Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hallowe'en and Stitching!

Here's what the cute little goblins will see tomorrow night when they come trick or treating at my house!
This will be the first time I've had trick-or-treaters in 38 years, so I'm a little excited!
I have my candy stash, and my witch outfit, and I'm ready. Yay!

This witchy might show up, too.

Out our backyard is a walking/biking trail with lots of greenspace. It's used daily by the community.
We like to walk the trail, and sometimes follow it to the nearby park.

We often meet our neighbours out for a stroll, walking their dogs, running, or riding their bicycles and getting some fresh air and exercise.

We found out there is a plan afoot to destroy this greenspace and put in a 4-lane parkway!
Needless to say, we'll be heartbroken if this plan goes through.
 There won't be the open spaces with wild plants, nor the old trees providing oxygen.

I certainly wouldn't be able to walk out my yard and see mother nature, nor discover fungal sights like this.


Fingers crossed that the city will recognize the value of this open, green area in the middle of the city, and save it for generations to come.

I've been stitching. (Surprise!!)
My October block is almost done: just one little seam to finish.....on the lower left.  I also added
some rolled and french knotted ribbon.

A project I've been working on for the past 2 weeks is a StitchMAP challenge. We were to take a dozen 3" or 4" squares and embellish each with one of 12 assigned stitches. Then, we were to transform the squares into a project.

This photo shows my squares stitched, laced, and with a backing. Two layers of batting sit between the fabric layers, and I have the last seam on the left to complete,  then a bit of quilting to join the layers together.

This quilted mat will be a gift for a friend, so there may be some added embellishing, too.

Here's the back:

My friend loves the colour blue!

I've tatted some tiny thread into this organic form, and I might just use it on another project I've begun with the fabric shown. There's more tatting to add to this.
I think the colours match quite well, and
the tat is ~ 1"x 1.5"

Now, that's really thin thread!
Also on my needles is this blanket. I started one last year for our son as a Christmas gift, but it wasn't finished in time..........gee, how'd THAT happen?

I tinked it 2 weeks ago, and I've begun a new blanket with cables......sheesh, it's the first time I've ever done cables........( I think I may need to get my head examined!)

You can see some of the cables adding interest to the plain green.

The pattern is a 22 row repeat, and I've now done 25 measures 10" long so a ways to go yet......sigh......

How many more weeks until Christmas?

That's it for this week. I hope to return to my wrapping cloth piece #9 during the next few days..........
Hope you've had some nice creative time, too.
Happy Hallowe'en!

and Happy November!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I don't know where to begin,love the pumpkins and the mushroom coming out of the tree you should get a petition started so you don't loose the walk way. Love the blue sampler pillowcase, really good idea and the knitting. I do that too, start stuff and put it on a back burner and come back to it! Don't know why :) and last but not least we live far from each other, but tomorrow I will post a matching photo! to one of yours!

    1. Mad, there's a whole group of people working on the process to save the trails and green space, and I've signed petitions, gone to meetings, written politicians, etc. There are some fundraisers coming up, too, so I hope all this citizen action has positive results.
      Thanks. Looking forward to seeing your jack'o'lantern!


  2. Oh Suz I do hope the greenspace is saved. I think your escrow should have disclosed the proposed highway. You are really doing a lot of stitching. Those blues are bluetiful to say the least. I adore all your stitchings. That tatted tiny thread is amazing. Happy Halloween and enjoy your trick or treaters. How fun to dress up to hand out candy. Boo-tiful Dear...

    1. I hope so, too, Sherry. There's lots of citizen action going on, and we're participating. Fingers crossed.
      I'll have some witchy fun tonight. Seeing the little ones in their costumes is the best part! Thanks.


  3. What a shame it would be if that woodland were scrapped into concrete. Hope it can be saved.

    I am sure you will have fun on halloween dont scare the children too much with your witch outfit.
    Love you cq block and particularly those long bullions and the buttonhole bars they look very effective. The blues of the mat and the stitch are great. What a good idea.
    You are keeping very busy with all this and you are still tatting and knitting. Do you have more hours in the day there than we do here. :)

    1. Hi Shirley. There are several active groups working towards saving the green spaces in the city. We're participating and going to the meetings and fundraisers. We hope our little piece of paradise can be saved.
      I'll try not to be too scary for the little ones tonight. Thanks for all the lovely comments on my stitching. No, we don't have extra hours.....but sometimes I avoid chores in favour of stitching! (and I like to keep my hands busy when watching tv)


  4. It is only 5.30 am and here I am sitting here laughing my socks off at your Halloween scarecrow, have pinned it to my desk top!! So many wonderful things you have shared today but what a tragedy if you lose your green space, I trust you are fighting to save it, apart from anything else it is going to be so noisy both whilst the highway is being built and then continuous traffic. October block looking good and your stitchmap challenge is a delight. Of course I love the tatting

    1. Margaret, I'm so happy I could bring you a little laughter today! The scarecrow was a photo a friend sent me several years ago, and I liked it so much, I saved it.
      Yes, we're fighting to save the green spaces, working with groups in the city and writing to the politicians, supporting the fundraising, etc. Hopefully sanity will prevail, and the parkway proposals will be scrapped. They plan to put up cement block walls all along the parkway to cut down the noise. I don't fancy an 8 foot cement wall at the end of my garden! It would certainly cut off easy access around the neighbourhood. arrgh.
      I love the tatting, too! ;-D


  5. Replies
    1. Me too! Wish it was in my front yard (though the neighbours across the road might not appreciate it!!)

  6. Love your pumpkin, we now have trick and treat over here in the UK, it's a wet night hopefully that will keep them away. We are not into Halloween

    1. It's raining here, too, Margaret, so that may dampen spirits somewhat. I remember Hallowe'en as a child-- the dark, spooky feeling, being up and out late, seeing all the other children's costumes as they flew from door to door-- there was magic and excitement in the night. What fun! And candy! We didn't have candy very often growing up, so it was a real treat.
      But, to each their own. Some people don't like Hallowe'en or All Hallows Eve. That's okay.
      Have a good night, and a good weekend.


  7. What a great post Suz. It made me laugh too! Love,love your stitching as always and as for that knitting. A labour of love indeed.
    I do hope everything is ok with that lovely green area.What is a 4 lane parkway?

    1. Thanks, Linda! A four lane parkway is just like a 4-lane highway, except that it's inside the city, so speeds are reduced somewhat.........I don't know why they call it a parkway either--- there won't be any parking going
      I did a search and found the following:
      A parkway is a scenic divided highway with a landscaped median and roadsides. Commercial vehicles are prohibited from driving on some parkways.
      'Parkway' is an 'advertising' term. It's just a road that's pretty. Sometimes there's a park in the median or along one or both sides.
      A parkway is a limited access roadway or highway that is usually lavishly landscaped with tress and/or shrubbery and depending on its location is adjacent or leads to or from some kind of park. Think more of a high-speed boulevard.
      To me, it's just another highway........
      I've made a bit more progress on the knitting..... ;-)


  8. Oh my - like you, I hope the city thinks better of taking away that wonderful green space. I know how I'd feel if they took our path away that runs beside the river. Hopefully saner heads will prevail! You're a brave girl to tackle knitting cables btw. I love the rose you used in your October block and the idea of the little blocks with a stitch in each is a great way to do a sampler...would be a good reference tool. We don't get any little ghoulies here in the apartment building so it was a quiet night for us...I guess I'll just have to content myself with your 'mooning' pumpkin fellow!

    1. Well there's nothing wrong with a nice, quiet Hallowe'en. (I had 38 years of but it was fun seeing all the costumes. And there are a few treats chocolate...mmmmmmnnnn. The cables seem to be coming along well, although I daren't knit them while watching television, or I get lost...hahahah....and then I have to tink, and then tinker to fix it. Happy weekend!


  9. I have been thinking and thinking about you and that Parkway. I think I would have to do something very quiet about it. Something that would appeal to a higher plane than the minds of planners. I wonder if you take out all your snippets of yarn and threads and twirl them on twigs and branches whether the birds would come down and put them in their nests to make them cosy.
    The gentlest guerrilla movement which might send a message in a subliminal way. Who knows!

    1. Thank you, Linda, for thinking about this parkway.
      The birds here will only take the dark threads, so their nests can be hidden in the trees from their predators, although the squirrels might like the threads for lining their nests. Though, they are high in the branches, and wouldn't be seen............a thread bombing might look good, though it would only be seen by those who love and use the pathway, and not by those who are voting on the decision. Sigh. I think if the pathway were more visible to the general population, it would have more impact, but it's the privacy, peace and quiet of the green space that appeals to those who are fighting to keep it........
      We'll be attending the meetings, going to the fundraisers, writing the politicians (as they are the ones voting....not the people who use the space) and we'll try to change their minds about the value of this unique area.....
      We have a large pro-active group working to save the green spaces in and around the city. If the people speak up, we hope the politicians will listen......thanks so much!


  10. It's hard to fight city hall, but I'm sure glad you're trying! Did you have lots of Halloween visitors? We had only ONE! LOve your projects and photos.

    1. We had about 35 trick or treaters, which means there's some treats still left.....but probably not for long.....muahahahahahah! Thanks, Judy.


  11. Hello Suz, Wow such wonderful creations to see. Hopefully your green space will stay green... Lovely to see folks walking along the path..Your stitching is gorgeous.. What is rolled french knots ribbon.. DID you make it.. I love seeing all your special stitching projects. Hugs Judy

    1. Hi Judy,
      The rolled french knotted ribbon is just ribbon that I rolled (or twisted really) and then tacked down in various places with french knots. Sorry for the brain fog moment and not being quite accurate. I hope the green space is here to stay-fingers crossed. Thanks for the lovely comments!


  12. stitching, tatting, knitting and witching!!! Is there no end to your talents!!!

    1. giggle. Thanks Karen! Glad you're back and all went well with the wedding and your trip.


  13. Hello Suz,
    Yes it is so importent that the green areas in our cityes all over the world, are being kept, they are invaluable for us.
    You are so productive ,with all kind of beautiful things, I wish you good luck with the throw !

    1. Thank you, Dorthe. Wednesday night we're going to the councillors' meeting regarding the green spaces, and I hope sanity prevails, and they decide not to pursue the parkway. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy it's peace, quiet, and oxygen! It's a shame when $$$ and votes have more voice than health benefits of natural spaces-- to humans and the wildlife. Fingers crossed......


  14. Hope the green space stays,it would be a tragedy to lose this lovely space.
    Your stitchMAP challenge squares looks great Suz!

    1. Thank you, Anita. I'm still quilting the squares with french knots, and then I hope to buttonhole lace around the perimeter.
      Fingers crossed the green space will survive the politicians.....



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