Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rock Lover, that's me!

I love rocks! Do you?  In fact, I love stones and pebbles, boulders and rocks.
Where we live, there are lots and lots of rocks.
Every day we would go for walks, and each time we'd bring home a couple of rocks we'd found. We added them to our rock garden.
Sometimes we'd take the truck down the 1 km driveway and gather larger rocks, and we'd add them to our pile.

a look at one of our rock gardens

heuchera, roses, and lemon thyme

a closer look
wow, it's striped!
colours mixed in the same rock
and more stripes
so many different colours of rock gathered from one property
a chunk of gold quartz

and a grey rock with a white stripe down the middle

pink and grey granite abounds
I really love this speckled oval reminds me of a speckled egg
spots, too
rings of colour in layers
there's one that's both spotted and striped.
my plants love the rock garden, too

I'm still collecting rocks on my walks

You too?

Have a wonderful week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I never thought about rocks like this, thank you for pointing it out.

  2. Yur rockos are beautiful. We malso collected stones mfrom allover the World on our travels. When I have to clean them it is njust washing under the tap. Of course the bigger ones. are in the garden - they were used to give weight to the car
    when travelling through the Vosges (France) in winter.
    Meanwhile there is much moss on them, wonderful!

  3. sorry for the mistakes - I am writing with two fingers at McDo's

  4. Your rocks rock! I have always loved them and have a few of my favourites with me always in my tiny abode! One I have had since the age of about 10! That is a lot of decades. I carry one in my suitcase at all times and another in my bag that I carry daily - this till recently as I gave it to my 96 year old aunt! She loves them too!
    Fox : )

  5. p.s. I suppose the smaller ones are called stones?

  6. Rocks, stones, pebbles... Dave and I love them all! We didn't have many on our property, so Dave would collect them when he was on deliveries. There was a farmer in Indiana who was more than happy to have Dave take whatever he could carry home in his van. Our girls used to dread Tuesdays, because they knew we'd be unloading rocks. They really appreciate them now, especially since the grandchildren are fascinated by them!

  7. Your rocks look great, I am not a collector of rocks but I did find some marble bits in the sea when we went to halkidiki (Greece ) which I managed to bring home.


  8. Thanks Bonnie! Do you think Matilda likes rocks, too?

  9. Anneliese, my sister-in-law collects rocks from all her travels, too, and even remembers where she found each one! Hers are also in her gardens.
    I adore moss so I love the moss covered rocks, and, at first, I gathered one or two for the garden, but I noticed the moss disappeared. So now I enjoy the mossy rocks where they live and I visit them often.

  10. Isn't that fabulous Fox, having a special rock since you were ten! Wow. Now, if that rock could talk, what tales would it tell? heehee
    Lovely to have a friend for so long. You must get a good work out carrying your rock everywhere!
    I love their solidity, their agelessness, the knowledge they have been formed through ages. Some might say I am attracted to their mass and form because I need them to keep me grounded. ;-)

  11. Oh, so, maybe not so good a workout then? :-)
    Nice of you to share with your aunt.

  12. That's a great memory Diane! We used to get the 'kids' to help us sometimes, but they were adults then, and didn't mind too much. I did hear mutterings of 'crazy' and such, but I didn't pay attention!
    How is your rock garden?

  13. I love to spend time looking at rocks. cause ya' never know what ya' will find. What some think is just a rock, don't realize that it's not. But a tool that was used by people who lived on the earth long ago. Even the little ones love to collect rocks. Rocks are fun to pick up, collect, they can also be very relaxing to hold.

  14. That's cool, Margaret! What colour are they?

  15. You're right, BSOTF. I have a couple rocks with some fossil bits, but I haven't found any tools yet. There is something so satisfying about holding smooth stones in one's hand, and shifting them about. On a hot day, a smooth stone can feel so cool on the skin.
    Happy rock hunting!

  16. a lovely selection of rocks, I think liking rocks wood etc all goes with our love of stitching, I have never met any stitcher who did not like wood, I bought a lot of bark home from Australia, do not think customs would allow it now they are so strict, also have gum nuts, kangeroo paws (the plant) and a few other bits, naughty of me but I like them!!

  17. Finally! Now I know what to do with my daughter's growing collection! She currently keeps them in her bedroom but this is a much better idea and it doesn't involve shoring up the joists in the floor of her room!
    Lovely pictures and fun comments- thanks!

  18. Love rocks...always picking up new bits when we travel, little bowls and jars of them from this trip or that, better than any souvenir that can be bought. We have some larger ones from my husbands families ranch and my grandpas farm in the garden, and a fountain filled with river rocks from a favorite spot in Montana...they are treasures.

  19. I love rocks too, thanks for the photos!

  20. Do you think it's because we often stitch nature that we have an appreciation for it? I do.
    You're lucky to have brought home your treasures before customs got so strict.

  21. Yes, put them in the garden. We don't want the floor collapsing!

  22. How wonderful to have some from your Grandpa's farm and your husband's familie's ranch! Treasures, definitely.
    Do you mark the bowls and jars with the location of your finds? I think small stones would be perfect for a fairy garden.

  23. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised with the number of people who love rocks, too!
    When I first posted, I thought people might think I was a nut-bar! All I can say is, I'm in good company!

  24. I love rocks!!! Heart shaped are my favorite! I am always picking up pebbles and stones....I am like a little boy with his pockets full of treasures at the end of the day.

  25. Worms and bugs,
    pebbles and slugs
    Is that what's in your pockets?
    tee hee
    I haven't seen any heart-shaped rocks, but I'd love to find some. Isn't it funny what things attract? I love the shape, colours, and touch of stones. I don't really like all the creepy-crawlies underneath them, though. ;-b
    Have a fun day filling your pockets, Deb.

  26. I ADORE rocks - I even took some geology classes at uni, although that wasn't my major. I'm a total rock nerd, lol

  27. Dear Suz, what a wonderful collection of rocks, they are alwayes beautiful, to me -also, and I collect too, not as many as you have here, but I can`t let them stay, if I first see one I love :-) Wonderful!
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  28. Marie,
    Well, from one rock lover to another, welcome to the club!

  29. Dorthe, I know what you mean. Sometimes the rocks I fall in love with are too big to bring home, though. :( so I just have to go and visit them every now and then.
    Happy rock hunting.

  30. Enjoyed your rock post and pictures and I too enjoy looking, collecting and keeping rocks. Whenever I go on a trip I bring stones home with me. Smaller ones are dotted around the house on window ledges or beside a plant in it's pot. Feel like going out now and looking for a nice rock! Have a lovely day :)

  31. Isn't it amazing that so many artists love rocks? Maybe we 'see' more beauty there than some people do.
    Well, happy rock hunting. Hope you find a beautiful one.

  32. Beautiful rocks, and your rock garden is gorgeous!
    I have rocks/stones that I've toted around with me on our moves that used to be in my Mother's rock garden...that are a very small rock garden right now. When I find interesting rocks and stones I always seem to pick them up and drag those home too!
    My favorite I think is the third photo of the striped larger rock!
    Thanks for sharing your view!

  33. Hi Suz! Your garden is lovely, and yes, I love rocks too. I have small ones in dishes surrounding candles and others in little vignettes around the house. I'll never blow away, because I usually have a pocketful of rocks. Got one small one in my pocket right now! Love your blog. I just found it.

  34. Stacie, I'm so glad you're a rock lover, too! I can't decide if my favourite is the large striped rock, or the speckled egg.--I'm leaning towards the egg because it's so unusual, not just with the speckles, but it's almost egg-shaped, too.
    How wonderful to have rocks from your mother's rock garden! What treasures they must be, and I'm sure they carry lots of memories with them.

  35. Hi Starr! Nice to meet another rock lover. Looks like you're having fun with your painting experiments.

  36. I can see all sorts of inspiration for stitching in those rocks!

  37. Or painting. I love to paint rocks! One of these days i might get good at it. lol
    I think stitching rocks might be a bear, but it certainly would be interesting. You go first MM, okay?

  38. Your oval rock might actually be a geode,in other words it might contain crystal formation inside of it. ;)


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