Friday, April 10, 2015

And Then There Was Paint

There was paint gathered on my art room table: I'd been fabric painting with my gelli plate. In the corner was a canvas. It had some paint on it and an idea struck.


adding some texture with stencils and moulding paste

all dry and awaiting some colour
 oooooh, colour!

squirt, and swirl and smoosh

coming together.

I like it and almost stopped here.....

knowing when to stop is often difficult for me--I want to play some more

adding more turquoise and taming the yellow

some white to create the look of foam

the pouring medium adds a glossy surface

that's better--no glare in the photo, but the colours are not quite true.....

That's better. The colours are more true in this photo.
The texture created with the moulding paste can be seen and adds a bit of interest to this bold painting.
We're remodeling our basement bathroom. The walls are white paint, white subway tile with a thick row of glass tiles in browns, beige and black. The tile floor is a medium dark brown. The accessories are brushed nickel, and the new towels are turquoise.
I think this painting will add a nice, intense splash of colour. Do you?
Anyone for a day at the beach?

I sure had fun playing with my paints!
I hope you've had some fun creative time, too. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. This came out beautifully. It will fit wonderfully into your redecorated bathroom, it is such a good picture of water - foam - and splashing. A swirling wave in a hot climate.

    1. Thanks Anneliese! I'm sure it will add some needed colour to the bathroom. DS says it will give everyone something to look at while they're otherwise!


  2. a gorgeous turbulent sea....but i do like that 3rd image and i would have gone in a completely different direction. i used to love the effect the moulding paste would give. i wonder if i have any left....

    1. One of the things I find fascinating is how we each see the same things differently and go in different directions. I'm not only interested in the whys, but in how these differences result in unique pieces of art, even when each person begins with the same starting point and the same supplies. Now I'm wondering in which direction you would have gone.
      I'll have to watch and see if you find your moulding paste, and what happens next......Thanks.


  3. I looked at the third picture and thought - wow - that's great. And then I saw the fourth picture - and thought - wow - that's great too. Oh, and then I saw the fifth picture - and thought (well, you know where this is going don't you!!). I would have called it quits and been very happy with the 3rd version but each thing you added just made it better. Amazing!!

    1. Thanks MA! I never know whether to take it that one step further, or not, until, of course, it's done, and then sometimes it's too late! lol. This time I'm pleased with the outcome. It's too bad there's not a rewind on creating............but then I'd probably miss out on a lot of knowledge gained about what NOT to do.........hahahah. Sometimes learning the hard way is the better way. Happy weekend.


    2. I'm learning the hard way, what not to do !!! With my version of Renulek's Wiosna Doily ;-/
      But your creativity knows no bounds & I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process that you have shared. The end result is just as beautiful as each step was !!!
      And it all seems so easy when you do/show it :-)

    3. Thank you, Muskaan! I think it always looks easy when someone else shows how it was done. And I've often thought that if I show the different steps I've used, maybe other people might try it, too. I've been watching your Wiosna Doily dilemma, and other's doilies taking shape. I'm not sure I have that much time or patience at present..........


  4. How divine to create your very own Gelli art for a splash of color in your new bathroom. With turquoise towels this will be the focal piece and bring life to your new décor. Creative Gelli Bliss Dear...

    1. Thanks Sherry. Instead of the gelli plate, I used a brush and an old credit card to smoosh things around on the canvas, but I did use my gelli paints. It's fun making my own painting for the new bathroom. I wonder what I'll do for the upstairs bathroom once it's remodeled? lol


  5. Suztats,
    Your talent never stops amazing how you have a mouse surfing the waves! Cool beans!! I told you that I love & do watch your creations all the time. Thanks for sharing with us all.

    1. As always, BSOTF, you see things in my work that I don't. Isn't it wonderful how art is different for each one who views it? We all see differently. That is fascinating. Thanks.


  6. It'll be the perfect pop of colour in your bathroom.

    1. It might at that, Jane! It will certainly be one-of-a-kind, too. Hmmm, unless I paint another one to go with it........I wonder if there'll be any room for more? Ha, you may have started something........... Thanks.


  7. This is so amazing Susan! I love hearing all about how it came to be, the seeing, the what-if and everything that came after - you have created something fabulous!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing this, Jillayne. I like how the circles created with the moulding paste allude to bubbles, seen in the shape beneath the paint, but not painted directly to be bubbles. My intent when I began was to hopefully create a painting that said bubbles, waves, turbulence and frothy foam without actually painting any of these elements, so I am happy with the result. And it was fun! Thanks.


  8. It is a wonderful art piece for your bathroom, dear Suz- so wonderfully textured and making me feel as if I`m looking at "my" Baltic sea ,outside my window, when it is at its wildest - wavy and with white sea-spray !!
    Dorthe, xoxo

    1. Thank you, Dorthe. It's a bit different than my usual paintings, but I rather like its bold nature. I'm so glad it reminds you of your Baltic sea on a wild day.


  9. Yes! I love it - all frothy and foamy and splashy! It's perfect and I can so easily see that you had fun and were happy making it. It always shows up, you know? :))))

    1. I'm so glad you love it, Starr! It was quick and a lot of fun to make, too--no creative angst, no deep thought, just squirt, smoosh, splash and it was done. It's funny how sometimes things just come together almost effortlessly, and other times it's a struggle, isn't it? Thanks.


  10. Love, love, LOVE the beautiful painting. It truly has an ocean wave inspiration-- your colors are awesome. Sometimes when you create randomly ... It ends up being such a sweet surprise!!

    1. Thanks Vicki! I was really pleased with how this painting turned out, and now I'm considering doing one for the upstairs bathroom renovation, which will begin as soon as the downstairs one is finished. Sometimes playing with paint has a good outcome.


  11. Fantastic play with beautiful colors Suz, really creatively made, love it.

    1. Thank you Anni! It was fun to play with my paints, and I think I'll have to do it again, very soon.


  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, Dianne. It's a bit bolder and more abstract than I usually paint, but it was a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to doing some more--maybe a couple for the downstairs bathroom--at least 1 for the upstairs bathroom that's being updated now.


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