Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February Update

TIAS - day 16 and the puzzle is all put together, even though my mast is a little wonky.....  ;-)  ..it may straighten out with blocking

Shall we go sailing, you and I
Over the boundless sea?
Shall we face wind, and wet and waves?
Tell me, dear Jane, shall we?
Shall we away to wondrous lands
Where skies of blue shall be?
Where sun shines hot upon the sand?
Tell me, dear Jane, shall we?
For we've been on a journey, 
For many a happy day.
And we have built our sailing ship,
So now we must away!
I'll miss the TIAS, but there's always next year.....
In my mailbox have appeared some delightful items:
  From Sherry came this wonderful bag she'd made. I love all the pockets, and the fabric she used. Right now it hangs on my chair, waiting to be filled with my next project.
Thank you, Sherry!
 some lovely linen fabric, ribbon and trim and an ORTS bag arrived from Pat . The linen will be perfect for trying some Hardanger, and I love the trim. I have one ORTS bag beside my stitching chair and now I'll have one beside my sewing machine. Thank so much, Pat!
This fun and funky fiber Goddess came all the way from Penny in Australia.
The Goddess is pinned to my inspiration board and keeps watch over me as I work in my studio.
Thank you, Penny!

I've been stitching on my tree skirt, and creating little snowflakes:

beaded ones, large and small

Tatted snowflakes, too

silver thread ones, snowflake buttons, and a frilly one to replace the lace flower
 another tat on red and white

with silver cascades and white gimp trim

and a frilly fringe

to be a part of our new traditions

and I need much, much more....... of everything

 my tree skirt matches our weather today: blowing, snowing, and a river of snowflakes

Oooh, what's that??


oh, yeah! single crochet

Ha ha!  I need some practice on my tension, ( and how not to miss those stitches on the ends..... teehee  ) but this first piece is crocheting! yay!
my second swatch looks a little better, but I tend to spread out a little......

more practice needed, but it's a start

Well, that's it for this week needle-wise

 the view out my studio window the other night was beautiful!

I caught this shot just before the colours began to fade and the sky turned to ink.

 Hope you've had a creative week

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I haven't forgotten you and will be working on some flakes to send! the tree skirt is looking lovely and looks like you received some very nice gifts too!

    1. Thank you, Mad, that sounds great! I'll look forward to seeing your snowflakes! Yay!


  2. So many lovely things to enjoy, Suz! I love your tree skirt - and you have reminded me that perhaps it would be a good idea to go ahead and start on some Christmas projects - NOW! oh, and your sunsets are wonderful…snowy and wonderful. send me some o' that snow!!

    1. I'd love to send you some snow, Starr! It's in our forecast every day for the next 5 days.......maybe I can divert it your way. lol
      I usually wait until the heat of summer to begin making my Christmas cards. Cools me down a little. But maybe that's not a bad idea getting started early.......thanks.


  3. I am jealous of your view and of your mail man!! Do you think he will come here? and crochet? is there no end to your talents.

    1. I don't think my mailman will go there, Karen, but even if he did, there's no saying he'd bring you MY goodies! muahahahah! I don't think he crochets either...hahahahah....but I'm working on learning it. Thanks.


  4. I never would have guessed a sailboat! Your tatted snowflakes are lovely (and SO much nicer than that awful stuff that keeps falling from the sky).

    1. I wouldn't have either MA, but one clever tatter guessed it very early in the game. Yeah, my snowflakes aren't nearly as cold or wet......lol ...hope you're having a stitchy day!


  5. A sailboat..Couldn't guess it at all..Beautiful bag! Lovely tatted snowflakes and the tree skirt is coming along beautifully…Your crochet swatch looks really good,have fun!
    The lesson I'd learnt from years of teaching basic crochet is not to use a variegated thread/yarn to learn the stitches and also it would help if you count the no. of stitches after completing each row while making swatches to avoid the missing stitches

    1. Anita, Jane is a clever lady stumping most of us. Thanks for the great tips on learning crochet! I admit I get caught up in the stitch maneuvering and forget to count. Aw, variegated thread is my favourite! But you're right --- I could probably see better if I used plain yarn. I'll try that.


  6. That's an awesome little poem to go with the finished TIAS. :)
    Nice to see all your bits of work-in-progress, and you are preparing for Christmas already?

    1. Thanks Val! My Christmas tree skirt is the only prop for Christmas so far, and it's for the 2014 CQJP (crazy quilt journal project) so I'm working on an oblong skirt, doing three attached sections per quarter and supposedly finishing 1 section/month. I'm already behind, though......gotta get busy.


  7. yes, i do see that it's a boat after all. turned out great and i enjoyed seeing the details on your Christmas tree skirt too. i happen to have new Christmas stockings for my family as an ongoing project . . . one done, two in progress. these special traditional items take time so it is best to start early.


    1. Thanks LibbyQ! The tree skirt is my 2014 CQJP so I had to begin in January--which is probably a good thing as it's taking me a while to find snowflake patterns that fit my skirt. I'll look forward to seeing your stockings.


  8. I love your tree skirt Suz, especially the tatted snowflakes - they are just so pretty! Coming here is always such a visual treat - such a wonderful variety of beautiful creativity.

    1. Thank you, Jillayne! You write such lovely things.... ;-D
      I used quite a bit of time trying to find snowflakes that would fit my skirt, so I hope to catch up quite a bit in the next week or two.
      Happy stitching!


  9. lovely tatting and a lovely poem to go with it. Some lovely gifts you have there, Sherry`s bag will be so useful for work in hand, the orts pot also, I have made a few and they are pretty as well as functional. Good to see you have a goddess watching over you. Re the crochet looks like you do what I do and have increased when you turn to start another row, tree skirt looks amazing and finally what lovely views to see whilst stitching

    1. Margaret, that Goddess keeps cracking the whip-- making me stop fooling around and get to work....lol...I do need a push now and again.....Thanks, and I'll have to double check on that turned row increase! Sherry's bag is so pretty I hesitate to use it.


  10. What a treasure trove of goodies! Your tatting is amazing.The little sailboat is fab! And what gorgeous sunsets.

    1. The sky was certainly beautiful that evening. We haven't had very many firey sunsets here, but I think we were probably looking out the wrong window! Now I'll be checking the studio window more often. Thanks for your lovely comments.


  11. I never guessed a sailboat. It is adorable and goes well with the poem. Snowflakes falling and landing on your gorgeous CQ tree skirt. The red and white is quite striking and will set off a green tree perfectly. Lovely gifts from your admirers dear. Look at you crocheting and doing so well. Kudos my friend. I believe you are able to tackle any challenge with needles and threads. Stay warm and safe indoors. Creative Bliss abounds with you...

    1. Thanks Sherry. I do like working with needles and thread, but can't seem to get the hang with shuttle-tatting. I'm a bit lazy.....and it frustrates me no end. A part of me wants to learn how to make it since it's daintier than needle tatting, but a part of me resists having to learn a new way of doing something I can already do.......guess we'll have to see which part of me is more stubborn...lol....
      The sailboat was a surprise to lots of us, and it was so much fun! I think I'll have to join in next year, too.

  12. This is all progress, good on you, tree skirt is coming along lovely!

  13. Thank you, Caroline. I like what you've done with your winter block. Happy stitching!


  14. You are keeping very busy. The sailboat was a nice surprise. Your xmas skirt is going to look so pretty with all your lovely additions. congratulations on your first lessons in crochet. You will soon be crocheting up a storm.

    1. I hope to, Shirley. My Mom used to crochet beautifully, and I'm so pleased to have a few of the items she made many years ago. I have more appreciation for the gentle arts now than I did then. I like to keep busy, and know that once the spring weather is here, I mightn't have as much time to indulge in my stitching.....I'll be in the gardens instead.


  15. The sunset photos are very beautiful - magical colours. You will get the crochet bug now Suz. The Christmas skirt is really coming along and I love the idea of the snowflakes done in beads it will give it a real sparkle. Cute little sail boat - and oh - love the poem.

    1. Thank you so much, Dianne! I've been checking my art room window every evening since that lovely sunset, looking for more. Alas, none yet, but I'll keep looking. I think you're right about the crochet bug.....I need to get my tension even, but that just takes practice. I need more hours in the day..hahah....have a lovely weekend!


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