Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's a Heat Wave!!

Sweltering in the heat for the fourth day in a row! Yesterday's high was a humid 32C! Since we have no air conditioning, we are at the mercy of Mother Nature. What better way to cool off than to tat a snowflake?
This little snowflake was tatted with a found Coats crochet thread in size 40. It measures 1.5 inches in diameter.
I think I do need to perfect my tension as some of the 'arms' look a bit fatter than the rest.

As for the 3-d blossom, well, let's just say that my test tat looked more like a poodle pom-pom gone mad. I haven't totally given up on the idea, but it certainly needs more thought.
I am making headway with the little octopus, and should have it completed for next time, along with the pattern for anyone who may be interested. Until then, keep cool! I think I'll head to the lake.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your snowflake looks great as it is from what I can see. I hope you are able to keep cool & not melt in the heat. I can't wait to see your octopus! I kept looking but I didn't find one. I'm sorry, I found other things but that. I'll stop by again soon.

  2. Oh, Yah! It is HOT! I have no air anywhere - car, apartment or work! Not a great way to go down a jeans size!

    Ontario needs some rain!

    Frazzled Fox : 0

  3. Very sweet! I don't think I've seen a tatted snowflake before and I really like it!

  4. bsotf, thanks for the comments and the vote of confidence. octopus next post for sure. It's a very simple pattern.
    fox, I hope we get some rain soon. I remember the heat being much worse in concrete TO, even with the trees, so I hope you are not sweltering.
    Hey, jillayne, glad you like my l'il snowflake. Actually, there are many, many snowflake patterns around, most a lot more intricate than mine. It seems to be a favoured motif of many tatters.
    Thank you all for visiting. Hugs from Suz

  5. Thanks god's kid! glad you liked it, and thanks for visiting.

  6. susan snow flakes is very cute..I want to do tatting some day..just postponing..

  7. thanks, Lakshmi, it was so fun to tat.


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