd love to join you! Your potato vine is quite different from mine - it is a vigorous tall shrub (about 10 ft) with masses of mauve flowers from spring through to autumn. The flowers look like potato flowers.

  14. Such a shame it never blossomed--it's a very pretty flower. It must love all the light it gets from the window seat. Funny, but when I first bought it, I was going to stick it into a dark corner.........;-) ....glad I didn't!

  15. Hi Janet. Our lake is often very calm and reflecting the forest around it. I love looking at it as it changes moment by moment. No wonder there are days I don't accomplish very much! lol I wonder if our 'potato vines' are are the same plant? They sound quite different. Thanks.

  16. Your journal gifted to you is precious. As for the CQ piece your stitching will totally enhance this lovely square and I look forward to seeing your progress. As for MIL Tongue plants...I cannot believe yours flowers. I had many for decades and never saw any type of flowering. Very cool indeed. Happy week to you...
    P.S. Those finger pincushions look intriguing.

  17. Thanks for the mention, so glad you like it - use it! then you can replace the pages ;)

    Lovely plants, never seen a mil flower, it must be as happy as you near that beautiful lake - I'll have coffe, please ;)

  18. Coffee's ready, Emma. Maybe I should take my beautiful, new journal down to the lake for some sketching.

  19. Thank you Createology. Most people who've commented haven't seen a MIL's Tongue flower, so it must just love the window seat and my neglect. It's root-bound and I give it a sprinkling once a week, but not much water.
    The CQ is coming along, and I'm pleased with its progress so far. I think I may save that journal for pics of our anticipated first grandchild--a girl expected in October! I'm thrilled. Hugs

  20. Hi Suz,- you are so very welcome,dear.
    The plant is fantastic, we do have it --with the same name, in DK-- but I also never saw it blossom.
    The book is so beautiful,and also the RR- blog.
    Hugs across the oceans.

  21. Thank you Dorthe, and hugs back.

  22. Are you done with the coffee yet?...If yes,make a second cup...coz Iam on my way ;)


  23. Oh, Good! I've made a fresh pot!


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