Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February's Freezing

It's been bitterly cold for the last week or so, with morning temperatures at -24C. Add in the wind chill factor, and it feels like -41C! Brrrr!
So I've been staying indoors most of the time. What have I been stitching?
Well, I went through some of my ORTS (you know, those thread ends from stitching and sewing) and I mixed in a few tiny pieces of fabric from left-over projects. Then I added in some lame for sparkle, some chopped up metallic candy wrappers, sandwiched them together with netting or organza, and created some bowls.

this bowl is an oval
a nice size to hold a glass candle holder
the green bowl has extended corners for a different look
the candle holder fits
you can see the lacy edge of the red and white bowl, it's open areas, and its rows of buttonhole lace
the last row of lace has red beads attached for a wee bit more bling

Why the bowls? Our embroidery Guild members are creating bowls for the annual Guild display at the local Library.
The green and blue bowls still need some added embroidery...........
Work continues on the Wedding Piece # 2.
more stumpwork leaves are wired and awaiting their floss.

delicate thread meanderings....

how many hearts can you find?

 leaves stitched onto the fabric
a stumpwork leaf layered over top

Soon the right side will be completed, and only the bottom of the Wedding Piece #2 will be calling to me.....

Hope you've had a wonderfully creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Nice bowl, my mom used to wad up wet fabric and throw it in dryer and then slightly open it and stitch it down with ribbons and such and this reminds me of this. Love the leaves and pearls too always a fun place to visit your blog!

    1. That sounds like good, messy fun, Mad! I suppose it would work well with wool, too, to make a felted bowl. Everything old is new again, right? It was fun to make my bowls. Thanks.


  2. That sounds cold! Like the bowls.

    1. Thanks Penny. Yes, it is cold--that's why I'm hiding indoors and stitching....lol!


  3. Beautiful work Susan, I was looking for the hearts! The bowls are very, very nice. I love them. How comes that they are either blue or green. Is there dyeing involved? My orts are multicoloured.

    1. Hi Anneliese,
      I used coloured organza and sorted my orts to pull out shades of the same colour to add interest with threads, fabric bits, and candy wrapper slices. I stitched the bowls with variegated thread for added colour. I'm so glad you like them.


  4. Your ORT bowls are fantastic! I guess I 'should' be saving mine to make something out of them.

    I am truly inspired over this wedding piece. It is exquisite. I want to learn to do stumpwork. and other stitch work too.

    Keep warm and have a great day today ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you, Lorraine. The bit of stumpwork I've done so far is mostly learned from a book: RSN Essential Stitch Guides Stumpwork, by Kate Sinton. It's fun to do. I'm so glad you like the Wedding Piece, and hope the couple who'll receive it feel the same way.
      I have a big jar of ORTS after only two years of saving my bits. It's amazing how quickly they add up. I remember my mother used to save her yarn ends from knitting, and tuck them into stuffed sock dolls she made. Some people put them out for the birds, but they don't usually use the coloured ones, as they want their nests to stay hidden......although I've seen the squirrels gather them up for their nests......
      I shall stay warm. I'm hiding indoors from the cold and the snow that's been falling all morning.....I'm waiting for spring!


  5. I love those bowls! Another item to add to my to-do list. The wedding piece continues to amaze me.

    1. Those bowls are easy and fun to do Diane. I bet you're getting lots of ORTS from your weaving and tatting, too. I waited 2 years to use mine-- you need a big jar to hold them all...lol. Thanks


  6. Those bowls are amazing, wonderful colours
    Your wedding piece is beautiful gosh the work you are putting in it. It will turly be a master piece

    1. Thank you, Margaret. The coloured organza really helps, as well as the layering of different shades in the sewing thread and other added material. They're fun to do, too.


  7. What a fantastic way to use orts! Thanks for showing the stump work in progress - ah, is that how it's done? I love the 3-dimensional leaves, really splendid.

    1. Jane, I came across the ORTS idea in Stitch magazine, but I've also seen it on youtube tutorials, too.
      I'm sure there are many different ways to do stumpwork leaves, but that's the way I've been doing mine. Once the wire is covered in tight blanket stitch, I satin stitch the inside, then add another layer of blanket stitch to the outside and stem of the leaf. The wire makes it bendable for shaping. It's kind of like an applique with a wire support. It's a bit time consuming, but it adds a nice dimensional effect. Thanks.


  8. A wonderful use of the orts Suz, what a great idea-, and your wedding piece is growing to fantastic beauty, The leaves you show, is amaziing , and so is the whole embroidery ,dear,

    1. Dorthe, an article in Stitch magazine showed this idea for using ORTS, so I can't take credit. It's fun and easy to do, and I like re-using what might otherwise be tossed in the bin and the landfill. The leaves take a lot of time, but I think the effect is worth it. Thanks.


  9. I do love those bowls Sue, they are gorgeous. I have done a similar thing, with orts, but after strewing the orts and some gold threads onto the backing I think I covered it with visofix and ironed that on, then after I peeled off the paper I then ironed on some organza. I then cut out leaves for the creative piece I put on facebook. It was fun and I used pieces of that on a few different projects in different ways.

    1. That sounds like a nice way to make unique leaves, Shirley. I'll go to your FB page and look for your project--I'd love to see it! I like using organza, and have fun with singeing it to finish the edges, too. I used a heatnbond to hold the wee bits together between the organza sandwich. Next time I'm in the fabric shop, I'll be looking for organza in different colours. Thanks.


  10. Pretty bowls! you sorted out the orts,really? kudos to your patience Suz :-)

    1. I really did, Anita! It was rather like sorting through a very messy, tangled thread stash....lol!....but I did want to pull out specific colours, so,.........it had to be done. I think the results are worth it. Another time I may create a multi-coloured bowl, but first I'll need to get some white organza. Thanks


  11. Your embroidery is absolutely exquisite Suz and I love your bowls too. I absolutely could NOT cope with the temperatures you are enduring, I take my hat off to you. Hoe you stay warm inside. Cheers

    1. I suppose, Robin, it's all in what your body is used to dealing with. I guess we'd adapt over time.
      the bowls were such fun to make and a nice change from the wedding piece. Thanks.


  12. the bowls are fabulous and I love the wedding piece a little more each time I see it...

    1. I'm half-way finished decorating the green bowl with embroidery, and then I'll titivate the blue one. As for the wedding piece--me too, Karen! thanks.


  13. What a super way to use your orts and little pieces and your bowls all look wonderful and so colourful! Wow - your stumpwork leaves are beautifully stitched and the wedding piece is going to look amazing!

    1. Thank you, JPP! There are so many wonderful ideas online to experiment with--I'm sure I've seen several for using one's ORTS--although I did find this variation in Stitch magazine. So fun! The stumpwork is enjoyable, except for getting stuck by those wire ends! lol


  14. Oh Suz I cannot even imagine how cold it is for you. Thankfully you can be indoors making your beautiful works of art. Fabulous bowls out of orts. Your guild display will be stunning. Exquisite Wedding piece with precious stitched hearts. Warm Hugs Dear...

    1. We had a brief reprieve over the weekend, but this morning the temperature was back down at -21C, and that's without the wind chill factor. In the -30's with .........Brrr. Heading out to the Chiropractor this morning. Thanks for the lovely comments, Sherry.


  15. Suz your the bowls are very beautifully made and your stumpwork embroidery is really wonderful, so inspiring to look at.

  16. Thanks, Suz! Isn't this weather absolutely shocking? You stay warm and safe too! : )

    1. It has been brutal....up at the lake house we always had at least 1 week of -30's weather....I'm glad to be further south these days......

  17. Do hope you were able to stay inside today - I was out in it and nearly froze. That wind was absolutely bitter!! Far better to be inside looking at your beautiful bowls and that incredible wedding piece!!!

    1. I was out to and from the car to go to the Tuesday lecture series......was nearly blown away! It was bitter. In hiding for the rest of the day. Going to stitch now...........thanks



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