Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Sunday Walk in Autumn

Happy Autumn!
The days are growing cooler, the sunshine weaker, and the nights carry frost's icy fingers.
My peonies are wearing their autumn colours

This maple turns a glorious orange

the small bushes are turning scarlet

the ferns browning

golden glow

 The driveway becomes full of colour

This thin maple was bowed by the ice storm two years ago, and has never recovered and becomes a golden arch each fall.

returning home, a shot of red and burgundy rests against the deep green of the conifers

 even at the lake, there are changes
 in the underbrush
 yellows and reds, gold and brown reflected in the water
all around the shore the forest is changing, preparing for the winter ahead.

Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Awesome pictures. I also love Autumn. It's my favorite time of year. Visit my blog at

  2. B-E-A-U-tiful pics! You sure are getting good with that camera... must be your natural artist's eye ;). We look forward to enjoying the scenery with you in person in a couple weeks!
    -- Chad & Victoria

  3. Just gorgeous :) I am amazed at the beauty of fall every time I step outside! A painting of nature everywhere you look. Super photos - thanks for sharing.

  4. I love the color changes in the fall!Thanks for sharing your pictures. I'm hoping we'll see some color change soon.

  5. Nice blog, Dee, and some cute fun stuff on there. Thanks for your visit and comment!

    Hugs from Suz

  6. Thanks, Anonymous! ;-) teehee
    It's mostly the camera and Picasa, I must admit. Oh, yeah, and 'Mother Nature'!
    Love & Hugs

  7. Thanks Happy Bluebird. I'm so glad you enjoyed the pics. I think fall is my favourite time of year, too....not too hot, and no bugs! ( well, almost) and splendid colors everywhere.

  8. Hi Diane. Being a bit north, our colors seem to change about 3 weeks before it does in areas like Toronto. I'm lucky enough to see the changes daily out my windows. Though there aren't too many deciduous trees in my 'backyard', the few we have make a good splash.

  9. I love the autumn or fall as so many call it. You have taken some beautiful photos, Thanks for sharing them

  10. Thanks Jill, I'm so glad you enjoyed them.

  11. wonderful Autumnal colours. You live in a beautiful place....

  12. Yes, I do, Karen. I am blessed and very lucky.
    Hugs to you.

  13. Aah your photos Suz.Your Canadian maples are legendary.What a lovely place Canada seems. You live in a very beautiful nook Suz.

  14. Love autumn, we must all be walking but yours is so spectacular, I only have a lot of bare paddocks close here, and the threat of a hot summer to go through. Although I am enjoying the spring weather.

  15. Your photos of autumn are awesome Suz Autumn is always a great time of year and brings respite from the hot summers. Thank you for sharing your views of this wonderful part of the world.

  16. Thanks, Judy. Yes, this is a lovely little spot we have in the forest beside the lake. We'll hate to leave it when the time comes, but I'll sure enjoy it while we're here. I haven't seen all of Canada, as it's so vast, but what I have seen is beautiful. Hope you're having lovely weather.

    Ah, but I've seen pics of your gardens, your horses, and your coast. There is much beauty everywhere in this world, we have just to 'see' it, don't you agree? Enjoy the warm sunshine, Penny.


  17. Thanks, Shirley. I'm so glad you enjoyed them!


  18. I am enjoying your photos from your Sunday walk through Autumn's glow. The colors seem to be changing sooner this year than last. Or could it be that time is just passing faster than I realize?

  19. I LOVE that view you have (as you know!), and it's amazing to see how 'early' the leaves change up there!

    We have slight hints of those changes here right now (SW Pennsylvania), but we don't get into full 'bloom' until the middle of October, which is fine with me. It can be quite breathtaking and I like to see it happen slowly! Of course, it's followed by a lot of raking the yard!

    Thanks for posting these great photos!

  20. Thank you for sharing your beautiful autumn colours, Suz. Ours have just started here in the southern UK, although we've been promised an indian summer this week!

  21. Hi Createology. I think it's a bit of 'a little late, so a little fast'. The colors usually begin to change here in late August, but didn't start until almost mid September. Once begun, they have been changing very quickly. I like the dark reds and burgundy against the dark green, but those colors are mostly gone by the time the leaves hit the 'peak' of color. That often happens by our Thanksgiving, this year on October 10.
    I find that, for me, this time of year flies.....there's so much to do in the house and gardens to prepare for winter, and next spring. Hope you're having a lovely day.

  22. Thank you for sharing your lovely Autumn colours, winter seems to be coming fast this year.

  23. Thank you Kathy, we do love it. Our leaf changes are actually a little later starting this year. They usually begin to change in late August. But I think they picked up speed....... Our peak is just before Thanksgiving, depending on the storms, but by then, my favourite red and burgundies are mostly gone. I'm glad you liked the pics.

  24. Hi Puppet Lady. Thanks for leaving such a nice comment, and I hope you get your indian summer. Maybe you can send some my way? Is it conducive to more knitting? lol

  25. Hi Margaret. Maybe it's because I love autumn, but I think winter comes too early every year, and then it stays much too long! lol At least my bones think so. I'd much prefer a longer fall and shorter winter. Ah, well, I'll just have to enjoy autumn while it's here.


  26. Thanks for the lovely photos Suz! You are right, autumn is always too short - and in Eastern Canada, where I'm from - winter is definitely too long. They are much more clement here in the UK but the autumns lack the gorgeous colours I miss.

  27. I'm so glad you enjoyed the pics, Frivole. I've never had autumn without the changing colours. I think I'd really miss it, too.

  28. Hi dear Suz- what a fantastic place you live,-I know you have showed beautiful photoes before, but seing the surroundings now, is so spectacular-and so very wonderful.-All those strong autumn colours are just gorgeous.

  29. Thank you so much Dorthe! I love the fall colours. I think it's a nice gift from Mother Nature to sustain us over the long, grey winter while the deciduous trees stand with bare branches.

  30. Susan nice to see all the beautiful colors of autumn..glad for you Susan that you have an opportunity to watch them changing every day.. thanks for sharing those beautifully captured pictures..wonderful..i still remember the pics you sent me last year..

  31. Thank you Lakshmi, I remember the colorful leaves you stitched. Hope you are doing well. Hugs


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