Thursday, July 12, 2012

Back to Painting

I spent an afternoon playing with my paints.
The inspiration is a photo taken about 25 years ago

the water cascades down a rock-strewn  river bed passing trees and rocky ground on its way
 washes were dropped wet in wet onto the sketch and allowed to move around on the paper
Although there is very little colour remaining in the old photograph, I remember the summer day we went on our hike and picnic

the trees were lush greens
while the green paint was still damp, I pressed into it with the stem of my aquarelle brush, creating marks where the paint could deepen, or at other times, pressing the colour away, leaving either the colours of the undercoat or the white of the paper remaining.

it's a fun technique
a bit of a close-up shows the markings as branches
a better look
branches indicated by wiggles and squiggles on the wet or damp  140 lb. watercolour paper
more trunks and branches added on the right

some golden browns and siennas indicate rocks, boulders, and the earth
defining some of the rocks

We had company arrive, so the painting was tucked away in the sunroom cupboard..........

finishing the earth on the hill and the rocky ground appeals to me
the big challenge will be to capture the frothy, rushing water in both the distance and the foreground

guess I'm going to have to drag the painting out of its hiding place

Hope you're enjoying the day.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz 


  1. Thanks for the step-by-step pictures.I haven't painted for a long time but not as good as you.Hope to learn something from you.

  2. I love to see your paintings build up like this - it's lovely that you take the trouble to photograph each step and share with us. Look forward to seeing it finished. You clever lady!

  3. Clever you Suz. Love the painting.Never was good at watercolour. Love the effects though.

  4. Ina, thank you for your lovely comment on my painting. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes it bombs, but it's all fun and learning.

  5. Thank you, Puppet Lady. Sometimes I get carried away, and forget to take pics. (like when I was doing the greens for the trees) I like to watch other artists, too, and see the different steps they take to create their paintings, and I often learn quite a lot.
    Hope you're having a sunny day.

  6. Ah, I well remember my struggles with watercolours. It took me 5 years of almost daily painting to get to where I was a little comfortable with it. I'd learned oil painting first, so it was a real change going from oils to water....and I'm still learning....I won't say how long I've been learning watercolours ;-o ..........

  7. It's good to see that you are back to painting.It's a pleasure to watch the step by step process.Like you said I also started with oil and then move to acrylic and it was difficult to adjust...never tried watercolours.Now,you are tempting me Suz by showing your painting process:)

  8. Anita, I have missed not being able to paint as often. Hopefully, I can now return to regular painting times.
    I've tried acrylics, too, but find I prefer the buttery-ness of oils, and the longer drying time, even though I tend to paint alla prima in oils.
    I think you'd find watercolours a lot of fun. Adjusting the technique took me quite a while, but I'm so happy I did!

  9. Looking beautiful as far, look forward to seeing it when you have finished it

  10. This is wonderful and I love seeing the different steps achieved.


  11. Thanks, Margaret. I'll post the results once I get there.

  12. Thanks FlowerLady!
    I think showing the different stages in my painting may encourage other people to try watercolours, as they can see the different steps I take in creating a painting. Although, lol, sometimes I show them quite a mess and how to make uglies instead.

  13. Oh beautiful, Suz! I love seeing the painting as you've progressed! So happy for you that you are painting again!!

  14. Thanks Stacie. I hope to paint more often now. Hope you've been having some beady fun.

  15. Your painting is coming along beautifully, Suz. It's so great that you are sharing your techniques and the step-by-step process. You make it look so fun and easy to paint. I might have to try my hand at a landscape!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I think you'd find it a lot of fun, Starr!
    Happy weekend.

  18. I love are way too clever! I hope you are well...thank you so much for all the lovely comments you leave me. I really appreciate it xxx

  19. What a fabulous talent you have Susan and your painting is wonderful and the colours are so terrific!! Looking forward to seeing your finished work of art :)

  20. you are a true artist and your photos are so clear, along with your instructions.
    Thanks for sharing this it is very inspiring.

  21. so beautiful, nice to visit your blog.

  22. Thanks Karen, I am doing well, and hope you are, too. Loving your bullions!

  23. What a lovely thing to say, JennyPennyPoppy! I still struggle to get the pic in my head onto the paper, but I do enjoy it
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

  24. Thanks Margaret! I use Picasa (free) which allows me to easily crop, lighten and brighten my pics. It really helps.
    Happy weekend!

  25. Thank you so much, Suzy, for your lovely comments!
    I struggled with watercolours for years before I finally felt comfortable with the medium, but I do enjoy it.
    I'm sure you've had many new visitors after your studio post. Hope it's not too hot this weekend.

  26. Thank you Anneliese!
    Happy weekend.

  27. OH it looks fantastic ,dear Suz- LOVE it, you are really good at painting those nature pictures. Can`t wait to see it finished.

  28. Dorthe, thank you for your lovely comment. I hope to have this finished by next week.

  29. I LOVE when you do the step-by-steps - I wish I could come watch you do it!
    This is going to be another of your beautiful paintings, and I always love them more when I've seen them taking shape.
    Going to be another beauty...

  30. Oh dear Suz your watercolor painting is so wonderful, great to see how you build it up.
    Hugs Anni

  31. Jillayne, it would be so much fun to have a painting party! We could paint together and discover. I'd like that.

  32. Thank you Anni! Fingers crossed it turn out.....

  33. Your watercolour is coming along beautifully, Suz. Interesting process how you build up the picture. Would love to have a go at this one day and glad you have got back to it. Di.

  34. Me, too, Diane. I've missed painting while I've been concentrating on my embroidery and other stitching. I think you'd have a lot of fun painting watercolours!

  35. This is lovely! How I wish I could paint beyond just blobbing paint onto paper. HAving it actually look like something would be awesome!

  36. Thank you, Magpie! I must admit it took me years of almost daily painting (and lots of blobs on paper!) before I could do sort of what I wanted. But, maybe I'm just a little slow, and very stubborn? lol I think you'd enjoy it.

  37. Your painting leaves me amazed. You make it look so simple and doable. Please show it when you finish as it will be stunning. Creative Bliss...

  38. Thank you, Sherry. I'll post the finished pic. Fingers crossed it'll turn out okay......I never know with watercolours if I can create what I visualize......hope to get to it this week.

  39. Suz, your painting is looking fantastic! I love the looseness and blending of colors. Water can be tricky. I tend to get a little too tight and controlling with it. I look forward to seeing how you handle it.

    You are encouraging me to get back to my painting. I am supposed to be working on a wc painting for my son and d-i-l. Hey, I got the paper out! It's a start :-)

  40. Connie, I'm hesitating getting back into the painting........afraid to tackle the water, I think, so I'm hiding........ :-O ........well, they say to face your fears....gulp
    What kind of a painting are you doing for your DS and DDIL? Getting the paper out is the first step..........I'll look forward to seeing it!


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