Sunday, November 27, 2011

Inspiration Sunday November 27, 2011

Hello. Sorry I missed last Sunday: my satellite connection died a week ago Friday so I was without the internet and a phone for a week. So, you might think that would mean I got a lot done,  right?  Ummm, no.
It seems I also have a sinus infection, so I wasn't feeling up to much, I'm afraid. The meds gave me some unwanted side effects, so now I wait until Monday to call the dr. for another prescription. I'm sure I'll be feeling fine before long.
In the meantime, I did start my painting.
The Challenge:
card 1:-  choose your favorite color, and create a painting using different hues and values of the color. Use also the color you like least.
card 2:- paint glass arranged in an interesting way.
I first thought of broken glass, wondering how it might reflect the light and color. Then I thought of crystal and how the cuts in the glass fractured the light. I played around with several crystal containers, but finally chose the following:
The inspiration:
The decanter lid, turned upside down onto an old painting creates interesting color fractures

Once I blew up the photo and intensified the light, I could see more defined areas within the glass.
I wanted to capture the variations, so, although I used my favorite Antwerp Blue, and my least favorite Naples Yellow Red, in attempting to recreate the colors in the photo, I would have to deviate somewhat from card 1.
Since the correct angles would be crucial for a realistic representation, I traced the shape of the decanter lid, rubbed the reverse with a 2B pencil, then 'drew' it onto my watercolor paper.
Although I do want to paint a representation of the glass, and the color reflections, I am not concerned with photo-realism, so I didn't trace the areas of reflection.

I began laying in different washes of color

adding some background

This represents approximately four hours of painting. I hope to return to this over the next week and have a completed painting by next Sunday

My Christmas cactus has been blooming.

a shot of Turtle Island on a cold November morning.
the mist is barely visible, but I love all the different colors in the rocks and the reflections

It's grey and raining here today, but I hope you have a little sunshine in your day.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. That painting is going to be amazing!
    Fox : )

  2. Love your painting...I really enjoy seeing what you come up with, always interesting and lovely!

  3. Love how the glass painting is turning out, it intrigues me how you lay in the colors. Beautiful morning view of your Turtle Island :)
    Lucky you with the Christmas Cactus, I never could keep them alive.

  4. I hope so, Fox. I'm pleased with the start. Hope you're having a good weekend.
    Hugs from Suz

  5. Aw, Julie, what nice things you write! (blushing) Thanks!

  6. Hi Stacie,
    I'm usually an impatient painter, so this glass painting is a challenge! I have to add in the colors gradually in layers, waiting until it's completely dry before adding the next. Sometimes I get the intensity I need on the first application, but not often.
    I used to drown my cactus. Once I ignored them, and let them be pot-bound, they seemed to do much better.

  7. Suz you certainly captured the play of colour on the crystal. I liked the way it all came to life when you added the background colours. Gorgeous painting.

  8. What a lovely surprise I had when I spoke to my son and daughter in law this morning. They showed me the wonderful card you sent them on Skype! They were thrilled and I was so thankful for wonderful friends. So. Thank You so much. I hope the little bibs eventually arrived?
    Kindest Regards Linda

    it realy looks like glass, dear and the colors are amazing.
    No sun here- but huge storm almost orcane high storm and rain......
    hope the house still is here tomorrow, as it is going to be worce in the night.

  10. This is so interesting. I love the way you have gone about it as painting glass is so difficult and you have captured it so well.

  11. The painting is lovely and reminds me of Karen Vernon's earlier watercolor work. She used to do a lot of paintings with glass pieces and a nice collection of bottles and bowls of all sorts. Though her newer work is great, I miss seeing the watercolors like she used to do.

  12. the painting is fabulous so far!

  13. I hope you are feeling better. Meds give me unpleasant side effects too.
    The painting is coming along nicely.

  14. Love,love that card...beautiful reproduction..finish it soon,we're waiting...

  15. Thanks, Shirley. I think it looked funny before I added the background. At least now there's a reason and reference for the colors. Hope you're having a wonderful day.

  16. Hi Linda. I'm so glad the card arrived, and that baby's parents like it. It was a pleasure to make!
    Yes, the bibs arrived a little while ago, but I hadn't spoken with DD for almost a week, and then I lost my internet and phone....argh! so she couldn't let me know. Thank you so much. DD was thrilled with the bibs and touched by your kindness.

  17. Thank you Dorthe! Hope the storm was not too severe.

  18. You're right about glass being difficult to capture, Penny. I just hope I don't blow it. Hope you're having a good painting day, too.

  19. Hi Ladyhawthorne! I'm not familiar with Karen Vernon, so, I'll have to check out her work. I love to see the work of other artists, thank you.

  20. Thanks, Gina! I hope I can be patient enough to finish it, and not wreck it. Cross your fingers for me, okay?

  21. Thanks, Sandy. I'm not feeling too badly, and waiting for a new prescription--one that hopefully won't have the side effects! Hope you're having a great day.

  22. Hi Deepa. Thanks for the lovely comment. I'll try not to disappoint. ;-)

  23. love your definitely rose to the challenge!

  24. Thanks Karen. I'm happy with the start, but still working on the rest. Have a nice stitching day.


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