Tuesday, July 12, 2016

In The Heat

It's been a little hot lately so I've been playing a bit with some painted papers, adding borders, shading, and defining edges to create cards. I even fussy-cut a sunflower!

The garden is still blooming:

hmmmm, some support is needed

I did make a tiny bit of progress on the wrapping cloth, and PPP #4, and I did a bit of tatting, too.

A bit of lace trim on the left, and the beginnings of a vine is all I accomplished on this piece.

I trimmed the flowers with gimp, and I've begun edging with buttonhole stitch. Next I'll begin adding the pieces together.

More Mary Konior's designs.

( Onionskins- top)

( Skipping Ropes)

MK's  Merry Wives
 Mary's Butterfly  (Maria Pop)

I made some changes on this one, but it doesn't look much like a butterfly, does it?
Neither does this one!  lol!
But I hope my sweet little granddaughter will like them anyway.
I hope you've had a fun and creative week.
Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. All the tatted pieces are beautiful. Love the center piece of the CQ block..looks like shibori piece

    1. Thanks Anita! The center piece is just a cotton fabric, but it does look like shibori ribbon. I love the colours.


  2. cards look good and the garden is so full of colour but it is the tatting that has caught my eye, popped over to amazon but wow the book is so very expensive quoted as high as £1000 and the least about £50 so it will nt be in m shopping basket but will keep my eye open, it is just needle or shuttle too?

    1. Thanks Margaret! Yes, MK's books are rather pricey as they're out of production. I lucked out being able to buy one of her books many years ago. Check the second-hand shops and some of the tatting sites. You might get lucky, too. She wrote for shuttle tatting, but most, if not all (so I've been told by someone who tats both ways) tatting patterns can be tatted with either shuttle or needle.


  3. Love those cards Suz. Love your pretty garden.We have very few flowers at the moment, but the bushes that are flowering are much appreciated. Love that gorgeously coloured block too.

    1. We don't have many bushes that flower in the autumn, but they would certainly be a nice pop of colour during the grey days of late fall. We still haven't had much rain, and the grass and fields are brown. More water restrictions have been requested by the city, so my garden might not last very long..... :-( ..... c'mon rain! We need about 3 or 4 days of steady rainfall. Fingers crossed. Thanks.


  4. Your garden looks full of colours, gorgeous paintings and tatting

    1. Thanks Margaret. I hope the weather is playing nice and you are feeling well.


  5. Your flowers are stunning - obviously they are not minding the heat too much. Beautiful tatting too!

    1. Thanks MA! Actually, they have been affected by the heat and lack of rain-- you should see my water bill! *:-O surprise (shudder!)*:-$ don't tell anyone shh!*:(( crying


  6. the first image of the papers is beautiful...so much to see, to drool over. And did I see the wrapping cloth??? Yay!!!

    1. Thanks Karen! The cards are fun to do. I'm now putting pieces of the wrapping cloth together! It may actually become a cloth.



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