Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Fury

The snow has been swirling in the furious winds, so I was hiding indoors and stitching.
The last installment of the StitchMAP Hex Labs was completed with this stitching of some Winter Mittens, designed by Tom Russell.

A Fun Friday Tutorial for a small weaving was the challenge for this month. My weaving didn't turn out quite square. Actually it tapered and reminded me of a handbag, so I created two large bullion knots for the handles, and decorated the front with a tatted flower and a wee faux pearl bead. I could string it on a chain or wear it as a lapel pin, but I think I've decided to use it as my scissor fob.

The Wedding Piece is progressing.
The right side is waiting for me to finish and add the stumpwork leaves, along with more grape clusters.

Then, I'll extend down the side until the bottom section begins. Still lots more to add to this piece, but the finish is in sight, I think.

 Over the weekend, I played with my Gelli Plate and created some tags......
some interesting prints with a stencil I made

some small pieces for cards
and more prints. It was fun getting my hands dirty. ;-)

Hope you've had a creative and rewarding week.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. The small mittens and purse are very cute! Your wedding piece continues to amaze me - very beautiful! It looks like you had fun with some color with your Gelli plate. The cards will end up very unique.

    1. Thanks Tattrldy. I do have fun with the gelli prints-- love the patterns and designs and playing with colour. The Wedding Piece calls to me....... *:) happy


  2. Love those little blue mittens with all your stitching. That is the cutest little purse weaving ever. What did you weave it on? Lovely Wedding Piece...your labor of love is stunning. Gelli papers are lots of fun and you really make the best of a painty mess. I see you are enjoying Creative Bliss Dear...

    1. I knew you'd like the colour of those mittens, Sherry. I wove the handbag on a small piece of cardboard, with V cuts on each end to wind the yarn lengthwise. Then I wove the thread over and under across the long pieces. It was fun and didn't take very long. Thanks.


  3. Love the the tiny little purse and blue mittens sooo sweet and the blue stencil with circles is my favorite of your fabric prints.

    1. It seems we both like circles, Mad! I had such fun layering colours to get the look I wanted. i think my fave is the pastel one. Thanks.


  4. Ooh! So lovely! You make me want to stay home from school and create!

    1. Didn't you already do that this week? Gotta love snow days, right? I count that like free time. Thanks Diane.


  5. Love your mittens and purse, the wedding piece is going to be a master piece by the time you have finished.
    Your tags look great.

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret! The wedding piece seems to be taking a long time, but I enjoy the stitching very much. it would be nice to have another pair of hands and that way I could work on two projects at the same time!...lol!


  6. Looks like you've been having lots of fun hiding from the snow! Everything is beautiful, and the wedding piece is simply amazing.

    1. Thank you, Starr. This winter I get to hide from the snow -- orders from physio after my knee op-- so I'm taking advantage of the time I'd otherwise be spending with a shovel in my hands and I have a needle instead. Count me happy.


  7. your weaving purse looks so beautiful.It would look pretty both as a pin as well as fob.Lovely prints..seems like you are having so much fun :-)

    1. I am having fun, Anita! Thanks. I thought of t he handbag as a pin, but I seldom wear them, so perhaps the fob would get more use. ;-)


  8. Hello Suz,
    I love your gelli print playing, and all the wonderful examples you made.
    Th little scissors bag looks lovely , and oh the mittens are so sweet !! Here we had snow,too, but today I dared outside for a walk !!

    1. I hope you had a nice, safe walk out in the snow, Dorthe. This winter I'm staying indoors more to let my knee heal fully, so I ride the stationary bike instead of taking walks. I've been missing the scenery though. Thanks for the lovely comment.


  9. Can't wait to see the wedding piece finished, you have put so much work into it and it is going to be beautiful. What are you going to do with it?

    1. Hi Briony. The Wedding Piece is a wedding gift for DH's friend and his new wife. DH has known him for over 50 years! So, when they were married last summer, we wanted to create something special for them. The piece is a stitched memory of that night: there was a super moon, the wedding and reception were held in a winery, and there were roses growing at each end of the rows of grapes. I'd hoped to have it finished by Christmas, but my knee surgery kind of slowed down my stitching.....lol......it might not be ready until their 1st Anniversary, but I hope it's done before then. DH will be making a special frame for the stitchery.
      I think I may one day create one of these for myself.

  10. Lovely things to be seen on your post, Susan, the prints are so colourful and make me wish to get a gelli plate - what do you think about it, what size? The weaving and the February Fury very sweet.

    1. Hi Anneliese. You might want to make your own gelli plate (temporary, gelatin based) to see if printing appeals to you before paying for a gelli arts plate. They can be a little expensive, depending on the size you purchase. As to the size, that will depend on how you want to use your gelli prints. If you plan to work in a journal, then small or medium sizes might work best as they'll more easily fit the pages. Mine is 8x10, and sometimes I think the 5x7 might be more user friendly as they're a good size for journals. The 4x6 is great for making cards.The 12x14 might be a good size if you want to print on fabric.........so, it all comes down to usage, I think. Thanks.


  11. Your wedding piece is just amazing, I agree, such a special labor of love! Love that owl in your last post & your mono printing is just delicious!

    1. Thank you, Emma. I'm enjoying how the Wedding Piece is progressing...... getting the picture in my head out onto the fabric bit by bit...I shall be trying some gelli print fabrics in the near future, i think. That should be fun, too.


  12. Love the mitten piece. The wedding piece continues to grow in size but most of all beauty!

    1. The mittens were really fun to stitch, and a fairly quick project, unlike the wedding piece which seems to be growing in detail, too. I love it, though. Thanks, Deb.


  13. Your work is gorgeous! The mittens are so cute, and your wedding piece is amazing. I love the little woven piece. And your prints are beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much for those lovely words, Lisa! The mittens were a lot of fun to do. I think the Wedding Piece is consuming me.........


  14. Read the post title 'February Fury' and then saw the mittens and immediately thought Suz was getting out the boxing gloves (albeit pretty ones!) to give Ol' Man Winter the heave ho!! The wedding piece is completely amazing!!!!

    1. LOL! MA I think I may have to put on the boxing gloves to see ol' Wiarton Willie. I don't see any indication of his prediction for an early spring! Thanks.


  15. ah, mittens! I have so many memories associated with mittens, all of them happy.

    1. Me too, Karen. Snowballs and building snow forts, snow wars, and tobogganing parties followed by hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, ice skating, tramping through the bush..........ah, good memories.


  16. Oooo I hope my gelli prints work out half as nice as yours Suz. They are smashing

    1. I'm sure they will be, Dianne. I must admit that I made a lot of ugly papers playing with my gelli plate. One thing to remember though, is that you can always add another layer on top. That can change an ugly paper to a beautiful one! Have fun!


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