Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fluttering Away

I've been doing some tatting, and I've made some butterflies for a friend.
Lyn Morton's Butterfly pattern from her book Tatting Jewelery tatted in vintage Clark's size 30

tatted in vintage Twilleys size 20
hmm, looks like they need blocking                                                                     

Too blue in Lizbeth's 'Peacock'

in vintage J&P Coats size 50

and the smaller one in size 70

showing sizes

Here they all are

All but the bottom 2 are fluttering off to my friend

And this?
Well,.......... I was experimenting.......
It's supposed to be a butterfly ......
a side view with double layers of both top and bottom wings

turned out a little frillier than I'd planned

poor thing looks doubled over in pain, and it can't straighten out

oh well, back to the drawing board........

Hope you're having a fun day
Happy February tomorrow!

Thanks for visiting
Hugs from Suz


  1. So cute, these little butterflies. You have been busy!

  2. :0 What precious, tiny creatures you've created!

  3. Wow! Your butterflies look wonderful. I had my tatting lesson this week and in 2 hours I managed about 2 inches of tatting that was mostly wrong. I think I've kind of gotten the hang of it. There certainly is a knack to it that's for sure. I just posted a few pics of my first attempts if you'd like a chuckle :) Thank you for your encouragement and wonderful blog to keep me inspired to learn!!

  4. Hi Janet. I've been tatting away (and retro-tatting) in the evenings while watching TV. I'm doing a couple of swaps for tats.

  5. Thanks Jenclair. Butterflies are fun to tat, and they look so delicate on flower CQ blocks. I like to have a stash on hand..........but I've run out!

  6. Congratulations on your tatting class, Jeanette! Yay! It can take a while to get the hang of it, especially if you're shuttle tatting. My first lesson, I made mostly the wrong kind of knots, started tatting with my tail thread and wondered wha? I had such a jumble!
    Have fun practicing!

  7. Suz, I love all your tiny wee butterflies. Tatting is so beautiful and you do it so well.

  8. Thanks, Magpie. They are fun to do and easy enough that I can tat them while watching TV. Have a good week.

    Thank you Dianne. I'm still learning a lot about tatting, and I still have a ways to go perfecting my tension, but I do love to tat!

  9. these are wonderful Suz, I love the pastel, and of course all of them them.

  10. Thanks, Shirley! I'd love to see some real ones fluttering outside........well I'd like it to be warm enough, and sunny.........

  11. your butterflys are wonderful and will look great within your cq work.
    just a thought . . . the last one that you thought looked like it was in pain, i can almost see a snail here . . . maybe some added embroidery, etc and it would completely reveal itself . . . do you see it too?


  12. You know, Libby, I can almost see a thin snail carrying a huge shell on its back! The poor thing looks overloaded. ;-D I hadn't seen that before. Thanks!

  13. Hello Suz, Your tatting is always glorious to look at. Actually I really like your experiment butterfly. Those tated wee circles are wonderful. Hugs judy

  14. Thank you, Judy! That butterfly sure was lacy, and I did enjoy the experiment. Poor thing. lol


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