Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blossoms and Stitching

Blossoms are everywhere!
 this apple tree grows just beside the school yard, and last summer Jewel would pick an apple from its boughs each time we walked by on the trail
 other plants are in flower, too, all along the walking path.

fruit trees and lilacs are a feast for the eyes, and the nose
 this wee bird bath sits in my garden, and I giggle each time I see it

2 nights ago I startled one of the nesting robins as it was having a refreshing bath
creeping phlox in bloom beside some creeping thyme.....

These lilacs sit on the dining room table and fill the area with a wonderful perfume.

There has not been a lot of stitch progress made this past week, although there has been some stitching on the wedding piece. I've put the Christmas skirt and wrapping cloth aside until the wedding gift is completely stitched, as there is a short timetable until the big day, and we hope to gift it to the happy couple before then.
Just a few peeks:
 The stitching boundary is marked by a row of chain stitch

More JK's have been added to the existing garland on the right side, and also anchor a beautiful piece of lace. It was a frame, but too small to use as I'd envisioned.........

the second half of the lace frame appears on the left side, also anchored with JK garlands.......

What's that winding bit beside the lace? I wonder what that will be?   (snicker)

You'll have to wait until next time........

Many hours have been spent in the gardens. I've finished preparing the beds, but it's too hot today to plant, so I shall plant the remaining bed, and transplant all the pots of wonderful stuff my BIL and his girlfriend brought me, over the next few days when temperatures are expected to return to normal.
Now, back to more stitching!

 I hope you've had a creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Beautiful blossoms! I love lilacs and apple blossoms. We walked beneath a flowering crab tree on the weekend and the scent was gorgeous. Your J.Knots are just as pretty as the flowers.

    1. Thanks MA! It's a beautiful sight (and smell) seeing all the trees in bloom. Are you going to the Lindsay Lilac Festival? It should be happening any time now, i think. Just imagine the aroma from hundreds of lilacs in bloom in one place!


  2. your wedding stitchery is looking lovely. Garden in full flower now, I only had 2 flowers on my lilac tree, seems to only flower alternative years but my white lilac has flowered for the first time this year, unfortunately it is past its best now

    1. Hi Margaret. Lilacs seem to do that, don't they? Have alternate years where the blooms are numerous. Ours is a little light on blooms this year, so I'm hoping next year will bring an explosion of lilacs. I've not had white ones before. Are they as fragrant as the mauve and dark purple? Thanks.


  3. Beautiful blossoms. I love the perfume of lilac. The wedding stitchery is looking beautiful.

    1. Thanks Maggi! Me too. We have a large bush outside the bedroom window and I was hoping they'd scent the room, but there aren't enough blooms this year. Maybe next year we'll have more.

  4. Beautiful flowers and stitchery. They go wonderfully together.

    Happy Gardening and Stitching ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks so much, FlowerLady! Maybe on a nice day I'll spend some time stitching in the garden. Hmmmm, I'll have to ignore the weeds, but I think it could be done, if I'm resolved........ lol

  5. Beautiful pictures of blossoms, thank you for sharing them.
    Lovely stitching.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I hope you're having a lovely spring, too. All the blossoms and their lovely scents seem to perk up my spirits.


  6. Our lilacs have bloomed and are now in the ugly stage. I adore the scent of the lilacs, definitely makes me think spring!

    1. Yes they are a sure sign that spring is underway. I love their scent, too. Amazing how a few blooms can fill a whole room with that aroma.


  7. Such a funny bird bath! Love the JK's on the wedding present.

    1. I think it was its quirkiness that made me buy that bird bath. I do love it! Thanks. There may be more JK's showing up on the wedding piece.....


  8. Dear Suz,
    How beautiful are the photoes from your garden,- It seems nature is ahead of us here in Denmark.My lilacs though are also blooming wildly .
    The wedding piece ,looks amazingly beautiful, it will be a wonderful gift.

    1. Thanks so much, Dorthe! I hope you're right-- I'm a little nervous doing something this large as a surprise with a short timetable. It was such a late spring for us, everything is exploding into bloom quickly.
      Happy creating.


  9. Beautiful blossoms. How wonderful to have an apple tree so close by. Your lilacs are divine. Lovely wedding stitchery. The JKs are amazing and look like a waterfall of beautiful lace. How glorious that you are having warm temps and are able to enjoy the great outdoors for your gardening pleasure. Blissful Dear...

    1. Yes, Sherry, it's so nice that spring is now underway and I can garden again. So much work all at once makes for busy days, though. I have to keep cracking on the wedding piece, We had two days of hot, muggy temperatures and that meant I stayed indoors and stitched as it was too hot to plant, or transplant. It's coming along, but more slowly than I wish......lol....
      Wishing you have more rain soon


  10. Wonderful things, lilacs are another favorite the fragrance is great! And love how you make that waterfall of little rings on your quilt it is so artistic!

    1. Thanks Mad! I love how they fill the air with their scent. The waterfall is such fun to do with the Josephine Knots! Happy Friday!


  11. Ha Ha, love the bird bath. Wish I could smell those lilacs! The apple blossoms look gorgeous too.

    1. Ah, Dianne, the lilacs smell wonderful: wish I could bottle it and send it to you. I do love my little bird bath!


  12. My lilac bloomed for the first time this year, too, takes me right back to my childhood ;) Been catching up with your wonderful work & lovely new garden. How exciting. Looking forward to the next bit of pretty wedding stitching, these are my colors at the moment ;)

    1. Thank you Emma for your lovely comments. I saw 'your colours' on your recent post and love them! I think that palette is so calming, but lends itself to more embellishment without looking too busy. To me, it looks rich and luxurious. Happy stitching!



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