Wednesday, January 14, 2015

More Wedding Piece #2

Once upon a summer's night, two people declared their love and shared their wedding vows beneath a glowing super moon, surrounded by family and friends, all standing amid a beautiful winery. Pink roses flanked each row of grape vines, their soft scent perfuming the air. The grapes were not yet ripe, but glowed in the moonlight with the promise of a bountiful yield.
This is the scene I am trying to portray in Wedding Piece #2.

6 of the 7 leaves are shown with clusters of beads.......

5 leaves are stumpwork, 2 are applique

hmmm, do the beads look like grapes?

how about like this?

 Does this look like grape vines?

more branches and leaves may be needed
 but perhaps with fewer grape clusters, or ones that are not so evenly spaced...
the bigger picture

 I considered larger clusters of grapes
 perhaps it's a bit too heavy a look....

what do you think?
This is the super moon in the upper left corner. It was huge, bright, and had a golden ring around it

the moon shone down all night at the wedding

considering the placement

I think I need to make more stumpwork leaves

curlicues are in the plans, too

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh wow! This is utterly amazing Suz! You are creating such a precious family heirloom.

    1. Thank you, MA! I'm thinking of having a mix of grape cluster sizes, and I sure hope that works. I'll need more leaves, though.........guess what I'll be stitching tonight? lol


  2. Wow! Beautiful leaves and grapes ! Love your visualisation - gives it so much inherent romantic beauty.

    I like the single grape bunch vine better, but a 'medium balance' would work too - not as many clubbed together, but maybe in 1 or 2 bunches. Reasons: the clusters of grapes & leaves look good ; single bunch throughout the vine seems just a tad 'regular' ; .... Ignore this.

    No. The more I look & compare, the more I prefer the larger clusters ! They look more natural. The only teeny-tiny change would be to shift, just a tad, one of the top 3 bunches so as not to align so linearly. Besides bunches, the overlapping leaves also look great together .
    The clusters also represent, I my opinion, a happy & contented Longevity, besides a bountiful future. À vine will flourish only if there is harmony & happiness :-)

    Now that you have described the scene, I can't wait to see what the work will look like as it progresses. Thanks for sharing your amazing creativity & journey

    1. Muskaan, I appreciate your comments on the clusters. I really like the triple cluster at the bottom, but think it's too heavy for the end of a vine, so I may combine both triples and singles, but I'll need to add more leaves, too. Perhaps placing more of the clusters closer to the center of the vines would work better. I also like the look of the overlapped leaves. I shall have to stitch more leaves and play with the composition a bit more. Thanks so much!


  3. I see the most beautiful Full Moon shining down and glorious grapes hangng from an heirloom vine with gorgeous grape leaves. This work of art is stunning and will be auch a treasure for generations to come. Labor os Love Created from Your Heart and Hands Dear...

    1. Thank you, Sherry! This piece seems to have a life of its own-- it keeps growing and changing as I stitch. I'm enjoying the journey, though.


  4. Spine-tingling beauty! You have captured it perfectly.

    1. Cathy, thank you for writing that. It's great getting feedback as to what others see. I know how I want something to look, but I also know that can influence what I see in my work. Impartiality can be difficult.


  5. So much work! Beautiful. I actually prefer the smaller bunches of grapes, better as part of a whole.

    1. Jane, I have decided to add 1 large cluster of grapes near the bottom of the vine, but use single clusters elsewhere, to keep it from being too heavy. While I want the vines to support the heart, I hope they won't take all the attention from it. At least that's the plan right now-- it could change as this piece evolves. Thank you.


  6. Be still my heart! What a beautiful piece you are creating!

    1. Thank you, Deb! It seems to be growing as I stitch, and becoming more layered than I first imagined it would be. As a result, it's taking a lot longer to complete. I love creating it, though, and hope the couple don't mind waiting.......

  7. You painted a wonderful picture by the words at the beginning, I could close my eyes and see the scene, Your grapes are perfect and the grape leaves look wonderful, the whole picture with your wonderful sewing skill match perfectly

    1. Margaret, thank you for those lovely words! I have to make sure that the grape vines don't take over the whole'm having a wonderful time stitching this piece.


  8. Wow, it's just perfect for your story! Love the stumpwork leaves with the grape beads.

    1. Thank you, Annet. You know the best part of the story? It's all true. I've learned quite a bit making the grape clusters, and the leaves.


  9. Suz, I love your grapewine and the clusters of grapes, hidden a bit behind the leaves, they are like real grapes, and so very beautiful createdI think they ahe the perfect size . A stunning piece ,all !!

    1. Dorthe, thank you so much for your lovely comments! I wondered about the sizing of the leaves and the grapes, so I'm happy you think they work together. I have to get busy making more of both.


  10. wow, what a beautiful welcome to my cold, snowy Friday morning....this is exquisite.

    1. What a lovely thing to write, Karen! Thank you so much.
      I am making more stumpwork leaves and grape clusters--those not used on this side will be used on the right. I'm having so much fun!


  11. Oh my! what a stunning piece! the grape vines looks amazing Suz.

    1. Anita, I'm so pleased you think the grape vines work! I wasn't sure they'd read as I'd hoped. More leaves and clusters are in the works. Thanks so much.


  12. Suz, your work is absolutely stunning. I love the little grapevine! The overall piece is beautiful! :)

    1. Thank you Denise, for those lovely words! The grapevine is coming together, although I need more stumpwork leaves and more grape clusters. And then I need to know when to I am enjoying the process. Then I'll have the other side of the piece to stitch, and the bottom.............


  13. I love the bead grapes... the "story" you are telling with your work is wonderful - how it all intertwines. And your work is lovely Susan, just sublime.

    1. Thank you so much Jillayne! The story is real, so I just have to follow the facts, but I am enjoying creating the scene with needle, thread, wire and beads. It's taking me longer than I'd thought ( gee, I think I always underestimate the time I need for a project) but that just means more fun!


  14. Hi Suz
    Your work here continues to grow in beauty. Those grape vine leaves are gorgeous and I love the beads just poking out a little from under the leaves.Looking at our grapevine growing here the grapes are so well hidden.
    Continue with patience Susan as it is all worth every stitch!

    1. Thank you Suzy for your lovely comments and encouragement! I enjoy every moment I've spent working on this piece and I've learned quite a bit. One day I hope to make a wedding piece for me.


  15. The grapevines are amazingly beautiful, but I love stumpwork! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Susan

    1. Hi Susan, and thanks for your visit and comment. I love stumpwork, too. My problem is I love stumpwork, and oil painting, watercolours, and embroidery, music and gardening, beads and knitting, tatting and acrylics, my gelli plate, and making cards, mixed media............whoo boy!....well, you get the idea. Like you, I have a small 'studio'..........


  16. A sweet romantic picture you painted in words. You have done a fine job of capturing the sentiments, Suz. I think the pearl clusters are perfect for the grapes and I am loving your stump work leaves. A real work of art.

    1. Thanks Dianne! Lots more to do on this piece yet, so there are more leaves and grape clusters in the making. It was a romantic evening.



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