Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Suz Stitching Update

Hi everyone. I hope you've had a wonderful week.
Yesterday we took our daughter and granddaughter to the airport. It's been a wonderful 6 and-a-half weeks! Now, they've completed the first leg of their long trip back home to Australia, and our little house is once again too quiet. But, we've made a lot of fabulous memories that I shall cherish. Soon, our visits will be skype visits, only. How marvelous that we have the technology to see and speak with people halfway around the world!
I shall write another post soon, but here is my stitching update:
I've made a little progress on the October block:
Lots more stitching to come, but it's a start.......

Piece # 9 of my wrapping cloth has also progressed a little:

cast-on stitch chains dance along each edge of the lace-on-wild strip, and is almost complete
buttonhole lace and french knots were added to some of the lace hanky edges, and created 3 smaller pockets
 I've placed some pink paper in each of the three little pockets to indicate their size and shape
 piece # 9 to date, with lots more stitching on the way

Vicki Welsh posted these links on her blog, and I thought I would share them with you. Hallowe'en is coming up!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. You must be feeing sad now your family have returned home, it is good you will be able to skype now. I love what you are doing with the white blocks.

    hugs from afar

    1. So true, Shirley. I really miss 'my girls'! The wrapping cloth blocks seem to have a life of their own and I never know just what is going to be added......all intuitive stitching, I suppose, but addictive fun! Thanks.


  2. Beautiful stitching as always Suz. Glad you got to spend time with family. It is amazing that you can still see them and talk face-to-face through skype. Thanks for the links. I'm going to check them out now.

    1. Hope you like those links. The carving is amazing. Thanks for the lovely comments.


  3. Last week I got to see my daughter and family too it is so very nice. Your Victorian crazy patch is always wonderful to look at. I love everyone's posts Makes me think we are all doing up samplers long ago.

    1. That's the fun of CQJP--choosing a style. theme or period, and stitching a little quilt. I've signed up for 2014, and planning something just a little different....
      Glad you had a nice visit with your family, too. Our daughter and family live so far away that it may be a couple of years before we meet again. Thank goodness for skype!
      Happy weekend.


  4. So sad when they live so far away., but then mine live quite close and it is hard to see them as I am not driving much and they work.

    1. It makes those times when you can get together more precious, don't they?
      Skype is nice, but you can't hug. I shall miss all my Jewel hugs and kisses.
      Happy Friday, Penny.


  5. How lovely for you to have such a visit. I am fortunate that my children and grandchildren all live less than an hour away by car and I see them often.

    I love all the work you have shown. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Dian. Our visit was wonderful, but, as always, ended too soon. Enjoy your family visits.


  6. I am sure you will cherish those memories, it's a wonderful thing Skype, years ago the telephone was a wonder now we can see, talk to anyone around the world, I wonder what is next thing to be invented.
    Lovely stitching, looking very beautiful cloths.

    1. You're right, Margaret. Technology has created wonders, and perhaps the next thing might be virtual visits. That would be fun.
      Hope you're enjoying some nice autumn weather. Thanks.


  7. Dear Deb, -yes how lonely we feel, when our dear family leaves us after vacation,.-to go home again!!
    Your embroidery looks beautiful, and I love the rose fabric you incorporated !!
    Hope you day is not too empty!
    Hugs, Dorthe

    1. Thanks, Dorthe. I'm filling the days with housework and yard work so the quiet and empty house does not remind me too often just why it feels so empty. As you know, these visits are wonderful times, but they end too soon and too abruptly, and the happy sounds and noises that make the home sing, make the silence afterwards much too loud.
      Hope you have a wonderful visit with your grandchildren.


  8. I'm happy you were able to have such a long visit with your family. Just love the romantic roses Oct block and your wrapping cloth is very lovely - so delicate.

    1. Thank you Starr. It was a shock to the body trying to keep up with an active two-year old, but now the quiet is hard to get used to..... It's autumn here now. I'll have to get busy with all the garden chores-- that should help. Happy weekend.


  9. It will be quiet but as you say you have skype, my sister lives in Australia but her daughter and family are missionaries in Pakistan so they skype but I read that the Pakistani government anpre threatening to ban skype, fingers crossed they do not as it has been a Godsend for Alison to watch her grandchildren growing up etc. Your stitching is great, love the cast on chains down the side of the lace.

    1. Thanks Margaret! I'm keeping busy so I don't notice how empty the house is now. Time to put the gardens to bed for the winter, transplant, mulch, water, weed, and plants my bulbs. Guess I'll be getting my hands Have a great weekend.


  10. How you must miss your daughter and little one but what a wonderful country they are going back to. Have you been over there to visit? Beautiful country.

    Your work with Karen is going along nicely. Are you going to join SS3?


    1. Hi Freda,
      You're right-I do miss them. They should be home any time now.........
      We haven't been to Australia due to health issues, but one never knows what the future might bring. I've always wanted to visit Australia.......
      I've been tempted to join in Karen's newer classes, but I know if I did, that I'd be so excited about new things, my wrapping cloth might suffer ( I have a habit of jumping into too many things at once) I promised myself not to take on any new challenges ( besides the CQJP) until the cloth was completed. That may take a while.......but it'll be fun stitching time!
      Thanks, and have a great weekend.


  11. Everyone else has said it all - your stitching is beautiful as always.
    You have had a wonderful visit from your family, hopefully your health issues will clear and you will be able to visit our here one day. Meanwhile I agree that Skype is a great invention. Cheers

    1. Thanks Robin for your wonderful comments! Cheers back and i hope you're right about the travelling.


  12. Memories tucked in your heart for safe keeping. The stitching is lovely.

    1. Oh, I like the picture your words conjure. Thank you.


  13. I love the idea that you just add as you go along. All my projects seem to be along these lines LOL. Lovely memories of your time spent with your loved ones. Technology is wonderful in that you can still keep so easily in touch with them being so far far away. All the best to you. Di.

    1. Di, you are right about the technology, and the visit.
      I think that option of adding as you go is very appealing (could be also that I dislike following
      Happy weekend.


  14. Very bitter sweet to see the girls go home again. Memories and Skype are blessings to share with your family. Love your CQ and #9 White Cloth. Fabulous pumpkin carvings. I am not familiar with blue squash. Blessings Dear...

    1. Hi Sherry. I wish I could carve pumpkins and squash like that!
      Days are moving ahead, and I can now begin to return to other projects that have been put aside during the visit. The girls should be home by now and returning to their regular routine. I'll be skyping again, soon. Thank you.
      Have a wonderful weekend!


  15. Time spent with loved ones is all the more precious when it's so limited. I'm sure you all are feeling a massive void and will need some time to get back to normal. I agree - Skype is a wonderful thing.

    1. Void is a really good word to describe that let-down and the quiet after such an extended and boisterous visit. I've been taking time to putter, and the think and re-organize---I always like to 'put my house in order' after any big change........and it helps me to feel grounded again. Thanks.


  16. it's good to have you back but I know you would rather still be with your family...did they like your new place???

    1. It's good to be back, Karen. It was a lovely visit, but they needed to return home to Australia. I miss them. They liked the house, although my daughter preferred the lake house....a lot of memories for her there, as it was the site of the family cottage. We spent many happy summer holidays at the old cottage.....although she agreed that our new house is cute, and a better location for us.
      Happy stitching.


  17. Happy that I found your blog, your works are amazing!

    1. Thank you so much, Claudia! Your silk flower wreath is gorgeous.

  18. Beautiful stitching!I love the butterfly.Is it stitched or readymade?

  19. Hi Ina,
    Thanks for the lovely comment. This butterfly is a ready made one, although I did tea-dye it to get that warm colour. Some other butterflies I've used have been found on an old doily someone crocheted.


  20. Hello Suz, It is always great to family and also sad to see them go.. Like you said having technology makes it so much easier to keep in touch... Lovely CQ block.. Hugs Judy

    1. You are so right about family visits. Thanks so much, Judy!



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