Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blooming and Stitching

In my garden:

Hi everyone. We are madly packing, and stacking boxes, but I take some time in the evenings to stitch.
My June Block is complete:
I beefed up the pretty pink and white gimp trim with rows of buttonhole lace, added some purple to the fly stitch seam, and two seams of cast-on stitch chains, one in green and one in pink.

 July has a lovely piece of warm lace-- a rose!-- pinned into place. I like how the fabric  below the lace repeats the curve.........

There are lots of little seams to embellish!

Work continues on my wrapping cloth.
 This little dangle reminds me of a berry. It has 3 woven picot leaves and is topped with a Josephine knot cascade

It dangles on 3 buttonhole wrapped threads
and piece #6 is completed

Piece #7 is a little larger and has a 'wild' framed center lace piece with lots of open space for embellishing
I hope you've had some time this week to create, too.

I'd best get back to packing!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your garden is looking lovely and your stitching is delightful. Good luck with the packing - have you found interesting treasures you had forgotten about? Cheers

  2. Does that mean that you have found a new house?
    Love your pretty flowers.Nice way to remember the garden with colour, and a cheery show.

  3. Hi Suz. So good to see your stitching progress. I don't know how you have the energy to stitch after packing all day. Safe moving dear...

  4. sound like you are on the move, best of luck, you will came across allsorts when you pack up that you forgot you had!!Your latest stitching is as beautiful and creative as always.

  5. Your stitching is beautiful, and it's going to be a beautiful piece.
    Hope the move is going ok, the trouble is you pack something you don't think you want and then have to find it again, always in the box at the bottom of the pile.
    Good luck with the move.

  6. I love the Dangle!!!! So cute and adds movement to the piece.
    Flowers are lovely!

  7. So glad you are finding the time to stitch as you prepare for your move xx

  8. Sounds just like moving soon. Good to find time to stitch in between packing. Love the peonie - the colour is great. Funny, the tangle looks like a sugary chestnut.

  9. More beautiful shots of the garden. You will certainly miss it I suspect. I like the variety of stitched pieces that you are doing.

  10. Hope your packing is coming along nicely. It's be a real chore moving out of this house where we've been for 36 years! Are you going to tell us more about your new place?

  11. Hi Suz! Thanks for your post on my blog! Your flowers are so beautiful! Where is your new place... still on the lake? Thanks for posting such yummy pictures.
    Sweet Blessings, Chris

  12. will you miss this garden when you leave Susan? or do you have something equally as lovely to go to? Your cloth is amazing...you can go straight to the top of class...x

  13. Your wrapping cloth is beautiful Suz! Love the berry( looks like a doll face to me!) with Josephine knots.I hope you have a lovely garden in your new place too....


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