Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mail Call and Chikan Embroidery

 During the last couple of weeks while I was ill with bronchitis, a few things appeared in the mailbox to make me feel a little better.
My book order arrived, and I spent several happy hours leafing through the pages.
The Chikankari book is filled with wonderful patterns, but no stitch instructions, so I'm glad I'm taking Anita's  Chikan Embroidery SAL
The book on needle -made laces is a replication of the work first published by "The Woman's Magazine Office" in 1938. It contains some stitches in various types of lacemaking, and even a chapter on tatting!

I'm looking forward to reading more on Schwalm and Mountmellick  embroidery.
 From Jillayne, I received a beautiful surprise-- a tag with a hand-stitched heart and a secret word stitched onto the back.
Thank you Jillayne. It certainly brightened my day!

And then came a thread parcel from a secret friend. Lots of wonderful colours to use in my embroidery and CQing!

 Hidden underneath the thread is a tatting shuttle. This is the third shuttle I've received as a gift this year!
Do you think someone is trying to tell me something? To tempt me from the needle to the shuttle?
Hmmmm....ya never know....wink

Thank you so much, Secret Friend! This will supply many happy hours........
 I've completed the first 2 lessons of the Chikan SAL that Anita is teaching.

Stitched with a hand-dyed variegated embroidery floss in 'pink grapefruit' on white muslin.
I'm having fun learning some new techniques. Anita's lessons are very well written, and there has been so much interest, she's decided to start a second SAL with the help of her Mother, so, there may still be an opportunity to join in.
Lesson 3 has been posted. I wonder what I'll learn this week?

We've had such beautiful weather the last few days, with lots of sunshine, and temperatures around 20C. 
The lake is still mostly covered with  ice, and each morning, there are layers of mist rising above its surface.

Such an eerie atmosphere!
Turtle island appears through the mist, then is gone a moment later as the layers swirl, lift and dance with the slightest breeze
The ice has melted along the shore, and open areas of water are appearing here and there on the lake

Spring has arrived! Yay!

I hope you are enjoying wonderful weather wherever you are.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    Those are amazing gifts, books & work!I enjoy all the things you share with all of us.

  2. Thanks Bsotf! Hope things are going well with you.


  3. I am sorry you are not feeling well, I didn't know that. I hope you will feel better soon. I am sure the spring weather will help a lot.

  4. I am really sorry you have the icks, I am trying hard not to let my chest cold turn into bronchitis, that stuff hurts so bad, I hope you get better real fast:X

    I love your new embroidery, it is really interesting, how you see the one pattern on the front and the other pattern shown through like that from the opposite side. I have been enjoying catching up on my reading, and ty for posting your progress hun :X very neat to see what you have been doing :X

  5. It`s always great to receive items in the mail!!! You look like you will be busy with all your goodies!!


  6. I'm feeling much better now, Marjolein. I just have to clear all the crud from my system. The spring weather feels nice and warm and the day is always better when the sun shines, right? Hope you're having some stitching fun.


  7. Thank you Bree! Make sure you stay warm and well rested, okay? You really don't want that bronchitis.

    I'm having fun with the new embroidery, and Anita posted lesson 3 today, so I hope to be stitching tonight!


  8. I will Kelly, thanks. I've been very lucky with wonderful mail surprises. Hope you're having a sunny day.


  9. Sorry to hear you have not been well Sue, hope your chest clears soon and you are back to your old self.

    I have the Mountmellick and the Schwalm books. Both these techniques are wonderful to work on. You will really be hooked once you start stitching them.

  10. Hi Shirley! I'm trying to cough up all that crud.....must be tons of it in there.....ugh. But, I'm better today than I was yesterday. yay!
    Nice to know you have the same books. I'm looking forward to learning both these techniques.

  11. Hi sorry to hear you have been ill. Mr. C and I had that and know just how miserable you are. Good to have some new deliveries to entertain you. I see a lot of new stitching in your future. Your Chikan Embroidery is beautiful. I was able to sign up but have not found the correct size needles yet. Healing Hugs Dear...

  12. Glad you are feeling better now and enjoying all the glorious thread and shuttle (soon I hope). ;p

  13. Hi there! I'm feeling much better now, thank you. I think you'll enjoy the Chikan Embroidery, as it becomes meditative once you get the rhythm going on your stitches. I must admit, though, that I didn't worry about the needle size.......just used the thinnest needle possible that would accept the size of thread. Living so far away from a sewing shop means I often have to use what I have on hand.

  14. Thanks Val. I'm enjoying the for the shuttle....well.....umm......

  15. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Watching your Chikan embroidery journey is great fun.

  16. Thank you, Jenclair! I'm about ready to start working on lesson 3.

  17. I hope you are much better???? your books look wonderful, I love to buy books....

  18. Sounds like you're on the mend? It's interesting to see your Chikan embroidery! (As well as your TAST stuff)

  19. Hi Karen,

    Yes, thanks, I'm feeling much better. I love books, too. I used to consume them, but I've slowed down a little in my 'old'

    Hope you're having a good weekend. I stopped by to see your gorgeous lace and ruched bits, but couldn't leave a silly connection I expect.


  20. Yes, Judy, thank you. I'm feeling much better now. I just have to catch up on my stitching........ack!

    I'm working on my Chikan lesson #3. Have a wonderful weekend.


  21. Our lake is doing the same thing, and I can stand at my sewing table each morning and watch the fog rise up... beautiful.
    I'm glad you like your little star - it was a pleasure stitching it for you!

  22. Suz, hope you are feeling much better now. You scored some lovely gifts there and your books look really interesting. Enjoy them!

  23. Hi Dianne. I'm much better now, thank you. I have been very lucky with giveaways, and I've been enjoying my new books. A delight to have something interesting to read while I was recuperating. Hope you're well and enjoying some nice weather.

  24. Is your lake ice-free now, Jillayne? I hope so. Spring is finally on its way! Thanks again.
    Hugs from Suz

  25. Hope you are feeling better now Suz.I know how it'll be when you have these issues it's terrible,isn't it?
    Wow! lovely pics.It tempts me to go and start a painting now...

  26. Anita, I am feeling much better now, thank you. The bronchitis was awful and I'm glad it's over.
    In which medium do you paint? I've painted this scene many times over the years, and it always seems a peaceful spot. Have a great day.


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