Thursday, February 9, 2012

TAST- week 6

TAST for week 6 is the Chevron stitch.
I had a little bit of fun with this one.
Here's my sampler:

I played with different sizes of the chevron

Then I tried a double chevron

See that? the m's and the o are chevron stitches, as well as the w
 layers of chevron and a monogram M inside a chevron stitch box

the indoor lighting created a yellow tint on the cream fabric
The O needs a bit of work on the spacing
turtle island Wednesday afternoon

wonderful shadows

you can see the reflection of my camera in the window....guess I should have gone outside to snap this pic.

my red amaryllis was in full bloom
4 flowers were open at the same time

when the sun shone through the window, it created oranges and interesting shadows on the petals

Hope your day had sunshine!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Chevron seems the prefect stitch for a monogram. I have the right first name for it. Some chain stitch flowers around it and it can be my initial. Thank you for this idea ;)

  2. Your amaryllis is beautiful - a lovely warm colour which I'm sure helps you keep the cold outside. I think you were wise to stay indoors!

  3. The Amaryllis looks so lovely with the sun through it. I am behind with my stitching, read a book this week instead!

  4. Beautiful flowers! A nice thing to have around this time of year. I had fun with the Chevron stitch this week too. My maiden name was Von Weihe, so this stitch would have been perfect although the 'C' would have been a little tricky.

  5. That's so true, Marjolein, the M is perfect for you! I hope you post a pic when you're finished stitching it.

  6. Hi Susan,
    Monogram is perfect..
    I just loved flowers..especially the one where sunrays changed the colour of petals to orange..wonderful sight..

  7. Yes, Puppet Lady, whenever I look at the amaryllis, I think of warm, sunny days, and wish for summer. I go out for my walk every day, but sometimes it is a little too cold to enjoy for very long. Hope you're still having sunshine'

  8. Perfect stitching on monogram Susan..
    I just loved the pictures of flowers especially one where sun rays changed the colour of the petals in to orange..lovely are blessed !!

  9. oh, tsk, tsk Penny! Reading instead of stitching? Naughty! That's 5 lashes with a perle 5 for you! lol Hope it was a good book.

  10. Well, hey Connie, I think the C would turn out just fine! The E, now, that could be a challenge. I look forward to checking out your TAST post.

  11. Thanks, Lakshmi. I just happened along when the sun performed its colour magic. Isn't Mother Nature wonderful?

  12. Thank you, Isabelle. Your chevron sampler is really nice, too! I quite like the motifs you stitched.

  13. I love how you used the stitch to make letters.

  14. What a beautiful Amaryllis - such a bright contrast to the snow! I like the chevron letters!

  15. i'm fascinated with this stitch 'in the round' . . .
    i didn't try it myself (looks a bit difficult) but have seen a few chevron circles that i really like~!

    that amaryllis is getting better and better. love the way the sunlight revealed the other color within it.


  16. Thank you, Jenclair. Such a shame the amaryllis blooms don't last longer--mine are fading already.

  17. It was a little time consuming getting the chevron stitched circle, and as you can see, my spacing was off a bit. It was fun, though, to try something a little different.
    Thanks LibbyQ

  18. Suz your chevron stitch sampler is so beautifully made, the monogram is great.
    Hugs Anni


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