Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May Madness

    Linda  sent me this wonderful collection of lace that belonged to her mother-in-law. Isn't it lovely?
I've taken apart the jabots to reveal the lace used, and some of the off-white lace will appear on my wrapping cloth piece #4.

I adore this collar! It's too dark for my wrapping cloth, but I'm sure some of this will be showing up on my CQJP blocks!

Thank you so much, Linda for sharing these pieces with me!

from   Carole      Brungar  in New Zealand came this delightful package of a pretty fabric, a baaaaadge (you know I had to! tee hee) and a yummy chocolate!

Thanks so much Carole!
going to the local second-hand shop was such fun, and I found these lace and fabric treasures just perfect for my wrapping cloth!

And what progress have I made on my wrapping cloth?
I added a bullion-wrapped puff with a tatted decoration, then added more bullion arms
 Bullions wrap along the right edge of this section. I added a lace pocket beneath the broderie anglais. The pocket lace was one of the pieces Linda sent me.
piece #4 is almost finished.....just two little edgings to add and then I'll begin piece #5!
My May CQJP block is almost completed, too!
I added some pale green vines

 and a beautiful hand-painted button by  Gerry  Krueger
I've been saving this button, waiting for the perfect spot!
a few garden shots taken on a sunny day....

Hope you're having some sunshine today, too!


Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Yes, a few hours of sunshine in the morning - in Hungary, where we are at the moment - but then rain rain rain pouring. And again cool! Not like May, not at all. I love your wrapping cloth, the laces and your beautiful garden.

    1. Thank you, Anneliese. We're getting some darker skies now, with rain forecasted for the next 2 days......ah, well, it means I won't have to water the gardens......lol


    2. Oh!! How lovely. I am so happy to see those pieces of lace I found when clearing my mother in laws house have safely arrived into your talented hands.
      How wonderful new life and purpose will be endowed to them.
      Lovely other parcels too. I am sure you will enjoy them all xxx

    3. Thanks Linda. I'm so pleased to be able to add those pieces to my wrapping cloth. Thank you for sharing them with me!


  2. Those lace pieces are quite lovely.Some sunshine does wonders for the soul! I see that bush where your kitty hides.

    1. You're right, Judy, and they're extra special, too, as I was entrusted with using them. Gotta love that sun....sheesh we're expecting 6 days of rain........guess I'll have extra stitching time... ;-D


  3. Those laces are swoon worthy! And such a wonderful find at the shop. Your block is so lovely and I cannot wait to see the next one.

    1. Wendy, I've been working on the next block tonight and having such fun. I have plans for those luscious laces, too. Such fun! How is your lace coming?


  4. some great buys in the charity shop Suz, the lace form Linda is going to be put to wonderful use I am sure. Wrapping cloth coming along a treat, you say you are about to start piece no 5 how many are you planning to do? CQB looking good and your garden is very spring like.

    1. Margaret, I have 10 more pieces put together for stitching. Some are tacked, but most are pinned. I may use them all on my wrapping cloth, or I may need to make more as 'fill-ins' or to add to the size, depending how they all go together. I've been very lucky with finding nice items in the 2nd-hand shops, and Linda's gift of lace is treasured. Thanks.


  5. Lovely lace and what finds in the shop, beautiful lace that you were sent and the other bits too.
    Your cloth looks lovely and the hand painted button looks beautiful
    The sun is shining here at the moment, yesterday it rained all day, and by the weather forecast we could have more rain today.

    1. Thanks Margaret. The lace and fabric collecting has become an addiction: I want to peruse the shops on a regular basis to find more treasures. It's raining today so I shall probably spend it indoors stitching.


  6. No sunshine here... rain, rain, rain. If school were out already, and I had a lovely selection of lace like yours, I know I'd be working on a wrapping cloth. I can hardly wait to see how you use your new goodies!

    1. It's raining here, too, Diane. I plan to stitch today, and paint some fabric. Hmmm, maybe I'll make a trip to the 2nd-hand stores....it's been at least 2 weeks since I went shopping there......Thanks, and Happy Tatting.


  7. Wow, what beautiful lace, and your cloth is looking so special.
    It is cooling down here but we have had some sun today.

    1. Hope you have more sun, Dian. The forecast here is for 5 days of rain.......argh. I've been so blessed gifted with lovely laces and finding treasures in the 2nd-hand shops here. It feels good being able to incorporate beautiful cloth and lace into my wrapping cloth and CQ blocks--sort of preserving bits of the past in something new. Thanks.


  8. Suz your gifts received are very thoughtful. Love the laces for your wrapping cloths. The additions you have stitched are lovely. Your bullions are very interesting. Lovely flowers in your yard. Blissful Stitching Dear...

    1. Thank you, Sherry. The bugs have been very friendly and hungry, so I haven't been able to garden as much as I'd like. Poor me-that means I have to sat inside and stitch! oh, no, how will I cope?.....lol! We have rain so I'm staying dry indoors. Hope you're having a good week.


  9. Lovely things - and so nice of your friends to share their treasures with you. Great finds at the thrift store too.

    1. Don't I have the best friends?! I am getting quite a selection of whites for wrapping cloths, and still hankering for more trips to the 2nd-hand shops. I think I may be addicted to the search for treasures!


  10. All those laces look wonderful indeed and the fabric too. Looking forward to seeing what you will do with them. No sunshine here today and extremely windy. Sunshine tomorrow though and getting the rest of the garden in.

    1. I hope the garden goes well.....no veggie garden for me--can't compete with the critters.......so I may plant my large pot of flowers...... Today was sunny, windy and hot at 30C! I hope tomorrow is a bit cooler. Loving the laces and just found a few more bargains today at the 2nd-hand shop! Thanks.


  11. I am late catching up - as usual, lovely gifts everyone has sent to you, the wrapping cloth is looking super and your garden is so pretty. We have had some gently rain here, but mostly at night, leaving lovely sunny days. Cheers

    1. Thanks Robin. Yes, lots of lovely laces pieces sent to me by special people, and lots of found pieces, too. We had a hot (30C) and muggy sunny day today, with thunder and rain this evening. It helped to cool things down. Have a wonderful weekend!


  12. I think you found the perfect spot for Gerry's button. Your block is beautiful. Love all your laces and flowers. You have been a busy lady!

    1. Thank you, Connie. Gerry's button is so pretty, isn't it? How are you doing?


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