Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lift Lock Tour and a Surprise

Last month, I had a birthday, and DS and DDIL invited DH and I to Peterborough for the day. They took us on a Lift Lock Tour.

The day was sunny and warm.

Yup, that's me in the funky hat and the huge sunglasses.

Funny, we're all dressed in blue.

What's that in the water? 

Look at the texture and staining on this concrete wall! Part of one of the lift lock walls, it's just over 100 years old.

We saw Canada geese gathered on the bank as we cruised along the river. People picnic'd at wooden tables along the river, playing games with their little ones.

 We're returning to the tallest lift lock to drop down to the lower level.

Looking over the lift lock edge to the visitor's center below.

See how high up we are?

This is the lift lock wall. Over 100 years of water have left their mark.Now, if I could just wrap that in fabric....think of the rusty bits it would make!

The tour was two hours long, and an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.
We went back to DS and DDIL's place for a delicious supper and dessert. We played a fun game of Quiddler, and I had a lovely day!

In the mail, though, a box appeared.

All wrapped in a bow and with this lovely hand-painted card

from my wonderful friend Shirley G.!

What was inside the pretty box?

CQ goodies! Lovely ribbons, and buttons, sequins, and lace, plus

a round marble box inlaid with a flower and leaf design. Isn't it lovely?

inside are the cutest little heart buttons!

I'll be having lots of fun with my CQ goodies. Thanks so much Shirl! What a wonderful surprise!

 In the forest, the 'Doll's Eyes' are full and watch me as I walk along the driveway. One has already been plucked.
Some of the plants are changing color. I love the green along the veins, and the golden-yellow-orange dots against the red.
 and the wild berries are turning red. Soon they'll disappear as forest creatures gather them. Are they stashing them for the winter?

I hope you've had a wonderful Saturday!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Peterborough Lift Locks? That's not far from me!!! I live in Lindsay. Happy belated birthday...sounds like you had a great day and got some pretty cool treasures too.

  2. Yes, just around the corner from you! Actually, we were hoping to move to the Lindsay area, but, alas, with the market the way it is, our home didn't sell. rats. oh well, maybe next year if the market picks up.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes--I had a marvelous day! Hugs

  3. Glad you had a lovely day Suz.Belated birthday wishes too.
    Lovely box of Treasures!!

  4. Thanks, Judy. It was a lovely day. Hope your knee is improving daily. Have a sunny day.
    Hugs from Suz

  5. Belated Birthday Wishes to you, Suz. Looks like you had a grand day out. What a lovely card and gift as well. And I've never seen 'doll's eyes' before - they look interesting!

  6. It was a grand day out, Janet, and thanks for the birthday wishes. "doll's Eyes' are called that because the white berry resembles china eyes once used in dolls. The actual plant name is White Baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) and grows wild here in rich forests. The berries are poisonous.

  7. Wonderful way to spend your birthday with family and doing something so relaxing. Your gifts are lovely and thoughtful treasures from your friend. Blessings and belated happy birthday...

  8. Wonderful post and photos! The Lift Lock is beautiful - and amazing! I certainly wish you a belated Happy Birthday!

    Did I read correctly that you are planning on moving away from the lake? It kind of startled me, however I can certainly understand that you would like to be near your family!

  9. Happy belated birthday. Never saw a lift lock before, thanks for sharing the photo’s. We have a lot of locks in our country, but no lift locks.

  10. You're right Createology. The best gift was spending the day together. Blessings to you, too.

  11. Thanks, Kathy. Yes, we decided it would be better to be closer to family and doctors. Our DS is 1 3/4 hours away, and he's the closest. It makes getting together with family difficult, especially in winter.
    We do love the home we've built by the lake, but we miss our family and friends too. Hugs

  12. It's a strange sensation being on the tour boat and watching the scenery as we are lifted above it, Annet. Glad you like the pics. Hugs

  13. Ohhh what a fabulous time you must have had. Love the pictures you post they are so nice. Also your pretty gift box and card are stunning, what a lovely surprise for you
    have a fantastic day my lovely friend
    hugs June xxxxx

  14. Looks like you had a great time, thanks for sharing your lovely pictures, Happy belated birthday

  15. Thanks so much, June. It was a lovely day.

  16. I did have a wonderful day, Margaret. Thanks for the birthday wishes.


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