Saturday, July 7, 2012

July CQJP and TAST

My naked July block:

a blingy fabric flower with a crystal center

green ribbon 'leaves'
a wavy seam edging from my own 'bias tape'

a bias tape half-moon flower with a crystal center
chain stitch and tatted Josephine chains ( like drizzle stitch)  and seed beads
bullion and french knots above a tatted Josephine chain layered edging in variegated thread
ribbon leaves and stems and wrapped fantasy roses with Soie  Cristale thread

a snowflake and some sequin flowers
white seed beads
red rocaille beads
Here's my July block now

there's still more to do, but I like the way it's coming together

TAST stitch for this week is the Bonnet Stitch. I wasn't excited about this one at all.
Here's my sampler:  sorry it's so boring
I'm looking forward to seeing some inspired results from  other stitchers.

Hope you're having a good weekend.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Everything looks great, but I am really intrigued by that wavy edging... very cool!

  2. Thanks Diane, I just did some gathers following the stripes, left a bit without, then more gathers. Pulled tightly,and tacked down, it makes those frilly bits...sort of like waving flags, I think.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I love your block. You are so far ahead on it! Everything is so original and different!

  4. All your details are so nice. I especially like your bias tape edge. The stripes are a great element.

  5. a wonderful block fascinated by the josephine tatted chain and the blingy flower looks interesting too, in fact the whole block is great

  6. thanks for the details of how you made this block. It looks great.

  7. Thanks Barbara. The bias tape was made about 10 years ago when I made some Christmas placemats. So it's been in my stash for quite a while...... ;-)

  8. Thank you Margaret! This one just flowed.........
    Happy stitching.

  9. Thanks Dian.
    Hope you had a great weekend.

  10. naked??? have I come to the right blog? and don't you just love that word....bonnet....

  11. Naked blocks sound just a bit naughty, don't you think so? lol
    Thanks Karen.

  12. The striped fabric you used for the wavy seam and flower is great, just the right colors. I wondered about the white blingy flower on the white fabric. The flower is lovely but on my screen it falls away against the white fabric.

  13. This is coming along beautifully. I like the way your tatting is enhancing the embelishing. The gathered striped bias is eye catching and looks good.

  14. Thanks Shirley. I've had that 'bias tape' for years waiting for the perfect spot. Thanks so much. I love adding tatting to my blocks.


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