Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pebble #2: Finished!

I've finished Pebble #2! Yay!
Have a look:

This turned out quite a bit bigger (8") than my first pebble at 4.5 inches. But I do like the result.
It's really encrusted, isn't it?  I'm going to hold off on creating more pebbles for a little while.
Now I can begin on the Chikan Embroidery Class.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend. We woke up to another 6" of snow. groan. Where's spring?
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    Your pebble is amazing! Even if it is bigger than the other one. I like it. Thankyou for sharing with all of us.

  2. I really love the pebbles it looks like a lot of fun

  3. Hello Suz, Your pebble is truly a work of art. I love every stitch of it. What is "Chikan Embroidery Class" ?? Hugs Judy

  4. It is beautiful! Maybe even more so because of its size; so much more room to be creative!

  5. Thank you so much, Bsotf! You always leave such nice supportive comments, and I appreciate it!

  6. Hi Pippa's quilts! The pebbles are tons of fun!

    I'm enjoying your TAST stitching.


  7. Hi Judy, and thanks for the nice comments on my pebble. They are addictive fun!

    Chikan Embroidery Class is a SAL that Anita of offered to teach. I think I first read about it on StitchMap, but I'm not positive. Since I challenged myself to focus on embroidery and handwork this year, this was a wonderful opportunity to learn stitches used in India!

    Have a great weekend!


  8. Well, it certainly took me a lot longer to stitch, but I do like it! Thanks, and have a happy stitchy weekend.


  9. I don't know how to make them small either...LOL. I am still working on the first one. Just got some filling in to do. I decided to open an ETSY shop a week or so ago, and things are selling faster than I thought so it is taking a lot of my time to keep things stocked. I want to do some netting on my pebble, but it is tacked down on the edges...the directions in my stitch bible. Is yours tatting? Guess I could just not tack it, but without clear directions it probably wouldn't look right! With my limited experience I don't like to venture into new territory very often.

  10. A reef! That is stunning! You could do an entire wall of framed pebbles. You are so talented and I am so envious. Other than an occasional cross-stitch sampler, stitching is not my thing, but it is mesmerizing to watch.

  11. Thank you so much! They're a lot of fun, too!

  12. Hi Paristex. I've just put up a tute for the netting stitch on the Tuesday Stitchers blog, and you might find it helpful as I include instructions for a free-floating net.
    I hope it helps. Hugs

  13. Hi Stephanie. Thanks so much for your comment. I started with cross-stitch years ago, and things just never know , one day you might be making these, too. They are a lot of fun, and I'm learning stitches as I go along......

  14. I love your pebble and it's encrustation.

  15. This looks fabulous, I think 8 " would make a lovely show on a table and you can see it without picking it up. Snow, we seem to be heading into autumn fast, two layers to walk Max this morning, although the weather burea is forcasting low 30's next week.

  16. Thank you Sandy. I must admit, it's hard to stop encrusting once I get started. ;-)

  17. Thanks Penny. I'm hoping to make an arrangement of pebbles, either as a wall hanging or in a glass apothecary jar for our new bathroom. But, you're right, it does look nice on the table........
    Stay warm on your morning walks with Max!

  18. Your pebble #2 turned out beautiful! I love all those different stitches and the interesting textures. So full of color that keeps the eye dancing around! What is it about these pebbles that makes them so addicting? I am not sure if it is the fun of just making something up as you go along, or just the opportunity to let the imagination go wild....but they are so fun to make. Again You did a beautiful job!

  19. What a great pebble, I like the netting covering other stitches, it just pulls you in to look for more

  20. Your pebble is amazing, the colour and what you have done with it is totally brilliant.


  21. Thank you Deb! For me, I think it's being able to create as I go along, trying different stitches, and doing whatever I want! I'm still addicted! I have plans for more.
    Looking forward to seeing yours!

  22. Thanks Miss 376! The netting is fun and really easy to do, too! I like the effect it creates.

  23. Margaret, I love the warm creams and browns together. It reminds me of the beach and the colours of the sand, sea shells, and stones......
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  24. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful....and I am very sorry...but spring is here....I will send a little your way!!

  25. Susan the pebble is beautiful and the netting tutorial too!

  26. Thank you Karen. And, yes please to spring!

    Iris, thanks so much!

  27. Hi Suz
    Your pebble is truly amazing! I could look at it for ages to see all of the stitches you have used!
    Thanks for your recent visit about the time of my birthday1
    Have a great week stitching and enjoy some sunshine if you can!

  28. Wonderful! Oh, no, more snow?

    I saw someone tatting at the show I went to last week, very intricate!

  29. Thanks Suzy! I really enjoy doing the hand stitching on the pebbles.
    It's looking a little like spring today. :-) So that makes me smile. Have a wonderful week!

  30. I'm happy to say, Emma, that the snow has been melting. :-D I hope you're having some warmth and sunshine, too.
    Did you have fun at the show?

  31. Suz your pebble is so amazing with all of the detail stitches and textures. I feel certain that this would be in a future historical museum of hand stitchery. Your work is beautiful. Now I shall look forward to your Chikan embroidery as I don't know what this is. Happy stitching...

  32. What a lovely thing to say! Thank you. I really enjoy the stitching freedom the pebbles inspire.

    Chickan Embroidery comes from India, and is a style of embroidery often seen on clothing. There is some shadow work. The first stitch we learned creates a straight stitch on the front of the material, but a herringbone stitch on the reverse. Used with specific materials, the shadows show through from the back of the material creating depth and design.

    Hope you are having some sunshine and stitching.


  33. Thanks for your comments.Lovely pebble.I didn't know that you are also there in the pebble adventure group.I wish I have time to join you girls.May be I'll join a little later.I'll have to search for your first pebble now..

  34. Thanks Anita! The pebble adventure is pure fun!!

  35. Such a beautiful pebble!! How I wish there were more hours in a day....

  36. Me too! I'd make more pebbles. ;-D


  37. Your pebble is amazing Sue, it depicts a rocky sea shore beautifully and would not be out of place on any beach.

  38. Thanks so much Shirley! I think I'll have to make the next one a little smaller, though.


I love to read your comments!