Tuesday, August 23, 2016


This is the view at the front of my house.

The black-eyed susan vine has gone crazy, almost taking over the planter. I've added branches so it can grow upwards, and it looks as though just a wee bit more will have it tangling with the tree branches above!
Obviously, it likes this spot.

I've been doing some painting exercises in watercolour. Here, I'm using only three colours to create the lily painting.

Although there are certain things I like about this exercise, I am still too heavy-handed with the paint, and want a more spontaneous look.

So I began this painting of roses without a sketch, and again using only three colours. I like how they work together.

I'm enjoying painting this.

 Overall, I like the result, and plan to play some more in this manner, without sketching, and using a limited palette.

New thread supplies arrived. Yummy!

a tat and swarovski crystals added to PPP #5
TAST stitch # 51- buttonholed herringbone, another tat, cast-on loops in white, and bullions

this lace piece is adorned with sequins

PPP #5 is almost finished.

I hope your week has been a fun and creative one.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Your rose painting is really gorgeous. Definitely do more that way!

    1. Thanks Janet, I will! It's been fun playing with my paints.


  2. Love your roses they came out great. Your PPP project is great love the stitching.

    1. Thanks so much, Shirlee! I do love the purples, I confess. Hugs

  3. Do like your rose painting, it looks very fresh.

    1. I started painting with oils many years ago, so I tend to have a heavy hand with watercolours. But painting this way helps me to loosen up, so I'll keep trying, Penny. Thanks.


  4. Even a non-painter like me can see the second painting has a different feel, I like it, though I like the more detailed lily too. Splendid thread, those will keep you busy for a while!

    1. Hi Jane! I like the lily as well, but it has a more botanical feel to me. The roses are a little looser with the paints flowing and intermingling together and making new colours. I like this look. Thanks.


  5. oh those threads!!! Envious here !

    1. They're part of my birthday present, Karen. More to arrive. Thanks.


  6. I really hope you do more paintings like that - I especially love the roses. They look like the beautiful (and highly scented) single roses we used to have in our garden. I miss them!! Oh yes - and thread envy here too.

    1. That's exactly right, MA! I was using a photo of single roses from my lake house garden for reference. I do plan more paintings like the rose one. Thanks.


  7. As usual I am playing catchup. Your garden is looking beautiful, your paintings are very pretty and as ever your stitching is superb. Cheers

  8. As usual I am playing catchup. Your garden is looking beautiful, your paintings are very pretty and as ever your stitching is superb. Cheers

    1. Thank you, Robin. I hope you're having pleasant spring weather.


  9. Your garden is looking really colourful,
    Beautiful stitching
    Great paintings I look forward to seeing more

    1. Thanks Margaret! We had a bit of rain so the gardens looked better. I hope we get more rain soon. Painting in this way is challenging, but I really like the fresh look. I'll be doing some more, I'm sure.


  10. Great Black Eyed Susan. I so love your watercolor paintings. It truly amazes me how you can use so little color variety and achieve such beautiful paintings. CQ is my newest challenge and your work is stunning. I see my simple Needle Tatting will help to embellish my CQ. Beautiful work dear. Happy Birthday to You...

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry. I had a nice birthday, and hope you did, too. The painting of the roses was a lot of fun to do, and I hope to paint many more using a limited palette. I've been CQing for a few years now and really enjoy it. So many different addictions rolled into one: embroidery, laces and lace making, fabric dyeing, jewelry and beading, sewing, tatting, and even knitting have been added to my CQ's. Once I learn crocheting, I'm sure that will be added to the mix, too. I'm sure your tats will find happy homes on your CQ's.


  11. Those threads!! Yum!! Just observed that all the photographs except the "susan" belong to the same color range.Pinks and purples!! I don't recollect having seen reds,oranges & yellows at suztats. Don't you like them,Suz?

  12. Ah, yes, love those threads. You'll see those colours in my paintings, and reds in my wild fabric for my wrapping cloth, too. There are all colours in my crewel piece, and in the silk panel. Right now, though, I'm working on several purple projects, and just finished two blue fabric cards, and 1 purple fabric card. Hence the thread colours to replace those I've used. If you look carefully at the far left thread grouping, you'll see these are red/orange/yellow and green colours. They're in there. :-) Hugs

  13. Haven't been reading anyone's blogs for far too long so it's a delight to visit yours again Suz. Lovely paintings especially the rose and what a wonderful batch of new threads. I recently received some new threads from Lorraine as well.

    1. Thanks JPP! Aren't Lorraine's threads beautiful? I love using them in my projects.



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