Monday, July 19, 2010

First 5zie Square Completed

I'm in a swap with a group of talented artists, and we're creating 5, 5" squares on a Winter or Christmas Theme. It's being hosted by Jillayne of "A Fine Seam".  Check out her blog :

I've finished my first square!

It's a little bit shabby,
I hope a bit chic,
A little bit Christmas
and a little bit pink.

There's a wee touch of ribbon,
A small dab of bling,
I do hope that you'll think
This is "Just the Thing!"

So, pull on the ribbon
And undo the bow,
There's two doors to open.
What will it show?

A little Surprise
You can hang on your tree.
An original snowflake
For you, from me!

I'm excited to see all the other entries!
Here's hoping your day holds wonderful surprises!
Thanks for visiting
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suz,
    Your entery looks perfect for the holiday season. Your surprise inside adds a special touch too. Good luck with this!

  2. Thanks Bsotf! It's proving to be a whole lot of fun!

  3. Love it! You did a great job and I can't wait to see what you come up with for teh next one!

  4. Thanks, Jillayne. I am enjoying the whole process. What fun!

  5. This is a fabulous gift within a gift. Beautiful job. Happy creating...

  6. It is beautifull Suztats, love your doors to open up, with the sweet gift inside,
    xo Dorthe.
    I have almost finished my pieces, and will soon blog them.

  7. Thank you Dorthe! It sure is fun playing, and I can't wait to see your pieces!

  8. Oh my how lovely. What a great idea you came up with to include a surprise inside. Well done!!


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