Sunday, July 18, 2010

Found Bargain

I was in one of the second-hand shops in town, searching for some tatting thread, when I came across the following bargains.
This is a cross-stitch kit of 4 placemats, with directions, and lots of floss, a package of sewing needles in a variety of sizes, plus a package of beading needles. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the price on the kit........$1.00 !! Wow!!  I grabbed it fast. Even if I decide not to make the placemats, the floss and needles were worth the price many times over! Then I searched for more bargains.

I discovered this lovely lace at the bottom of a box. The price tag read ..... 50 cents!  I snatched it up and continued my hunt, finding the small gold heart pin for the same small price.  It's just perfect for a CQ I'm planning.  Making my way up to the cash, and digging out my 2 dollars and marvelling at my good fortune, I noticed a sign sitting on the counter.

It read:  ......... Half Price Sale............ 
Was I lucky, or what?  All those goodies for 1 dollar!! Wow!!
I shall certainly be returning to search for more bargains.
Have you found any marvellous bargains at your local second hand shop??

Hope you find treasures wherever you may be searching.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Lucky you :). Congratulations!
    Isa from south of Scandinavia..

  2. I LOVE it when that happens. Makes the deal all the sweeter!

  3. Too true! Luck was with me that day.
    Thanks for visiting and posting.

  4. What a find you have done really well! And to top it off you even had a bargain!

  5. Goodies!!! You did good!!

  6. Well! I can see you had a lot of fun! Nice finds!
    Fox : )

  7. Glad to know that I'm not alone at checking out second hand stores & finding goodies. I'm thrilled to hear about your finds. Can't wait to see what you do with them.


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