Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April Wanes

As April draws to an end, we're finally getting some nice spring weather, so I've been spending some time out in the gardens.
We had a Guild Workshop to make bowls for our fall window display. I finished three during the day, and have some more in progress.
 This was a gorgeous scarf that was accidently put through the washing machine and dryer, so the knitting became matted. I cut out a piece, shaped it, and gathered the top edge, then added some beads for a bit of bling.

This looks more like a nest. It began with three long, narrow, knitted strips which were tightly braided together, then wound and sewn into a bowl shape. The ends look like tails, so I beaded the longest one and wound it around the shorter ones.

Four chords braided, wound and stitched into a wee Christmas bowl.

On the Wedding Piece, there's been a bit of progress.
Remember this?  I thought the large curlicue in the middle looked too much like the name Lee. Since Lee had no place in this wedding, and looked too heavy beside the delicate roses, it had to go.
I added more leaves, branches and roses. I think it fits much better, don't you?

There's still a bit more stitching to do. I'm hoping it'll be finished by next week!
I hope your week has been a creative one.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your little bowls are sew pretty. Such a great way to use bits and pieces of otherwise articles. Working outdoors is perfect for this Springtime...however I am avoiding it due to our extra high POLLEN and how I am highly allergic to it! I do see how "Lee" wasn't looking quite right however now it is stunning with your additions. Creative Bliss Dear...

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I hope the pollen counts drop significantly so you can get outdoors and enjoy some lovely spring weather. It's finally arrived here, and we have a high today of 9C. I've planted some seeds, but there's lots more work needed in the gardens.


  2. the wedding piece is so very beautiful and the bowls are so creative. here is weather has taken a turn for the worse, we had a lovely april but it is leaving us cold and wet once again!

    1. Margaret, our spring weather has been settling in for the past week, and we're expecting a high of 9C today. There's lots of planting to do in the veg gardens, not to mention piles of work for the flower beds. I'll be outside once it warms up a bit. Thank you.


  3. I think of your bowls every time I snip a thread. Yes, I have a collection going, and I do plan on making a bowl in the near future. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks Diane. I'll bet your bowl(s) will be very colourful! I'm looking forward to seeing them.


  4. I"m always happy when there are little glimpses of your wedding piece and the bowls were a bright spot of colour to greet my day. Thank you!

    1. Thanks MA! I'm hoping to be finished the wedding piece soon. It will be a bit sad seeing it go, but then there'll be some new projects to do. The bowls are fun to make.


  5. I love the bowls you created...nice save of the washed scarf. The "nest" one is really cute! As I was scrolling through the photos the Wedding Piece popped up...it took my breath away! Each bit of stitching is adding so much interest.

    1. Thanks Deb! The wedding piece is almost finished. I sure hope to present it to the couple before their 1st anniversary! It took a lot longer than I thought, but I'm so pleased with the outcome. The bowls are good fun. That ruined scarf has been the base for ATC's and fabric postcards, too. I still have more left.......it was a long scarf.....lol.


  6. I agree with Diane, I think of your bowls when I snip threads or throw them away! The 'lee' was a bit prominent. I don't know how you're going to know when to stop, but I look forward to finding out.

    1. oh, don't throw away those threads, Jane-- make bowls! ..lol...
      I'm hoping the wedding piece will tell me when it's finished........either that, or when I run out of room.......hahahah. Actually, once I complete a few more leaves and curlicues, roses, stems and bullions, I'll examine it to see if it has a balanced look. I hope it will. I don't want it to look too crowded, but a general feeling of grape vines and rose bushes meandering around the center is the look I'm going for.


  7. Your bowls are fascinating for me - I simply love them. I must ask you again how you make them with bits of yarn, threads etc.

    1. Thank you Anneliese! The bowls are made in a variety of ways:
      ORTS Bowl: arrange your thread and/or fabric bits on a water soluble stabilizer (like solvy) and place a layer on top. Iron following the manufacturer's directions. Then hand or machine stitch your bowl. Dissolve the solvy and lay your wet fabric bowl over a wrapped bowl for shaping while it dries. Or, you can leave the solvy undissolved.
      Organza Bowl: Thread and fabric scraps are arranged between two layers of organza, using an iron-on stabilizer (like sol-u-web) to hold all the bits in place. Machine and/or hand stitch your bowl, shaping as you go. You may wish to use a water soluble stabilizer, and shape your bowl as above.
      Scarf Bowl: A matter scarf was used to create the large bowl. I added a fabric stiffener to the base, and shaped it over another bowl. When dry, I gathered the top of the bowl to shape it, and added decorations.
      Scarf Bowl 2: I had knitted three long, thin boas, braided them together tightly, and sewed the braids together as I shaped the bowl.
      I hope you have fun making some bowls.


  8. Loving your wedding piece and the 'adjustment ' was perfect, Suz. The little bowls are cute too. My fave is the Christmas one.

    1. The Christmas bowl has lots of nice sparkle, doesn't it Dianne? Gotta love a little bling, I say. I'm glad you like it. The wedding piece is almost finished! Yay! Thanks.


  9. So pretty! I especially like the little nesty one :) I live in the garden now...only coming inside to cook and clean a little bit.

    1. Thanks Starr! The nest bowl is very soft and fluffy. I'll be heading out to the garden shortly, as soon as it warms up a little.


  10. It is amazing to see how you create bowls from all kinds of materials, dear Suz, how fun and wonderful, and the embroidered piece is so STUNNING !!
    Hugs from Dorthe

    1. Thank you so much, Dorthe! Necessity is the mother of invention, right? Plus I have all kinds of things on hand in my stash so I have to start using them up. There's only so much storage in a small house. Have a nice weekend.


  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, Angela. I get so many wonderful ideas from other people online, and I love to experiment. It's a happy day when things turn out.


  12. Very nifty looking bowls and the wedding piece is looking fantastic!!!

    1. Thanks JPP. I'm still having fun with both projects. Have a great weekend.


  13. Great bowls sue, and interesting reading how to make them. I agree with the change to the wedding piece it is better and lovely now......almost there it wont be long.

    1. Shirley, I had hoped to finish the wedding piece this weekend, but I've not gotten as much done as I thought I would. Maybe I need another day or two...... We'll see. The bowls are great fun for using up bits of this and that. Thanks.


  14. Interesting bowls Suz, so creatively made, your embrodery on the wedding piece is wonderful.

  15. Thanks Anni. I get so many ideas from other people online, and it's fun to play making these bowls. The wedding piece is almost finished! Yay!



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