Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Into March

March came in with cold temperatures and sunshine.
My Christmas cactus seems a little confused about  the season

It's bursting into bud

I've been doing a variety of stitching.
The blue ORTS bowl is complete with added bullions, beads, and tatted flowers.

a layered tatted flower beneath a bullioned edging, accented by two beads

the opposite side of the bowl has bullions and beads on the edging

a wee tatted flower on the inside of the bowl covers up the stitching for the outside flower

for those who asked, here's the inside story on the green bowl 

one piece of my gelli plate printed fabric is being titivated with a bit of variegated thread
hmmm, what happened to that bottom right curve? Ha! What curve, you ask? Yea, that one.
To frog, or not to frog.......that is the question...... : b  ...lol

The last few
 weeks have brought wonderful treasures in the mail:
 Createology sent me a magical bubble wand. I can hardly wait for warm temperatures and sunny days to test out my new wand. I bet it makes fabulous bubbles!

In the same envelope was this little fabric pocket, perfect for carrying a credit card, or two or three.......

From Diane came some dyeing thread.
This thread is not colourfast, so it can create interesting marks on fabric........I need to find some more play time.

Jillayne sent me some Season's thread to try. It's a lovely floss with a nice sheen to it. I wish local shops carried it...........I'm using it on the gelli fabric above......and I really like it!

I treated myself to some pretty thread by Lorraine. Aren't the colours wonderful?

Then, Mary Corbett had a giveaway, and I won a Blackwork e-course with Tanja Berlin!

I'm so excited to learn from Tanja. My class supplies arrived! I have some reading to do........ :-)

A little package arrived from StitchMAP with a couple goodies inside.
a pattern transfer sheet for monograms, and a kit for a needle box! What fun!

I am so blessed.

Progress continues on the Wedding Piece with a few additions........

a few grapes on the left side tucked amongst bullions and curlicues
beginnings of structure and leaves on the bottom right
curlicues on the bottom left await leaves and wee stitchings

the big picture

I'm getting there........

 a wee bit more stitching on  the gelli painted cloth.....you can see that wonky curve is still there.... :-!

layers on layers on small fabric pieces, gelli plate and stencil painted

 a large cloth in progress
I love playing with my gelli plate!

That's all for this week
Hope yours has been creative and full of fun!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Sounds like a busy time, love your gelli printing

    1. Thanks Penny. It's been too cold to be outside, so I've stayed cozy indoors and played, and played..... ;-D


  2. Wow Suz, so much to look at and admire. That wedding piece especially is a treasure!
    Judy x

    1. There was a lot of play time last week, Judy, so I took advantage and had lots of fun. Thanks.


  3. I 'LOVE' your blue bowl and to think it is made from thread/yarn bits. Truly amazing!

    Your wedding piece is exquisite. So much beautiful detail.

    Happy creating ~ FlowerLady

    1. Mostly, the bowl is made from ORTS, but there is some organza, too, holding it all together with the stitching. Have you been saving yours, too? They are fun to make. Thank you!


  4. Wow, I don't know where to begin, the little purse is great and gelli plate pattern I love, cause I used to be a quilter and making "cathedral window" quilts was my favorite thing to do! I love how you are stitching the out line :)

    1. It was a busy week, Mad. But lots of fun. I didn't realize that was the cathedral window design (I'm not a quilter--unless, of course, it's Crazy quilting.. lol) but I really like it. It looks rather like a Sashiko pattern I stitched last year. Thanks.


  5. Wow - what a lot of fun it was reading your post! So many wonderful things to see. Hope your mailman didn't get a hernia carrying all those treasures to your mailbox!!

    1. I saw the mail truck parked at the corner, so, no, he didn't have far to carry the treasures!...lol...Good thing they didn't all arrive the same day---wouldn't all have fit in the mailbox. Glad you had a bit of fun.


  6. Oh, if only all of us could get together for a week or two... imagine all we would learn from each other! Enjoy all your goodies!

    1. That would be a blast, Diane! . I could learn to weave, and crochet, and tat buttons for headbands......and.....
      I imagine there's be a lot of laughter in between the learning.


  7. the gelli prints are so beautiful.Lovely honeycomb pattern :-) Enjoy all your goodies!

    1. Thanks Anita. I'm enjoying and learning lots of fun ways to spend my time. Love it!


  8. Hey Suz! My crazy Christmas cactus bloomed in October last year, so have now re-named it the Halloween cactus. Oh my and all the wonderful goodies! I have a bubble-blower who would love to get his hands on that wand :)

    1. Sherry did a fab job on the wand, didn't she? I guess I'll have to call my cactus a March flower...lol. There were a few blooms around Christmas, but nowhere near the normal number, so I re-potted it. Maybe it just needed some fresh soil........? Thanks.


  9. Wonderful treasures, created and received!

    1. Thank you, Jane. It's been a wonderful month. Wishing you creating joy


  10. Thanks for mentioning me Suz! Wow, have you ever been busy. So many treasures. Your ort bowl is fantastic. :)

    1. Thanks Lorraine. The bowls were fun and quick to do, and I may make a few more........


  11. Suz, you have been so bussy, the bowls are wonderful, and your gelli prints so beautiful, also with the sewing, dear. I was also last year gifted one of Sherry`s lovely wands, -the fabric pocket is a great idea,too. So many sweet gifts from all over, you have been so blessed.
    Hugs from Dorthe

    1. You're so right, Dorthe: I am blessed with wonderful and generous friends! I think the credit card pocket pouch would be great for shopping when you don't want the added bulk of a purse. It would fit nicely in a jacket pocket. Thanks.


  12. Wow, love how you got all the layers into the gelli prints, Suz. Great work on the orts bowls and I love the added embellishments on the blue one. No wonder the cactus is confused when spring hasn't sprung when it was supposed to!!!

    1. Dianne, the cactus was supposed to bloom at Christmas, so it's really late flowering. Silly cactus.
      Some of the fabrics have as many as 9 layers of paint on them--it makes for some really interesting colour results. Of course, it can make for some muddy ones, too. There's that big dark metallic splotch i have to do something with....... lol. I'll be adding more to the large cloth. Oh, goody, more gelli fun!


  13. Wow - what wonderful busyness!! I love everything, especially the wedding piece - it has been a real treat to see that evolve and grow.
    Congrats on the win - I love blackwork but really don't have the eyes for it anymore - I hope you'll post pictures...

    1. Thank you, Jillayne. Yes, I'll post photos of the blackwork as I make progress on the butterfly. I've only done 1 small piece before, so this should be fun!


  14. Oh so much to share with this post - your poor cactus wondering when to flower! You are under snow and we have had a very mild Summer which is all over now and now it's your turn to look towards the blooming roses!
    Love your ort bowls, sweet little gifts and some to experiment with too and, of course, your wedding piece really has my full attention and I am loving it!
    x Suzy

    1. Suzy, I can't wait for spring and warm temperatures to arrive! It will be several months before my roses are blooming, but I'm looking forward to spending many happy hours out in the gardens. Thanks.


  15. I absolutely love your thread bowls with the tatting and beads added. Gorgeous! Congratulations on your winning the Blackwork class. That butterfly is beautiful. Wedding Piece 2 is really coming along perfectly. You are really enjoying Creative Bliss while you are indoors staying warm from the frozen temps.

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I'm looking forward to having my own butterfly flitting about the art room. Today I shall begin lesson 1, and I hope to make a bit of stitching progress. Have a great Sunday.


  16. Oh my-- your Christmas cactus is confused-- but it's SO beautiful. Your felted bowls are so unique and lovely.... Their free form shape is so special.

    Lucky you to receive so many wonderful gifts from your friends!! Every time I see your "wedding" stitches I am just in awe. I just can't imagine that someone could truly create something so amazing. I've never seen such beautiful stitches!!


    1. Thank you Vicki! I'm excited to be coming to the end of the wedding piece, and eager to see the faces of the couple when they open up their surprise. I wonder what big project I'll be working on then?


  17. Wow, I am little jealous of that beautiful work area :) Your stitching looks like you are having fun, and the forest creatures are trying to come out to say hi. Your kind of work it great for that little pack rat that is in all of us, the blocks are a wonderful way to display a great find!

    1. Thank you Mad! It's taken many years and much making do to finally get a work space that not only works, but looks nice, too. I'm quite pleased with it. Lots of space to tuck things away behind closed doors.........



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