Friday, July 20, 2012

Basquing in TAST Stitches and Garden

 Yes, this week's TAST is the Basque stitch, which I thought quite interesting. I liked the way it stands away from the fabric.

You can see the height and shadow on my happy face circle
here I stitched alternating levels over horizontal lines...makes kind of a grid
a simple fence line
roping some wheat sheaves
5 rows of alternating stitches
this would make an interesting filler

and sampler

I used the basque stitch to couch down some pretty ribbon with a very fine variegated thread
and then tried a variation of the stitch to create a double vertical line with a thicker thread, also couching ribbon along the seam.

hmmmm, if this isn't the basque stitch, I wonder what it is. Anyone know?
I found this leaf on my walk today. Since we are in the middle of summer, it should be green, but the lack of rain has probably thrown it into shock, and there's only  small strips of green left.......
We've been having hot, humid and sunny weather, but little rain. Look at these groundcover roses. After a wonderful, long soaking, they rewarded me with lots of happy faces:
they certainly seem to like the heat.

Hope it's not too hot (or too cold) where you are today, but may the sun be shining.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. This isn't the Basque stitch I've seen other people create, although it was listed as such in one of my reference books. It may be the basque knot stitch, as it does form a sort of double knot. I liked it whatever it's called!

  2. Hi Suz, Nevertheless your sampler is delightful. Gorgeous roses too. Mine are at the dormant stage at the moment and need pruning. No time to do it at present. Enjoy the sunshine and warmth, Di.

  3. Suz ~ Your sampler is happy. I'm still far behind in the stitches. I sometimes sit down and work out several of them. I just can't do them ritually every week, my problem I know.

    Your roses look lovely.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Beautiful sampler Suz.Interesting filler and it looks like laid work.Love your happy face! Lovely roses.

  5. Thanks Dianne. If it gets any warmer, I'll have to live in the!
    Hope you had a good weekend.

  6. Thanks FlowerLady.
    I wouldn't be concerned about stitching them every week: I think that just learning and practicing the stitches is challenge enough without putting a definite time frame on it. The most important thing, to me, is just stitching and having fun. Sometimes too many rules spoil the spontaneity and joy.
    Hope you're not suffering in the heat wave.


  7. Thanks Anita! Hope you've been having a good weekend.

  8. Your Basque stitch in some ways looks like barbed wire like on the fence. It is an interesting and very dimensional stitch. Your roses are beautiful. Our area has lots of these at office building and industrial landscapes. Our weather is very warm this week also. No rain in sight either. Blissful week ahead dear...

  9. Yes, it did remind me of barbed wire. I've been amazed how well these carpet roses have bloomed. They do like the heat: I wilt. 29C and humid here today......Hope it's cooler for you, and the rain soon arrives. I've put in my request for a soft all-night shower.
    Happy creating!

  10. Reminded me of barbed wire, too. Great stitching on the happy face!

  11. Lovely stitching Suz - and I can see the sun shining on your work! We have some heat here today at last - after the wettest of summers so far!

  12. Thanks PuppetLady! We could use some of your's so dry here the grass is turning brown and crispy! Let's trade!
    Have a good week.

  13. Cute Basque stitch smiley face and your roses and flowers look lovely. We could use some rain too. They're saying 60% chance of showers on Wednesday & I hope they're right.

  14. I love seeing all the new stitch samples you create...and you work them in such beautiful colours!

  15. The Basque stitch is cool. Love your examples. Thanks for commenting on by blog.

  16. Right now it's trying very hard to rain here, but not succeeding. I think it's forgotten how. Great stitching samples, btw.

  17. Thank you so much, Karen. I do like the greens and pinks on the cream. But wait until this reveal....I used some yarn and it is ugly!
    Hope the numbers are climbing at your new blog.

  18. Thanks Sandy. I really enjoyed this stitch.

  19. Thank you MM! We had storms Tuesday night, then it rained off and on all last night. The grass isn't quite so crispy, now. Hope you got some rain, too.


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