Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another ATC

Just a pic of an ATC I sent to a special lady as a thank you. The flowers are tatted with the fancy picot stitch. I think it makes wonderful petals, and you can create layers upon layers for a full bloom effect. Hmmmm, I'm wondering if I gradually decreased the size of the picot, and continued round in multi layers, if I could create a 3-D flower. I'm off to test tat!

Thanks for visiting. Hugs from Suz.


  1. I think your friend will be very pleased to get those flowers. Now you are looking for 3 d flowers.. you will make some really neat ones. Can't wait to see them.

  2. That's gorgeous! *Hides jealousy* I hope that your little experiment works! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    I do, though, have a question: How did you attach the tatting to the background? Is it sewn on? Yes, that's right, my newbie-tatting brain is feeling very inspired by your li'l work o' art! :-)

    -Stephanie Grace

  3. Thanks bsotf and Stephanie, I appreciate your comments! I have been working on a 3-d blossom, but not sure if I like it. I'll post it next time if the pics turn out.
    Yes, Stephanie the tatting is sewn onto the background. Here's how I do it: after completing my tat design, I leave long threads attached, rather than finishing them. I switch to a sewing needle, and take each thread through to the back of the ATC, anchoring the tat. I then sew the tat on using the tat thread, which means that usually the thread is not noticeable, if I'm careful. This allows me to 'cheat' (;0) the finishing, and attach without my sewing showing up. ( I hope!)Then, once the backing is sewn to the ATC, all my stitches are hidden.
    It would be so kewl if my work has inspired you to try something different! To me, that's what it's all about blogging my stuff to share, and to learn. I think it makes us all better artists, and opens up new possibilities!

  4. Beautiful!!!!! I admire your chain technique, have no idea how to make it, any suggestions?
    Lovely work!

  5. Hi agasunset! Thank you for visiting, and for your wonderful comments! Here's how I did the chain: it's a node stitch
    if d= 1st half ds
    if s= 2nd half ds
    CH= (2d,2s)x where x =number required to reach length desired
    at least that's how I write it, sort of like math, that's just how I 'see' it.
    I'm sure there are much better ways to write it, and it's probably better explained through Georgia Seitz's Online Tatting Class, which is where I learned about this stitch. Hope this helps. Hugs from Suz


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