Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Boho Bag Beginnings

Gerry  Krueger of Older Rose blog and Block Talk with Gerry had a giveaway a little while ago, and I was so lucky to win.
Here's what I found inside the box she sent me:

ribbon-wrapped and what's that little round shape on her card?
 Wow! It's one of Gerry's fabulous hand-painted MOP buttons! Isn't it beautiful?

I love how the rose just glows!

beneath the wrapping was this roll of fabric.......

more roses.....perfect!
I love this pattern!

I opened it up to find all this!
  A wonderful assortment of delicious fabrics and trims!
here's a closer look

I love the ribbon with the beaded trim, the gimp, the ...well, everything.

Thank you so much Gerry!

Now, I'm heading back to Gerry's Boho bag tute. You can check it out here. I think I'll be sewing for a few days.......

Hope you're having a creative day.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh wow! Lucky you! I looked that tutorial over a few months ago. And then I found a bunch of wonderful fabrics as I was sorting through my stash so maybe in 2012 I can make one too!

    And I LOVE her buttons! I have several just waiting for that special project!

  2. Lucky me, indeed! I was shocked when I won, and then to find one of Gerry's gorgeous buttons included in the giveaway....wow! I've already started sewing, although what I created wasn't a real boho bag, I don't think......
    I'll look forward to seeing your beautiful boho bag.

  3. Oh the fun you will have. The best part about Gerry's kits is all the fabric is there and you don't have to think about coordinating fabrics! No more digging through your stash, just sit down and sew. The button she included is beautiful!

  4. How wonderful! Lovely fabrics and trims!

  5. What treasures!You'll have fun with them.Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  6. A fabulous assortment of fabrics and trims Suz-I bet you want to start straight away.

  7. The bag is indeed gorgeous, and although I admire it very much, I would not have the patience to put it together! However, what astounds me as much as the bag is her amazing tutorial! It's actually a 'book'! I can't believe she uploaded 75 photos, with detailed instructions! How generous of her to share this!
    And an amazing giveaway! I know you will have a great time making it! Wonderful fabrics and trims!

  8. Lucky you on winning the kit! Love all the patterns and colors in the fabrics and trims. Can't wait to see your version of a BoHo bag!
    Have fun!

  9. Hi Suz!

    What a fun project for the New YEar! Lucky You! Making a couple BoHo bags is on my "Creative List 2012" too!

    Just wanted to stop in and say Merry Christmas and my best wishes to you and your fmaily for a beuatiful New Year! I'm so happy 2011 brought to it our friendship.

    Nicki Lee

  10. Lucky,lucky,lucky YOU!!Good on you..have loads of fun.Thanks for putting up the link. Maybe I might make one too....
    Have a HAPPY, HAPPY time at Christmas and beyond.
    Love Judy

  11. You're right, Deb, I couldn't wait to get started. I've already finished 2 bags and have a topper for a third! I'll post when I'm finished in the New Year!


  12. Thanks Jenclair! I've been having fun with them!

  13. I've already had some fun with them, Sandy, and look forward to more playing once the Christmas rush is over. Merry Merry!

  14. Oh, I already did, Doreen! Fun! Fun!

  15. Kathy, I was amazed by the wonderful package Gerry sent me. I've read her wonderful tute several times, and I keep going back to take in more. I've been having fun!

  16. Well, I must admit my Boho is more like a boohoo! Actually, I love it, but I did deviate from the pattern somewhat. So I'm not sure it still qualifies as a true Boho bag or not.

  17. Oh, Nicki Lee, I couldn't wait for the New Year! I received this a little while ago, and have been working with the wonderful fabrics. I have 2 bags finished, and a topper for another one.......whee!
    I know you'll create some gorgeous Boho's in 2012, and I'll be checking back to see them.
    I hope you and yours have a Wondrous and Blessed Christmas! One of the best things about 2011 was making so many new friends. I'm so glad you're one of them!

  18. Thanks so much, Judy! There's some Boho Madness going around.......... You'd make a gorgeous bag for sure! I hope you and yours have a Joyous Christmas, and All the Best for 2012!

  19. You ALWAYS get amazing post!! Sending lots of wishes for a great Christmas to you and yours!!

  20. What a lovely win & yes, aren't peeps generous with their goodies & tuts!

    Have a wonderful time over the holifays making more ;)

  21. Karen, I do, don't I?! I've been very lucky, and people have been so very generous! Joy to you and yours this Season!

    Thanks so much Emma! Hope you have a lovely Holiday too!
    BTW, I found a delightful card from you in the mail today. Thank you! Merry Merry!

  22. What a lucky girl you are...I have purchased a kit from Gerry and will be putting it together in 2012....don't you just love her buttons!

  23. Her buttons are gorgeous! You know, it was kind of funny-strange.....I was planning to buy one of Gerry's kits, but then DH had to have some dental work done, and the truck needed repairs, so there went the budget. And then I win her giveaway! Lucky? You bet! I'll be interested in seeing your New Year Boho Bag.

  24. Aren't you going to have a lot of fun! Gerry's buttons sure are pretty; the purse should showcase yours nicely. Happy stitching!

  25. I've started having fun already, Judy! Thanks, and Merry Christmas!


  26. Thanks Max! Wishing you and yours all the Joys of the Season.

  27. Lucky you! I'm looking forward to seeing the beautiful bag that will be made. I know already it's going to be beautiful.


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