Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lake Walk, CQJP and WIP

Late last week, DH and I took a lake walk. The ice was booming, and we didn't let the dark sky deter us.
Turtle Island from the east part of the lake
there's still some snow on the island rocks
 although it's beginning to melt on the south-facing slopes as the rocks absorb the sun's heat
DH ice dancing.................what form!

this wee island is in the eastern part of the lake

we had a lovely  last-of-the-season lake walk, spotting deer and wolf tracks in the snow.....

 my wrapping cloth has progressed, and piece #1 is completed
This is my favourite section where the looong bullions extending from the lace piece on the right, to the piece on the left, and anchored with French knots
more FK's trail along the side and bottom of the lace....

I stuffed more FK's into one of the prairie points

and bullioned my way around the gathered elbow dart
and this is the completed piece

Wrapping Cloth
Piece #2

I made my first rouleau loops and intertwined them for a different look
 added some lace over part of my wild fabric

 another flowery lace with row 1 of a cast-on stitch chain border

Piece #2:
in the bay, the snow is melting......yay!

Naked CQJP April Block

I'm looking forward to embellishing this block! I love to embellish seams.

Hope you've had a fun week doing what you love.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz



  1. I love "visiting" your little bit of Blogland and where you live. Both are stunning x

    1. Thank you Linda! As you saw, we are still getting our winter weather.....sigh, but it does make for pretty pictures. Spring is on the way, though, so I’m looking forward to warm weather and being able to stitch outside.....well, depending on the bugs......
      Happy travels.

  2. Wow - you are so talented. It is wonderful embroidery.

    You other half looks as if he has a great sense of humour - a necessity in Ontario weather!
    Fox : ))

    1. Aw, thanks Fox. (blushing) I’m still learning lots of new techniques on my course, and having so much fun!
      DH has a great sense of humour-- he needs it living with me....lol!

  3. Loving your cloth...especially the splash of color...I really like the way you did your loops. Great job!

    1. Thank you Wendy. I was thinking of celtic tatting designs, and the idea just popped into my head. Have a great week.

  4. Suz Dear your photos are wonderful of the lake and how fun to see your husband with whimsy. These wrapping cloths are amazing. I love the French Knots even tucked into the little point opening. The loops are fun. Your use of the colored fabric and then overlaying with lace is brilliant. How joyful to see your progress. Creative Bliss...

    1. Thank you so much Sherry! DH is quite a guy!
      This course has really inspired me, and I’m having so much fun learning new techniques and how to implement them. I think it’s addictive. ;-D

  5. I so enjoyed following you on your wlk but was glad to be in the warm, lovely photos.
    Wrapping cloth is delightful and look forward to seeing the cq block embellished.

    1. Margaret it still is rather cold with high temps of -2C forecast for today. When we were out on the lake, I wore my long faux fur coat so I could be warm. I’m working on wrapping cloth piece #2 and I added a cutwork bit to piece #1. But the CQ block is also calling my name....think I need a second pair of hands.......lol

  6. Beautiful pics Suz: I am not sure whether I prefer the snow or the stitching. Both are so lovely. The coloured fabric with lace over it looks fabulous.

    1. Hi Dian,
      there’s no question about it--I prefer the stitching! Snow looks wonderful in November, but by April, it’s really getting old.......or rather, I’m really getting tired of all the white and cold.......but it’s melting. Yay! Have a great week!

  7. I've never worked a plain colour block as in your cream and white, I must get round to it some day as yours is inspiring me.
    I love the bullions and french knots are one of my favourite stitches, you can do so much with them.
    This wrap is going to be a treasure.

    1. Briony, this is my first time using such a restricted palette, and at first I worried that it might be boring, or that I might be bored doing it. So far, though, I am really enjoying it. I think having such warm, pale, limited colours means that more embellishing can be added without the block becoming too wild or busy. Since I love surface embroidery, this is perfect!
      Ah, the wrap....I fall asleep at night dreaming about what embellishments should go where on my cloth........
      Happy stitching.

  8. Love the pics of your winter walk - ours are never so beautiful. Your DH made me smile:) And, your stitching is lovely as always.

    1. DH makes me smile and laugh all the time! That’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him so many years ago. It still works. ;-D
      The snow stays pretty white up here and is mostly undisturbed except for creature’s footprints or lake breezes. ( unless the neighbours come up with skidoos to roar around the lake) Some days it looks so pristine and almost magical, especially when the sun creates diamonds on the snow, and shadows carry shades of purple and blue.
      Hope you’re having some fun stitchy times.

  9. your cloth is evolving beautifully but then I suspected it would before we even started.....I think you should get your husbands name down for the winter Olympics!!

    1. Thank you Karen. I’m beaming.
      Hubby says he has to perfect the triple jumps first.........lol

  10. Interesting to see your frozen lake. Looks rather chilly to me! Hope it warms up for you soon.

    1. Me too, Janet! The snow on the back deck is melting....yippee!

  11. It the wrapping cloth for a class by Karen Ruane?
    It looks mysterious but very pretty!

    1. Yes, it is, Marjolein, and I'm having an absolutely fantastic time on this course!

  12. Suz, your wrapping cloth looks gorgeous! Thanks for the winter walk,your lake pics always inspire me to start painting again....

    1. Oh, I’m so happy Anita that you find inspiration in my pictures! I’ll look forward to seeing more of your wonderful paintings.


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