Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May Middle

We've had some blustery weather, so I grabbed the camera to capture some photos of the gardens before the wind and rain destroyed all the flowers.
 crabapple? tree

creeping phlox

trilliums under the maple trees

miniature iris


the last of the magnolia flowers

the lilac is just beginning to open

 I found this robin's egg after the storm, lying intact in the grass. I searched for the nest, so I could return the egg to its home, but, sadly, could not find it.

I'm not usually into sewing clothes for myself, but when I couldn't find satin pj's anywhere, I decided to make my own. I like the satin because it allows movement in the bedding. In summer we have cotton sheets, but other times of the year we use flannelette or jersey sheets. Have you ever tried to roll over wearing flannelette pj's on flannelette sheets? The sheets move with you, and the blankets, too. DH doesn't like losing his bedding every time I roll over........  ;-)
So, satin slides and the sheets stay in place. Well, unless I grab them and hold on when I roll over............but that never happens...........umm, right?
Luckily, stretch satin was on sale at my local fabric store. yay! Not being an accomplished seamstress, I spent the whole weekend and Monday sewing and frogging my new pj's. The top is done, and the bottoms just need the elastic and hems. 

Such soft and subdued colours............DH is afraid they may keep him awake at neckline, cuffs and hem are trimmed in pink to match the pink of the material, so, of course, the pj bottoms had to be pink, too, right? 
They only had fuschia........bright, shiny, fuschia................... I shall be colourfully comfortable.

I hope you've had a colourful and creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Too funny about your pjs however your new satin ones are fabulous! Lovely blossoms to enjoy.

    1. Thanks Sherry! I have to report that I wore the new, satin pj's to bed last night and DH was able to fall asleep! The loudness of my attire didn't keep him awake at


  2. Love the flower photos and wow, love those pj's

    1. Thanks, Penny! I'm sure not a wallflower in those colours, am I? lol


  3. Pretty pjs! I've never tried satin pjs. I've been afraid I'd get too hot. I might have to give them a try, though. I kind of like the idea of the sheets staying in place. ;-)

    1. Thanks Diane. I'm usually cold, and I've been wearing a sleeveless T under those pj's, but then it's still cool in the evenings here. But then I wear pj's and socks to bed all year round.........I'm weird like that..... ;-)


  4. Love the colors- of the flowers and the pjs..Would love to see you walking around in those colors :) .
    Sad about the egg,though :(

    1. Yes, it's a shame about the egg. I was surprised to find it intact in the middle of the lawn with no nest in sight. One of those strange things, I guess. I think you might need sunglasses if you saw me in my pj'


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Jane, me too! I also bought material in greens--an evergreen for the bottoms and the top is a green poppy print on a yellow/green background. I just have to get pinning and cutting and sewing...........


  6. love the color of the sad that you couldn't find the nest.

    1. It's a pretty blue, isn't it? No nest in sight, and I expect the little egg got frozen last night, poor wee thing.


  7. Gorgeous satin fabric, Your garden must look really colourful, pity about the egg, even if you had put it back it might not have hatched. Pretty blue.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I've been enjoying my bright and colourful sleeping attire. My garden is just waking up from winter's long sleep, so there are only a few spots of colour, so far. But they are enjoyed.......


  8. I am ;ate reading this, but I love the story of the pj's. I have just spent the morning looking for satin pj's here with no success, and I can no longer sew them so shall have to make do with what I have!
    Your garden photos are lovely, what a sham you could not find the robin's nest. Cheers

  9. Thank you, Robin. Maybe you have a friend who could sew some satin pj's for you? I haven't seen any around for several years, unless they're in the Christmas catalogues. My old ones are at least 10 years old, and getting worn and sad, so it was time to do something about them. Maybe satin pj's will come back in style. I do hope you can find some.



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