Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October Wanes

I finished my rendition of the StitchMAP turtle. I wanted to create a soft background that simulated water, without taking any focus from the turtle. I think the turtle's batik fabric married well with the blue and green thread. It was perfect for adding a bit of colour and dimension to the turtle and his shell.  Does it look as though he's breaching the waves to gulp a deep breath?

Black crystals (with blue and green tones) were added for his eyes.

The weather has switched to colder temperatures with more frosty nights, and rain for most of the last week. The trees are losing their colourful cloaks.
As October comes to an end, so too do the warm days of autumn. Even the oak leaves are mottled and coloured.

 I picked up Wrapping Cloth piece #12
I added a strip of lace on the right,  with drizzles poking through

More french knots down the center, and piece #12 will be finished!
 Stitching began on the newest Wedding Piece with a pretty venice lace floral and several rows of buttonhole lace
Stumpwork leaves in the works for the wedding piece. I'm not sure I like the variegated leaf. Perhaps an ecru leaf with pale green veins and edging might look better?  You can just see the fine wire peeking out the stem bottom......
This brilliant sky greeted me a few evenings ago. It looks as though it's on fire........
We've had at least three frosts in the last few weeks, Yet, this clematis is still blooming! Maybe it doesn't realize it's autumn?

That's it for this week.

I hope you've had a fun, creative week.

Hugs from Suz.

Thanks for visiting. Hugs from Suz


  1. I love, love, love your turtle! He is wonderful and I do believe that you achieved the look you were going for...good to see you working on your wrapping cloth again...mine is still sitting and I really need to finish it up soon...as it is a memory piece for my dd, for her son that she lost, it takes a toll emotionally working on it...I am hoping to have it finished by her birthday in Feb...yours is looking good....a new wedding piece as well, you have been a busy stitcher for sure...

    1. Thank you, Wendy! The wrapping cloth has been calling to me for a long time, and I really missed working on it.It's nice to be back to white, again, too. Busy hands means a calm mind for me.
      Your wrapping cloth will be a wonderful gift for your daughter.


  2. Just beautiful as always x

  3. I just love your turtle as well Sue, the fabric stitching and background are am
    Just perfect
    You are so lucky to have that lovely clematis still flowering, when the trees arevlosing their pretty colours in readiness for winter

  4. I am fascinated with all the different fabrics and laces you are using in combination with the different embellishments it is really coming along beautifully.

    1. It's a lot of fun seeking just the right pieces to put together for my wrapping cloth pieces, Shirley. Some have been gifted, some found, and a few purchased. I hope the different pieces will blend together and look as though there's some cohesion. Of course, I love the titivations, and I'm looking forward to adding beading once all the pieces are completed with stitching.
      The turtle was so fun to do!
      We've had more frost, and that clematis is still going strong. I've had clematis before, but this is the first one that's bloomed through frosts. It must be the location: time will tell. Thank you, Shirley.


  5. I love the stump work I bought a book on it but haven't tried this yet I don't know what I am afraid of.

    1. Mad, everything is difficult until we know how to do it, right? I know tatting looked difficult, but once I tried it, and found my rhythm, it became very easy to do. So, don't be afraid to try stumpwork. I've been learning by doing and reading my stumpwork book. Which one do you have?


  6. Your turtle is precious and definitely looks like he is in water. Love your stumpwork leaves and the newest wedding piece. White cloth #12...wow! You have really embraced this type of creative bliss. Yes, the weather has turned much colder and the Fall leaves are leaving their limbs. I am honestly embracing Autumn this year. Glorious Sunset Suz Dear...

    1. Thanks, Sherry. Those stumpwork leaves take quite a bit of time to do, but I have something in mind for the wedding piece, and I sure hope they work. I'm so happy to be back stitching on my wrapping cloth pieces. I've already finished #12, and I'm tacking #13 together.
      Those cooler autumn days mean soups and stews, and baked cookies. The workers are still here, off and on, so they are eating up the cookies I bake. :-)


  7. Such a cute turtle - he does indeed look as though he's swimming, so I think you achieved what you were hoping for. I am wanting to get back at my wrapping cloth too, but Christmas looms and there are things that need to be created for that.

    1. I am pleased with how the turtle turned out, MA. He was fun to stitch.
      I know you're doing quite a few Christmas gift creations, so your wrapping cloth will have to be put on the back burner for a while. Mine has been calling to me since the spring, so it's nice I can stitch on it a little now. I've missed it!


  8. you could not have picked a better fabric for your turtle, he is great. Your white work is coming along well and I prefer the white leaf to the green but yes I think it would work well with green veins. No frost here still enjoying warm weather, having some lovely sunrises but not sunsets.

    1. Serendipity struck with the turtle and my stash, Margaret. Lucky me. I've been thinking about the leaves, too, and they may all be off-white with just a soft green vein, and perhaps the same green for the edging. most of the Wedding Piece will be ecru, but I wanted some subtle colouring added. The green leaves may be too much colour.
      I hope those warm temperatures hang in there for you.


  9. Love the turtles, your flowers look lovely.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I am rather fond of my turtle. That clematis must be a hardy one!


  10. the wrapping cloth, the wrapping cloth....sigh....it has been very mild here this past week but the price to pay has been very dark days, no sunlight at all to speak of. I think I would rather be cold, light starved is what we are !!

    1. Ah, yes, the wrapping cloth! Back to white pleasure stitching!
      Hope the sun comes out from hiding. Thanks Karen.


  11. Your turtle is beautiful, I love the colours you used, beautiful stitching,
    As is your stitching cloth, I do like the variegated leaf in green.
    We are very mild for the time of year but have had a lot of rain and wind which has ruined the colour of autunm and taken the leaves off the trees before they turned, so this autunm we have no or very little of the autunm colours.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! I think the variegated green would be nice on a fully coloured piece, but most of the Wedding Piece will be ecru, so a more subtle leaf is in the plans.
      Some autumns are like that here, too, when the storms strip the leaves from the trees. We were lucky this year to have such vibrant colours.

  12. Dear Suz,
    your turtle is looking wonderful ,and yes the green/blue threads so beautifully merried the turtle fabrics !I I also love your stumpwork leaves,-ant the white work, with lovely laces. Wonderful that your clematis dosen`t know it is cold and soon winter :-)

    1. Thank you, Dorthe! I think the clematis will soon learn what season it is--- we're expecting -5C Saturday night. If the flowers still look fresh tomorrow, I may cut them and bring them into the house. I must say that I really like the thread with that fabric on the turtle. I have a bit more of both.......... hmmmm, I wonder....?


  13. Love the turtle! I am taking a beginning crazy quilt class from Kathy Shaw and I am looking at your header with renewed interest! Really you did such nice work on that piece. A new wedding stitching!!!! I will be watching for those photos. I do like the stumpwork leaves, I guess it depends on the color scheme you are working with on which/how much green to use.
    The wrapping cloth always steals the show....lovely.

    1. Thanks Deb! I bet you're going to LOVE Kathy's class! Just a word of warning, though...-- CQing can be addictive! lol It's the perfect application for all your stitching and smocking talents.
      I think the wedding piece will be mostly ecru, with a touch of subtle colour here and there. I'm leaning towards ecru leaves with pale green veins, and maybe green also on the buttonhole edging, but I'll have to finish a sample or two to know what feels right.


  14. The choice of fabric for the turtle was perfect, he really does look good.

    1. I have to agree with you, Briony! ;-) Thanks!

  15. I am coming over right now so you can teach me how to make a turtle like that! Amazing! Beautiful! Turrrrr-ific! I'm jealous, LOL.
    Stephanie Grace

    1. Hey, Stephanie, come on over anytime!
      This is a StitchMAP design created by one of the members. StitchMAP is a Yahoo group dedicated to keeping the needle arts alive by members sharing their knowledge with one another. We have free courses, fun challenges, and tutorials. I've learned a lot, and hope to learn even more! Thanks.


  16. I stopped by on your blog - because of the wrapping cloth - are you working them in parts? - you numbered them....The Venice lace is a lovely piece - did you make it yourself from the beginning?

    1. Yes, Anneliese, I work individual pieces for my wrapping cloth, then I shall sew them together, and back them once I've made enough. The pieces vary in size and shape, and this adds to the look of the finished wrapping cloth, giving it character. The venice lace piece was purchased, and I added several rows of buttonhole lace variation along the bottom edge. I love doing buttonhole lace! Thanks.



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