Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Stitching Progress and The Lake

Here's my stitching progress for last week:

I intertwined two rouleau loops and added a rouleau ring through them

later I added a frill to the ring

 a frilled bumpy bit and a buttonhole stitched trim on cutwork, keep each other company

 a 5-knot rouleau loop, held in place with French knots


piece #3 to date
there's lots more to do
CQJP Progress

I finished wrapping the bars on this seam treatment

added pale green bullions...
oops, one is listing the wrong way...

pretty pink gimp trim

and April is almost finished

just a couple little seams that are as yet unadorned

Spring is on the way!
 the ice is breaking up on the lake

it didn't take long for these mallard ducks to move in once there was open water

(sorry it's blurry)

I've taken a hike up to the beaver pond. The water has been thundering for the last couple of weeks.
I'll share pics of my walk next time.
The water levels are high, and there has been a lot of flooding here and there around the countryside.

Hope wherever you are, there is sunshine, and you are safe, warm, and dry.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Thank you so much Suz for explaining about wrapping cloths. this is one is going to be very beautiful. hope you enjoy seeing all your new visitors

    1. Thanks Linda. Yesterday I saw another couple of ducks, saw some geese flying overhead, and saw the first loon on the lake. The beaver was out and about on Monday, checking as much of the lake as possible, given that it was still mostly covered with ice. I do enjoy watching these harbingers of spring.

  2. Love that stitching Suz.Never seen those loops before.very effective.Great to see some signs of Sp[ring.It must be soooo cold in your Winter time.

    1. Thanks Judy. I learned how to make rouleau loops in Karen’s class, but I’ve been having a blast playing with them, and using them in different ways. Ah, yes, spring! Yesterday it was lovely and sunny, and the temperature got up to 10 C! Not quite balmy, but it’s a good start. Looking forward to more. Yes, winter can be quite cold, going down to -33 C at times, or even lower. But, not usually that low for longer than 2 weeks at a time. I stay inside when it’s that cold. Hope you’re having a nice autumn.

  3. Lovely work, Suz! Glad that Spring is showing its face for you at last. It's been gorgeous here today, sunny and warm!

    1. It was sunny here too, yesterday, but a cool 10 C, and windy. But it was so nice to see signs of spring. Today, most of the lake ice is gone! That was fast. Hope you have more warm and sunny days.

  4. Lovely stitching, Suz. Looking forward to pics of your walk.

    1. Thanks Carol-Ann. I tried to load the pics yesterday and do a blog post, but had difficulties. Maybe today or tomorrow........

  5. Oh, just look at that beautiful & enticing gap in the ice, what a dream. I love your listing bullion stitch too!

    1. It was so good to see that gap!
      You don’t suppose that bullion listing was because of the glass of wine I had, do you?
      (great to see you can now post comments here! Yay!)

  6. I think I'd like to make a wrapping cloth... one just as pretty as yours!

    1. Diane, I am having a ball creating mine! I can see yours covered with tatted spinning wheel mats! Hmmm, would your cloth be blue? You should do it!

  7. your wrapping cloth is coming along sos so well, the rouleau loops look great.
    You must be pleased to see the end of the ice age and spring around the corner

    1. “The end of the ice age”! LOL I like that! Soon the flowers will be popping through the earth, the days will get warmer, and I’ll start complaining that it’s too hot! Happy days ahead.

  8. I like your wrapping cloth, you have so many different elements on it, lovely pictures of where you live, so glad spring is coming for you, I thought spring was coming and I have a couple of shrubs who have deceided to flower, it's going to get colder by the weekend even snow over Scotland, glad I am not up there.

    1. Margaret, I hope it doesn’t get too cold for your flowering shrubs. Snow may be happening in this area, too, but I hope not. I’ve really had enough of snow this winter. Maybe we’ll both be lucky and get warm sunshine instead? Fingers crossed. Take care.

  9. Hi Suz...I hope your knee gets better. Lovely photos of the lake. Way too much ice and cold for me. A lake is not complete without ducks. Your stitching is beautiful. I really like your rouleau loop with the french knots. How fun to be finished with your April block...while it is still April for a few days. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

    1. Thank you Sherry.
      Ha! Mother nature is now threatening to snow. again. drat! Maybe I should add some snowflakes to my April block....lol....no, maybe not, don’t want to tempt fate.......heheheh
      Hope you’re enjoying sunshine...it’s pouring here

  10. The rouleau loops look very nice on your stitched piece and the stitching on your block looks lovely. Our lake is still covered with thick ice and nary a duck to be seen.

    1. Thanks JPP! Is it an unusually late spring for your area? Most times we’ve had the lake clear long before now, so it’s a late start for us. I wonder if it means a fast catch-up? Sure hope the thaw arrives for you soon. Stay warm.

  11. This is the first time I'm seeing a 5 knot rouleau loop and it's very pretty.thanks for sharing Suz. As always your lake pic is beautiful...

    1. Thank you Anita! I hadn’t seen a 5-knotter before, either. It was just something that happened when I was playing with the loop. ( My DH says I’m loopy enough....lol!)
      The lake looks very pretty today-the sun is shining, and there’s a gentle breeze....and no ice! except for the far shore......

  12. beautiful work, and nice pictures. how can you make so nice pictures ? when I want to photography my work, the result is so ... cold whereas yours are sweet and ... cosy (er it is probably not the right word, but my English is not enough to find a better one)

    1. Hi Isabelle,
      I use a free program, Picasa, that allows me to adjust the lightness, brightness, and cropping of my photos, so if the photo is not exactly how it looks in real life, I can make adjustments. There are also filters to adjust the colours, or play with the photo to make it look abstract, or vintage.
      Your English is very good, and I understood easily what you were writing.
      Thanks for your comment.

  13. Enjoyed seeing you being loopy! We have lots of ducks and geese on the river at the moment - nice to hear them in the early morning. Wonder what they talk about?


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