Saturday, August 4, 2012

TAST and CQJP and Garden

TAST this week was the Algerian Eye Stitch. I liked this one, and had some fun stitching in my journal.
my heart is not quite

My August CQJP began with some gold thread veins on the holly leaves
and gold cord couched with gold thread
a metallic earring part
this has a 'ruby' stone in the center
organza ribbon with white sequins and gold seed beads
a gathered silk ribbon anchored with more gold seed beads

more gold thread stitching, gold, red and white french knots    and gold trim couched with gold thread
( I bet you've already guessed the colour for this month!)
bugle and seed beads in.....guess what?!
some fancy gold leaf trim with a gold rose button and gold x's with more seed beads
and here's my August block all completed!
(I'm working a little ahead since we're having DD and her family come for an extended visit, so I'm not sure how much stitching time I'll have once they arrive.)
here's Turtle Island
even though we've finally had some rain, you can see how brown and crispy the blueberry bushes and other groundcovers are
I'm pleased with my hosta garden.
the plants are in bloom about 3 weeks early this year
my plant pots on the left of the main door stairs
shots of my favourite roses
the colour variance from bloom to bloom is quite interesting
groundcover roses are still going strong
the garden to the right of the main door stairs

I hope you've all had a good week doing what you love.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Hi Suz, you've got some seriously gorgeous stitching going on here!That's a nice stitch that Algerian one.
    Your garden is so pretty. Hostas must be tough plants to withstand the cold.We grow them here in south Oz too.

  2. Lovely stitching, Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures of your garden, mine is a wash out we have had and are having so much rain the whole garden is a flop.
    There's only one thing in this country at the moment the olmypics, we had the golden day yesterday. More rain today hopefully I can finish some tatting

  3. So many lovely stitches and fabrics. I was in an evening textile group a couple of years ago where we were learning all sorts of new stitches and it was nice to try them all out with the group but when I got home, I didn't have the patience for it. Your garden looks great -- everything in my corner of the world is suffocating with heat and dust. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  4. Judy, the hostas die down in the fall once we've had a good frost, but they can survive our cold winters. I would have thought it was too hot for Hostas in Oz. I learn so much from my online buddies!
    I do like the Algerian eye stitch.
    Have a good one, Judy.

  5. I've been watching the Olympics, Margaret, and enjoying them. I guess they've created some problems for the residents, though.
    I wish you could send some of your rain here. We've had a total fire ban for at least a month here since it's so dry.I'll hope for sunshine for you.

  6. Tammy, we've had total fire bans here, for half of the summer, and we need some rain, too. I'm lucky to have a good well so I can water the plants when there's insufficient rain.
    Thanks so much for leaving a comment! Hope it soon rains in Kuwait.

  7. Great samples of the Algerian eye stitch Sue. I just adore your garden...looks like you and your grandaughter will be able to have some lovely walks showing off all the beautiful plants.

  8. Lovely photos on your post. I love your heart and the nature pictures are so, so beautiful!
    Susanne, I still have to get acquainted with the tatting terminology before making something to show. I am trying small pieces.

  9. Hi Anneliese, and thanks for the lovely comment. Hope you're having some tatting fun. I haven't done any for a while now, but I hope to get back to tatting soon. Have a great week!

  10. Thanks Shirley! I hope she's not too heavy for me to carry, since I'm out of practice. She's just beginning to walk, at 10 months. I shall enjoy showing her my garden.
    Hope you're getting settled now that you're back home. Hugs

  11. Love, love, love the August block! All that gold is just beautiful!

    The Algerian Eyelet worked great as a filler for the heart.

    Lots of eye candy this post.

  12. Thank you Connie! I must be a magpie--I love the bling, and the gold worked up so quickly, too. I think it only took about three days! I wish more of the blocks were that fast to complete. Hope you're having some wonderful stitching days.

  13. The gold leaf trim fits the red with gold fabric perfectly.
    I can't wait to see all the blocks together ;)

  14. Thanks Marjolein! This is the first gold one, but maybe I'll make some more......

  15. Those roses are SO pretty!! You're right - everything is way ahead this year. Does that mean (horrors) that we can expect s - - - by the end of the month?


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