Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August Begins

Happy August! I hope this month brings us more rain and cooler temperatures. Sorry I missed last week's posting, but I was having technical difficulties with our internet and had to wait a day for the technician to arrive.
On those too-hot-to-garden days, I hid indoors and played with thread and paint.

These are repeats of former paintings that I'm doing for practice. Some of the originals were done in a rush on location, so this time I'm considering and painting slowly, trying to improve on the result.

I liked the bold yellow in this exercise, but felt that perhaps the painting could be a little softer.......that might allow for a gentler foreground.

So then I began another in softer tones. I stopped at this point to let the paint dry. I may continue just to see the difference a softer beginning can bring to the final result.

Then I began this rendition of an old painting.  Sorry I forgot to take more photos, but I was in painting mode.....

This one turned out much nicer, brighter, and fresher than the original, so I'm quite pleased with it.

I might punch up the foreground flowers a little with some added definition. Maybe.

I've been spending most of my stitching time on the wrapping cloth, adding a buttonhole stitch edging to each piece, then joining the pieces together, also with buttonhole stitch.

the right side

another piece to add

the left side


draped over the loveseat

there are edged pieces awaiting their placement

the free-form tat is getting another addition, but this is how it looked before I added another row, more beads and picot rings

How the tat looks now. Sorry it's a bit blurry. I think once the beaded picot rings are finished,  the motif will be complete. But, you never know. I may change my mind. lol

That's all the stitching so far. I'm working on another fabric card which I'll show when it's all done and mailed away. Here's how my desk looks:
The fabric card is for my sister, and she loves blue!

In the garden, there is a lovely crop of beans. I picked a few for supper.


Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Wow you do lots and everything looks so nice. I paint to but haven't in 3 years I mean an actual pictures. Watercolor is my favorite yours is beautiful. The white quilt top is beautiful will you be quilting this or am I confused? I love the blues for next project too.

    1. Thanks Mad! Watercolour is my fave, too, but I often don't do it justice. Repainting old exercises and on-site work may help me to be a more considered painter. At least, I hope it will. ;-) The white piece is a wrapping cloth, sewn together in sections after the sections have been embellished. Because of the embroidery and embellishments (beads, lace, ribbons, do-dads, stones, jewelry, etc) that are on each piece, it will not be quilted once all the pieces are joined together. It will, however, be backed with material, and secured in places so that the backing fabric doesn't shift. Ah, those blues..........


  2. I am not looking forward to summer,enjoying our cold and wet (and mud!) You have plenty to keep you occupied.

    1. I know I couldn't handle your hot summers, Penny. I'd have to hide inside from spring to autumn. But, I'd have lots to keep me busy, for sure. Thanks.


  3. Does the paint dry paler than it looks wet? Happy August, I look forward to seeing your progress on these projects, they're so interesting.

    1. Yes, Jane, watercolours dry lighter and acrylics tend to dry darker. The good thing about watercolours is that you can go over a previous wash to darken things if it dries lighter than you need. It can be a challenge getting the proper richness in a wash the first time. That's just one of the characteristics of w/c that makes it exciting. Thanks.


  4. There is so much loveliness in this post! I love your painting, especially in the softer colors. Your wrapping cloth is an inspiration, as is your free form tatting. You know I LOVE the blues you've put together for your sister's card. I hope you enjoyed your fresh green beans. We've had a bumper crop this year, and they've been delicious!

    1. Thank you, Diane! I figured you be drooling over those blue fabrics, and laces, and threads, and beads, and.......lol. We've been enjoying those beans too. Quite yummy. I miss my large vegetable garden, as I only have a few veggies growing this year. Next year I hope it will be better. The wrapping cloth is growing..........have you started gathering for yours yet?


  5. it's such a pleasure to see your beautiful wrapping cloth grow Susan....I am sighing here....

    1. Thank you so much, Karen. A part of me is excited that it's coming together: a part of me is sad that the wrapping cloth pieces embellishment has come to an end, at least for this wrapping cloth. Maybe I'll have to start another one? */:) raised eyebrows*:-? thinking*:) happy


  6. I love your painting and the way you build up your pictures, I look forward to seeing them when finished.
    Your wrapping cloth is growing, gosh the work you put into one piece.
    I hope you enjoyed the beans, it's so nice to grow something and then enjoy the fruits of your labour.
    Hope you get the rain, can I send you some, we had more rain in the last two days than we did in the whole of July

    1. Yes please, Margaret, do send me some rain! We are in drought conditions here, the gardens are cracked and bone dry even though I've been watering regularly (oy! my water bill!) The beans were yummy, and more are ready to be picked. Yes, there's been a lot of work put into each wrapping cloth piece. It's been just over 3 years since I started it. Thanks.


  7. I always admire your paintings. If I could paint I would love to be able to do old decrepit barns and I also have a dream to try to re-create some of them in fabric. So far that's all it is - a dream. Your wrapping cloth is looking amazing and it's almost making me want to start another one.

    1. Thanks MA! You could always come over and paint with me! We don't live that far away from one another.........just saying.......we could have have fun painting old decrepit barns...... It's fun to see my wrapping cloth take shape. How large is yours?


  8. So much creativity,Suz..It's a joy to see your paintings and the colors you use.Have you tried crayon tinting with embroidery? You should do that - your painting + your embroidery = awesome!!!

    1. Thanks Deepa! I've been working on a silk panel piece. I painted the silk background with fabric paints, so I imagine that would be similar to using the crayon tinting, but perhaps not as subtle. That way I don't have the worry of removing the wax. It's an interesting idea.


  9. I am always intrigued with your paintings. Having never been successful with watercolors or any painting I am loving yours. Your tatting is truly fun and lovely. BLUEtiful treasures on your desk. I look forward to seeing your fabric card you are creating. Happy Birthday August Twin!!!

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I'm a firm believer that anyone can learn to paint. Mind you, no one starts out with a masterpiece: it takes years to hone one's skill, as it does in any art. I've still got lots to learn, but I have fun playing. ;-) The fabric card is taking longer than I anticipated, but I'll show photos soon.


  10. Hello Susan I'm really enjoying your thread and paint work - so pretty and soft. Your wrapping cloth is looking amazing and growing steadily! I can see how much you are enjoying your creative time!

    1. Thank you, Suzy! I do have fun playing in my studio. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit.



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