Wednesday, January 4, 2012

TAST 2012 -- week 1

TAST  week 1 :

  I've made a  book of double-layered fabric for my TAST challenge. I hope to stitch on the front of each side, hiding the backs when I then stitch the rows together, adding seam binding for a smooth finish. That's the plan, anyway. We'll see if it works. ;-)
This book has 30 panels, so I may need to add more, have two fabric books, or use more than 1 stitch/panel.  When completed, the fabric book will fold up accordion style, I'll add or create a cover from the panels, and tie the book together.

I've given the fly stitch a longer tail, and joined rows of fly stitch together to create a honeycomb pattern. I thought the stitches in the upper right section of the panel looked like geese flying in formation. The Y in fly is formed with a fly stitch. What fun.
Sorry the thread color doesn't show up better-- I may decide to use some darker colors next week.

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season. Best wishes for a creative New Year.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. This is a great idea...I am being indecisive as to the format I want to do my TAST stitches in, I guess I better decide quickly so I can get started!

  2. This is so pretty! I really like the colors you've used. This will make such a pretty book. I will probably post mine tomorrow. I wasn't clear on how/where we should post, so I will follow your lead.

  3. This will be a wonderful sampler book of stitches. Blissful and Creative 2012...

  4. Love the idea of your book, Suz. I've been working with the fly stitch in honeycomb pattern, too. I'm loving working with this stitch!

    I'm going to be using at least 2 stitches per prayer flag, but I'll be using the fly stitch on more than one flag.

    Like the "fly" among your fly stitches!

  5. Looking good. I made a book when I did take it further, not sure where I will end up with TAST this time, still think I may use it for various things I am doing, then again, who knows, just want a bit of time to settle, hot then cool days are very tiring. Would rather have winter!

  6. Nice job! I've started my page but am not done. Your honeycomb is a variation I want to add too.

  7. I love this, can't wait to see how it progresses

  8. Thanks, Julie. I'll be watching to see what you come up with. Happy stitching.

  9. Connie I used DMC 4170 and J&PCoats 0225 floss, 3 strands. I look forward to seeing what you stitch.

  10. Thanks, Sherry. I hope you're right.
    Happy creating.

  11. Thanks Jenclair for your nice comments. This stitch is a lot of fun, and quite adaptable, I think. I may just include it on my CQJP blocks, too.

  12. I'm not sure you'd like our winter much, Penny, as the temperatures are fluctuating dramatically. Yesterday it was -21C! and in a couple days, it should be +1C with rain. Guess the weather is still weird. I look forward to seeing your TAST work.

  13. Thanks Gina. I look forward to seeing your stitches.

  14. Thanks Bree! Me too.
    TAST is Sharron B's Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge, for learning new or refreshing known embroidery stitches, to utilize in our stitching works. The TAST 2012 has just begun. You can find more info on her Pintangle blog, or follow the link in my post.

  15. Should have waited to see your honeycomb before doinhg SBS's bonnet! Nice idea to do a book as you'll have a good record of your stitching.

  16. Hi Judy, and thanks for your nice comment. I'm hoping the TAST book will make a nice keepsake. I'll be checking on SBS's bonnet.

  17. Great fly stitch sampler, I like how you used the fly stitch in the name too. Hope to find some stitching time this weekend, I finally prepared my fabric yesterday.

  18. Like the honeycomb pattern you gave to the fly stitch and making a book out of all the stitches. I haven't decided yet on how I'm going to put all my stitches together. Guess I'd better decide soon!

  19. great idea, the honeycomb looks good

  20. Thanks, Annet, I sure hope it works out as planned. I look forward to seeing your stitching.

  21. Hey, whatever you decide to do, JennyPennyPoppy, I'm sure it'll be great! I'm eager to see it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment, bluemuf.

  22. They are pretty, but they don't show up very well......I may have to rethink my colors......

  23. The stitches look like they are "flying" away. I like it. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  24. Always something different to see on your blog, Suz! This is pretty - good luck with the rest of the book, and I look forward to seeing it!

  25. Thanks Sandy. I thought that, too.

    Thanks Puppet Lady! I do like to try different things........Best wishes and hugs

  26. This is pretty.

    I am behind, now have two stitches to do.


  27. Thanks FlowerLady! Maybe you can combine the two. I'm imagining some interesting results mixing them together. Stitch on!


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